
An Author's Retcon (Black Clover)

Which anime/manga/fantasy novel fan doesn't know the meaning of the words isekai, reincarnation or transmigration? I mean even asking it is lame. It's simple. The character dies and thanks to Fate's twisted nature, they are transported into some other world, where they either have to endure hardships or are handed things on their feet easily. It all depends on Luck which is another twisted being. But what are the chances of a mere Fanfcition Author transmigrating into his own Fanfiction, a dropped one at that.. What's more of a fun ride than waking up in the body of the main character itself? The only poor soul the authors love to torment with no feeling of guilt or remorse. ....Yeah, Fate is a cruel mistress no cap (I don't not own Black Clover or its characters, they belong to their rightful creator. All I own are my OCs and this fanfiction.)

Duke_Aaron · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


"A sword isn't powerful when it is used to harm someone. One's sword becomes the strongest when it is used to protect someone."

These words rang in his ears as he gripped the blue hilt of his sword again. Stabbing the blade on the ground, he proceeded to stand back up. From head to toe he was full of injuries, both fatal and non-fatal ones, yet he once again stood up tall with his bloody hazel eyes looking at his foe straight in the eye.

"Why?" The King of Devils was intrigued. He did not understand why does this human stood back up again and again. What drove him to such extremes? "Why do you fight this pointless battle?"

The King of Devils had already acknowledged this human as someone above the humans he fought before. He was actually able to make him fight seriously in the battle. Not even that Dark Magic user who's magic actually grazed him, nor the magicless brat along with some nobody devil or the rest of the humans grouped together could make him take the fight seriously as much as this human, the mage who wielded numerous swords.

This human was actually able to make him enjoy his fight. He could have made for an extraordinary devil host if they were on the same side. He would have fared better than his previous contractor, that's for sure. But now such a talent is going to perish.

"Letting you go any further..." The Mage responded in a haggard breath. ".....would be a disaster I would love to avoid.."

"You will die a pointless death.." The King of Devil smirked, taking a look around. The domain made by this human was fading. The countless swords of mana buried in the valley-like ground were dissipating. His mana zone was coming to an end. "Be honored human, you were the first to make me enjoy this battle and that you will die by the hands of the King of Devils himself.."

With that said, the Satan pulled all the Gravity mana in his right hand and formed a giant black sphere. Spreading his wings, he levitated himself from the ground and floated to a few feet above the ground.

In response, mana from everywhere around the human begin gathering his sword. Holding the sword tightly, he raised it in a vertical stance, while mana gathering in the blade began shinning with a bright golden light. It shone with such a brilliance that made everyone feel that there is a hope for victory even in this seemingly unfavorable situation. Hopes of all the Captains, the citizens of Spade Kingdom and the magic knights of Clover, now rested in his shoulders.

All the mana gathered in the sword had formed a giant pillar of light. The human put his left leg forward, ignoring all the pain coursing through his body. All his struggles and hardships were for this very moment. If he goes out now, he wouldn't regret going out with a bang.

"Sheathed in the breath of the planet, a torrent of shinning life. Feel it's wrath..."

"Struggling till the end.." Annoyed by the bright golden light, the King proceeded to launch his spell which would certainly ensure the demise of this human. "...it's futile.."

"Gravity Singularity!"



To where it all started.....

Eight Years ago.....

The last thing he remembered was his bike colliding with a pickup truck, who's driver was driving it on the wrong side and that too at full speed. Despite him having applied the brakes beforehand, unfortunately the collision still couldn't be avoided and the world went black for him.

The next thing he came to was his eyes opening in a small apothecary, with him lying on a warm and comfortable bed. His eyes were slowly adjusting to his surroundings before he felt a throbbing pain in his head. The pain lasted only for a short while, dying down moments later. He moved his head around to get a better grasp of his surroundings as his body still felt heavy.

'Oil lamp? Brick walls with little to no quality paint? Something doesn't feel right...'

In accidents it may happen that a person hits their head but not to that degree that they will be hallucinating, not when they are wearing a helmet to protect their most vital part of their body which gives human beings a sense of reason and they can apply it to think straight. He was too young to go senile enough to hallucinate medieval style architecture unless-----

'Wait a goddamn second....' He tried to cool his sudden excitement and made sure not to reach any conclusions before being sure of it himself. The first and foremost thing he tried was to try and sit up. Applying some pressure on his hands, he pushed himself off and sat up straight. His eyes traveled down his bandaged torso and left arm.

'It better be not what I am thinking...but what are the chances..' Luckily the bed he was lying in was by the window-side of whosever's apothecary this is which made it easier to check his face.

'I fucking knew it! This is the only explanation for everything!'

