
An Author's Spirit

Featuring a world of different dimensions. The Writers Dimension remain the land of Authors, Poets, Script Writers and more. Jeffrey is a 13-year-old author who loves to read good books. One day with the git from a stranger he gains the ability to enter the novel he reads. Follow the adventure of the young MC as he becomes a bookkeeper and amasse enough experience to write his own book that will shock the different Dimensions.

Twin_Lantern · Fantasy
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57 Chs


Jeffrey and Philip watched as the scene changed to a man dressing up in his room, by now the fluctuations Jeffrey noticed earlier were becoming even more apparent but since he didn't understand what it meant, he kept his attention somewhere else.

The man putting on his clothes was nonother than Diego Morgan. When he was almost done, a man dressed as a bodyguard entered the room.

"Happy Birthday sir," he said and Diego smiled.

"Stop with the formality, how many suspects did you find?" Diego said, putting on his cufflinks.

"5 and the boy is not among them" the bodyguard said.

"I figured" Diego then strengthened his collar and look at himself in the mirror one last time. "Nothing should go wrong tonight"

The bodyguard nodded and they both walked out of the room.

The scene changed back to Tory and Bianca conversing but this time, Tip was walking toward them.

"What are you two talking about?" Tip asked while clinging onto Jeffrey's arm.

"Bianca was telling me how much of a jellyfish you are" Tory said with a smirk.

Bianca glared at her while she laughed.

"Do you want to meet my dad?" Tip offered with a shy smile, goodness knows what she was thinking.

Tory breathed and hesitated a bit. "He must be busy talking to others we should probably not disturb him"

Bianca suddenly started laughing. "Just say you're scared to meet your dad's girlfriend"

"What is that supposed to mean, I am not scared" Tory said as if trying to reassure Tip.

"It'll be fine besides I already told him how nice you are to me" Tip said with a blush.

* * *

"When can this drama end, I want some real action" Philip groaned.

Zakhir continued starting since he still couldn't understand why they were watching this while Jeffrey was starting to feel a mild headache.

* * *

After a bit of persuasion, Tory then took the gift she prepared which was a book and a pen and then followed Tip to present it.

When he walked up close, Diego observed him with a single glance.

"Happy Birthday sir" Tory presented the gift with her head bowed and Diego collected it without saying much.

He then gave his daughter a knowing look and Tip smiled broadly.

Although some started whispering about how Tory could give such a gift, she ignored them and instead paid attention to the voice inside her ears.

"That's Diego alright" Hetz scoffed.

Tory then discreetly removed one of her cufflinks which turned into a bug and flew away.

Tip then dragged Tory to her room but the scene changed to Tory searching inside a study room and then changing again to her inside a lab clad in her black suit.

The scene kept changing and Philip was about to rant out when he noticed Jeffrey on the floor groaning.

"Jeff, you okay?"

Jeffrey replied with a scream and they were forcefully pulled back to their bodies except for Zakhir who was already a consciousness.

After returning to his body, Philip immediately checked out Jeffrey's condition which was not looking very good.

Jeffrey felt his head splitting applaud and he kept releasing one low groan after another.

Seeing his friend like that, Philip panicked and went calling for help.

It was just 2 am in the morning so it didn't take much effort to wake everyone up.

"This better be important or else..." Tina threatened while the others stared at him, their looks speaking the same thing.

"It's Jeffrey, he..." he did not even finish his statement when Tina dashed upstairs with Jeffrey's uncle following right behind her.

"Sun?" seeing Jeffrey twisting and turning on the floor with a face filled with pain, Tina felt her heart skip a beat.

"Sun, Sun, what is going on?" she was panicking because Jeffrey rarely fell ill, the number of times he had fallen ill till now could be counted on one hand but each time almost cost him his life.

"What happened here?" Tina asked Philip and the latter felt like he swallowed his tongue.

What was he supposed to even say, even though he was confused and he definitely couldn't speak about Jeffrey's abilities, at least not without his permission?

"I don't know, we woke up and found him groaning in pain"

"Then why did you hesitate? Can you see he's a very ad state?" Jeffrey's uncle reprimanded but Tina was too worried to even care about such small details.

"Let's take him to the hospital, quickly" Tina said with a worried face.

While they hurriedly carried Jeffrey to the car, no one noticed the subtle frown on Zakhir's face.

* * *

"I'm coming with you" Moon and Philip said at the same time.

"We can't leave the house unguarded so only Philip, I and your uncle are going, the rest of you stay home" Tina said before entering the driver's seat.

One hour later

"Doctor, what's the problem with Sun?" Tina asked.

The doctor gave her a strange look but proceeded to answer. "He is just thoroughly exhausted which is pretty dangerous, he should be fine in a couple of hours but make sure this doesn't happen a second time. I don't know what he was busy with, this time of the night but he should stop it for a while"

"But he was sleeping, right Philip?" Tina glared a Philip.

Philip replied to the question with an awkward chuckle. "Right. I mean what else could he have been doing?"

'O God, the pressure is getting to me, Jeffrey get your ass up and answer these questions yourself'

Tina squinted her eyes at him but did not press any further and Philip sighed in relief.

He started at Jeffrey who was lying peacefully and prayed for him to wake up, something told him he might not survive the next day if Jeffrey remained unconscious.

'Doesn't matter, he'd do the same for me, I think?...Oh shoot how am I gonna continue Pure assassin now?' Philip groaned inwardly.