
An Author's Spirit

Featuring a world of different dimensions. The Writers Dimension remain the land of Authors, Poets, Script Writers and more. Jeffrey is a 13-year-old author who loves to read good books. One day with the git from a stranger he gains the ability to enter the novel he reads. Follow the adventure of the young MC as he becomes a bookkeeper and amasse enough experience to write his own book that will shock the different Dimensions.

Twin_Lantern · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Joining Discord

The teacher led them to the principal's office and from his look, he seemed to be expecting them.

"Moon's brother is one of them I see" the principal smiled as he eyed Jeffrey.

"My name is Jeffrey sir" the last thing Jeffrey wanted was to associate himself with the name moon or sun. The less people who called him that the better.

"Jeffrey...nice name"

Jeffrey felt elated but suppressed it, not all was lost it seems.

"Okay, fill in your information on these form, you will be added on discord by the end of the day. Make sure to follow the rules so you won't get banned or muted"

The five of them nodded and filled the forms given to them and by the time they returned to class it was already lunch break.

"I simply can't wait for the day to end, oh what would your username so I can add you up later"

Jeffrey was reluctant to tell her, May was such a blabber mouth and he did not want him DM to buzz all the time.

Seeing Jeffrey hesitate, May's shoulders slumped and she wore a sad expression. "You don't wanna tell me?"

Jeffrey sucked in cold breath seeing her like that. Making her cry wasn't the problem. She would definitely tell it to her mom and then her mom would invite his mom for a cup of tea so it would for sure come back to bite him.

He sighed before he replied. "I was thinking about the name to use"

May stared at him suspiciously before biting on her bacon. "Tell me then" she asked while chewing.

Jeffrey's lips twitched at her lack of manners but he decided to keep quiet. "I'm thinking Twin-lantern or Green Spectre"

"To think you can actually come up with a good name, I'm surprised" May said before drinking water from her water bottle.

Jeffrey rolled his eyes at her words laced with sarcasm. "What name do you have in mind?"

"I only have one for myself, I didn't prepare anyone for you"

'I don't need your silly names' he thought before listening to May continue.

"My username name will be Twinkle-Fingers"

'Here we go. I await the day my luck take a turn so I can attract normal people' Jeffrey sighed inwardly but his face still held that indifferent expression.

She then kept talking about how amazing her profile picture will look and all that. Jeffrey refused to comment, not even once so as not to encourage her into speaking more but it was all for naught when Finn, Aaron and Snow suddenly came to sit with them.

'Their heads must be in space over this small achievement, can't believe they ditched their friends' he thought silently as he eyed them.

"Hey Jeff, hey May" Snow smiled sweetly as she sat down.

"Please address me as Jeffrey, we're not familiar enough for you to call me Jeff" Jeffrey did not mince his words or save her some face, his spoke with blatant disregard that the others frowned.

"Jeffrey, what are you doing?" Maybe whispered trying to salvage the situation.

Jeffrey smirked before staring at the three. "Listen closely, I'm not blind, I saw what you did. You think you're on top of the world now that you're about to join discord. Look at the eyes people look at you with, the moment you become a little bit of an author you ditch your friend. Will you ditch you ditch your family when you become verified?" he packed up his lunch and stood up before he continued.

"Let me break it to you, I choose my friends, they don't choose me" Jeffrey walked away leaving them all speechless.

Everyone had heard what he said even the ditched friends who smiled at him in gratitude.

"Sorry" May apologized before following behind Jeffrey. She started seeing him in a new light. "I didn't know you were so caring"

"I'm not, it just pains me when I see humans not making use of their brains" it's not like May was expecting a better reply but Jeffrey was really blunt with his words.

* * *

Later after getting home, Jeffrey saw the link invite from Discord and he accepted it. After deliberating for a while, he decided to go with Twin-Lantern as a username and his profile picture was a Chinese lantern in the midnight sky. He selected his email and went on to <about yourself>. He thought for a while before typing <Craving something new>.

Done with everything he found himself in a group chat, #Newbies. It wasn't the only one on the tab though, there were more.

To understand a bit more he checked out #introduction and rules. He spent almost thirty minutes checking out the dos and don'ts but what actually took his time was we're the videos and PDFs attached.

He was about to return to #Newbies when he saw a notification. Twinkle-Fingers sent him a friend request.

'Guess she wasn't kidding about the name huh?' left with no choice he added her.

[Twinkle-Fingers: What took you so long to come online?]

[Twin-Lantern: As a living breathing human I have to bathe and eat]

May ignored his indirect insult and sent a reply

[Twinkle-Fingers:Have checked out the group chats yet?]

[Twin-Lantern: I would if someone isn't disturbing me right now]

Even after a minute, May did not reply so Jeffrey went to check out #Newbies.

+50 new messages since 6:05pm

Jeffrey scrolled up to understand things a bit better, he stopped after a while when he came across May's message.

[Twinkle-Fingers: Good evening seniors, I'm new here so please guide me]

Jeffrey nearly puked. Do girls have to be so dramatic, even her DP was a bunny holding a carrot.

He scrolled down and read through the other messages.

[We-Dance: Welcome, you must be one of the little ones coming today]

[Candle-Wax: As your elders we will help you to the best of our ability]

[Shameless: Wax why are you suddenly behaving like an elder you just came here last week]

Jeffrey got bored after reading a while and then closed the app entirely. He wasn't overly excited like the others because he had seen his sister chatting there before and apart from them being authors they were human beings as well.