
An Author's Spirit

Featuring a world of different dimensions. The Writers Dimension remain the land of Authors, Poets, Script Writers and more. Jeffrey is a 13-year-old author who loves to read good books. One day with the git from a stranger he gains the ability to enter the novel he reads. Follow the adventure of the young MC as he becomes a bookkeeper and amasse enough experience to write his own book that will shock the different Dimensions.

Twin_Lantern · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Improving Little-Chibi's Novel (2)

"If you are here for Moon then you should've informed me beforehand" Jeffery said and Caroline rolled her eyes.

"Let's start"

"Aren't you gonna offer ma a glass of water or something" Caroline smiled, looking to tease Jeffery.

"Are you thirsty?" Jeffery asked with narrowed eyes, the weather was a bit cold outside and even she was wearing extra clothes so how come she needed water.

"No but can't you at least be a good host?" Caroline scoffed. To her Jeffrey's attitude was not welcoming at all.

"Are you here to drink water?" Jeffrey asked with a raised eyebrow.

Caroline's smile flipped upside down and she shot Jeffrey a cold glare. But it was all in vain because Jeffrey couldn't understand why she was glaring at him. He concluded that she was just being childish, he had been extremely sincere when he asked her if she was there to drink water but too bad his sincerity made Caroline fell even worse.

Silence persisted for a bit before Jeffrey spoke. "How did you miss the emotion by so much?"

Caroline became serious and answered truthfully. She still had no idea how a kid like Jeffrey could notice but she wasn't going to compromise a small chance of correcting just because he was a child. She would listen to him anyway only then will she decided if he was just lucky or the real deal.

When she started on the book, the inspiration kept flowing in. She wanted to write about a badass elf in the human world who was misunderstood. Due to her prior experience she trusts no one and suddenly being reincarnated in the human world destroyed her life and she felt empty, no family no enemy she couldn't find her purpose anymore.

All this was what she used to create her main character before she started piling up chapters in her draft but her laptop had gone bunkers and her drafts got deleted so she had to start all over again but she was busy at the time.

When she eventually started on the book someone asked her out and she didn't really have a valid reason to reject so she accepted it only to discover it was her childhood friend.

After they started dating she started writing the book and Nala became a different character than she originally planned and the won't part was she did not even notice. If Jefftey hadn't pointed it out she might not he notice so she still felt grateful to him.

Jeffrey filtered the information he got from her before making a decision. "It's not that bad since you've only published 19 chapters, just have to start editing, by the way, how does it end?"

"She falls in love with a mafia's son" Caroline replied

"So it's a romance novel?" Jeffrey contemplated. He did not want to interfere too much as it wasn't his book. Every author had his or her pride, it was already enough that Caroline didn't mind taking advice from a child.

"She will be a little psychotic right?"

"Well yeah, isn't that obvious"

"Then in my opinion you should minimize the romance a bit just don't let her fall too early, it will reduce the quality of the character" Jeffrey paused before he continued. "Don't just write, feel"

Caroline stared at Jeffrey for while before letting out a sigh, she wasn't stingy with her praises and Jeffrey had surprise her to say the least. Could he even be considered a teenager? he was really small and yet...now she was wishing he was her brother instead. 'Why does Moon always get the good stuff'

"Do you wanna be my editor?" Caroline offered, dead serious but Jeffrey shook his head.

"As you said, I'm just a kid so I'm limited from doing many things and this is your book, I know you will write a killer story" although Jeffrey sad with his usual sonic face, Caroline still felt touched and proceeded to ask another question.

"Do you advice Moon on her books as well?"

"Why waste my breath, she'll either think I'm just trying to annoy her and don't think too much, I only reached out to you because you're one of the few people who make an effort to write something new and I respect that a lot" Jeffrey said earnestly, making Caroline chuckle before she decided to leave.

* * *

The next day on their walk to school, May remained silent which was a bit disturbing for Jeffrey. It's not like he disliked the silence in fact he love it but May was being too weird, even for him so he decided to ask. "Everything okay?"

May harumphed and turned the other way making Jeffrey speechless. 'What is up with her'but if she wasn't going to say anything then he wasn't going to waste his breath.

After May saw that Jeffrey stopped paying attention she opened her mouth. "Little-Chibi came to your house yesterday and you didn't even tell me" she pouted.

Jeffrey halted his steps and started at the girl in disbelief. "That's what wrong?"

"Is that not enough?" Maple asked with a frown.

Jeffrey did not reply and could only say his thoughts inwardly. 'Females are such weird creature'

Like that they continued walking and like always May started blabbering.

* * *

In class Jeffrey was not pay much attention because the teacher was mostly repeating what he had already thought and the first continuous assessment was in a week so this week was just for revision until the upper week.

Jeffery's ears perked up when suddenly he heard something different.

"You must already know John Lake, a famous A-lister"

Jeffrey wasn't a fan of movies especially action movies but John Lake's movies was different he had watched all his movies. And the sum of all his movies were not up to 20 as he always went for quality over quantity.

Jeffrey's train of thought was broken when he neared the teacher continue. "His only daughter Evie Lake will be joining us tomorrow"

"What? why is she joining us, we're writers" a boy asked the question that was in everyone's mind, including Jeffrey's.

"As it stands Judith dosen't want to follow her dad's footsteps" the teacher explained.

Jeffrey immediately understood, Evie must have no interest in acting and wanted to be a writer instead but damn with her father's connection she wouldn't have had any trouble in the entertainment dimension.