
An Author's Spirit

Featuring a world of different dimensions. The Writers Dimension remain the land of Authors, Poets, Script Writers and more. Jeffrey is a 13-year-old author who loves to read good books. One day with the git from a stranger he gains the ability to enter the novel he reads. Follow the adventure of the young MC as he becomes a bookkeeper and amasse enough experience to write his own book that will shock the different Dimensions.

Twin_Lantern · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Last Humans (2)

"We have to run!!" Philip almost screamed.

"Is all this necessary, we can just go back you know" Jeffery replied with his arms folded.

"Don't ruin this for me" Philip said with a serious expression, he had a chance to be featured in a book with multiple MCs so who's to say he couldn't be one of them?

Jeffery shrugged and they both started running.

"What do you know about the first disaster?" Jeffrey asked.

"The first God controls air do we must find like a place underground to hide"

"We have less than a minute and you want to find an underground palace?"

Philip rolled his eyes and then ran into a house where the door was opened. "Guess the owner left this place for us..." in a flash he locked all the doors and windows.

"Not everyone died in the first disaster so, we might survive as well" Philip stated with seriousness.

If Jeffrey hadn't known him for a long time he would think he was accustomed to this kind of thing...or maybe he was since there were all kinds of things in the Viewers Dimension.

While he was thinking, his mind wandered and he felt like he forgot something. After looking around for a while, he frowned. "Where is Zakhir?"

* * *

Few moments ago while Jeffrey and Philip were watching the prologue, Zakhir appeared by the roadside in a strangely civilized environment while he searched around for the duo he bumped into someone he didn't even expect to be in this world.

"You..." they both uttered in surprise.

"How come you're here?" Xakhir asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Aren't you Jeffrey's friend...how come you're also here?" the person tilted her head in confusion.

"Also?" Zakhir was confused. What did she mean also?

"I was in my room but then I blacked out on the bed and then I appeared here just now..."

'This can happen? what did that boy do?'

"What is this place? it feels familiar but I'm sure I've never been here before" she muttered to herself.

Zakhit was at loss for what to do, he wanted to ditch her but decided against it...the only option was to find Jeffrey first.

He was about to inform the latter of his decision but then it became a bit windy. He looked up and saw the clouds moving together to form something in the sky. 'YOUR DOOM HAS COME' after reading it he scoffed.

The person standing beside him though had a completely different reaction. "How is this possible?" she muttered in shock, she was confused and disturbed.

But no matter what the case was, they had to run first...then she would gradually try to understand what was going on.

"We should find somewhere to hide" she urged.

"You can hide...I have to go find Jeffrey" Zakhir said and started walking against the direction of the wind.

The girl stood rooted to the ground. "Jeffrey is also here, how come?"

'Will he be in danger?' she shook her head and turned to Zakhir who had already walked quite a distance. "Please wait, I want to come along with you"

Zakhir shrugged and let her follow but then a voice came from nowhere in particular.

"You have two minutes to grab hold of something since judgment shall soon befall you"

The girl was again shocked and her thoughts made her frown. She grabbed hold of Zakhir's hand and wanted to run but the latter refused to budge.

"What are you doing?" Zakhir asked angrily...he still considered her a slightly familiar stranger so he did not appreciate being touched by her.

"I may be wrong but there's also a chance that I am correct about what's going on so we have to find shelter as soon as possible...an underground shelter would probably be best right now"

"You don't have to worry about that, we just have to find Jeffrey and get things back on track"

The girl frowned, she felt that this person was unreasonable even though he had a good-looking face. "There is going to be a disaster, don't you understand? we will be caught in the wind if we don't find somewhere to hide"

"Since Jeffrey might as well deal with the consequence of you being here, there shouldn't be any complaint if he has to deal with more" Zakhir shrugged and threw the confused girl into the air before transforming into his true form.


The girl felt her heart sink, even though he was annoyed, she never expected him to outright kill her. She closed her eyes and waited for the inevitable but after feeling herself fall on a hard surface, she felt that it was different from what she was expecting and opened her eyes.

When she saw she was sitting on the back of a huge creature that seemed to be a dragon, her consciousness fell unconscious.

How? I do not know.

* * *

Meanwhile, Philip was also surprised and scratched the back of his head. "Yeah, how come he isn't here with us, did he get lost?"

"Seriously? that is what you could come up with?" Jeffrey asked in disbelief.

Philip shrugged but soon frowned. The air in the room had become stale and his instinct screamed for him to run for his life, but before he could run, his feet left the ground and he was thrown sideways smashing into the television.


"F*ck!" he yelled in pain. The whole thing lasted not more than a few seconds and fortunately he wasn't bleeding.

"I said we should go back" Jeffrey shook his head.

Crawling from under the TV, Philip raised his hand and with a righteous look on his face despite the pain, he looked at Jeffrey and said.

"A bros' gotta make a few sacrifices to be cool so I have to endure this, otherwise how can I boast of it with a straight face?"

Jeffrey was speechless. How can a sensible human being have that kind of mentality? truly, non of his friends were normal.