His face wasn't his original one, nor of someone who just reached the age of twenty. The face belonged to an early teen of fourteen with soft and wavy deep brown hair and a pair of hazel-colored eyes. That isn't his face, he was sure of that. Even with that this face seemed familiar to him but he couldn't pinpoint it at the moment.

"Putting that aside...the phenomenon I used to read and watch finally happened to me as well..." He muttered to himself. His voice wasn't like before, it belonged to a normal fourteen year old male. ".....I transmigrated/isekaied in some...uhh kid's body in medieval era? That's the gist of it unless I get more information.."

His thoughts went back to what would be happening back in his world. His body might have been taken to the hospital by now and the doctors have already declared him dead. He couldn't even guess what condition his old body would be in because if it were in any good condition, he wouldn't have been here. His eyes would have opened in a hospital bed of some random hospital with a beautiful nurse by his side, checking on him.

"Does this world have some kind of power system? I wonder.." With that question in mind, he stretched his right arm forward and opened his palm before closing his eyes to concentrate. The only way of finding out is doing a test run. There will be three possible outcomes to this scenario if this world indeed has some kind of power system.

Either he ends up like Natsuki Subaru; no powers but with a heavily broken ability and eternal suffering, with little bits of wholesome moments to cherish. Second is getting some mediocre powers and live his life peacefully without any unnecessary hassle if the world allows. And lastly some overpowered ability that would make him the strongest in this verse. The last one is like setting the bar too high. It isn't good to have high expectations right off the bat, something he never had from anyone or anything to begin with.

Having zoned his mind out from every other thought, he concentrated and just moments later could feel some kind of energy, a very soothing yet powerful one flowing within him. Not just within him but in the atmosphere as well. Even in the room he was in, he could feel the constant flow of this energy as it were part of the air one breathes in and out.

'What is this supposed to be? Magic? Ki? Spiritual Power? Curse Energy? Shinsu?'

Slightly opening his eyes, he saw the same energy that he felt before gathering in his palm, flowing in an uneven manner. It had no definite shape and yet it seemed to be under his control as if it would flow in whatever manner he wants it to flow. Having no idea on what to do with it or how to utilize it, he decided on giving it a shape.

And the first thing that came to his mind was a simple sword. To him it felt like the thought came purely out of habit. For someone who never touched a real weapon in whatever life he lived, this came off as strange but he brushed it off for the time being.

As if responding to his call or more like reading his mind, the energy took the shape of the sword he had just imagined in his head. Exactly the same!

"Yeah this is magic.." The male muttered, swinging it in the air, applying little to no force in the swing. He has no idea whether this apothecary is his or someone else's so he doesn't want to end up bearing damage costs. "This kind of stuff is impossible by the other options so magic or mana it is."

"Lets check on him if that eases your worries." Voices could be heard from other side of the door.

'I will figure out about my power later but right now I want you to vanish!' He shook the weapon in the air. 'Come on! Go whoosh already! Whoosh! Vanish!'

The moment the doorknob was turned, the sword vanished without even wasting a second. For some reason, the male felt like his power mocked or made fun of him in some manner. 'That was too close for comfort!'

He glanced over to the two people entering the room. One of them was in her mid-thirties with long, deep black hair and a pair of hazel eyes similar to his. Accompanying her was an elderly man in his sixties, wearing round glasses and a doctors robe, making it easy to guess that he is the owner of the apothecary.

"Varre!" The black-haired woman rushed over to give the boy a hug, being careful on not touching his injuries, a look of relief washing over her features on seeing the boy wide awake. "Don't make me worry like that ever again. For me you are the most important thing in my life and I don't want any harm befalling on you."

"Sorry mom.." The words automatically came out of his mouth. It wouldn't take a genius to guess what relationship the previous owner of this body shared with the woman. Only a mother can worry about her child to this degree. 'Varre eh? The kid surely has a unique name...'

The sorry wasn't just meant for Varre's mother but to his own mother as well whom he knows will be grieving over his demise. His father, brother and other members of his family and his friends, they all would be sad. While this boy's mother here is lucky that her son survived whatever he went through, his closed ones aren't that lucky. They will have to live on with this loss forever.

If he had even the slightest clue that he was forever going to leave them behind, then at the very least he could have bid them a proper goodbye. The regret of not being able to do that is something he will have to live with.

"Elena, I know you are overjoyed seeing him awake but I need to check up on his wounds for a bit." The old doctor cleared his throat before speaking up. "I will only take a few minutes if you don't mind.."

"Ah yes of course doctor!" Elena quickly got up before stepping behind with a slight bow.

"You are a strong kid but that doesn't mean you get to worry your mother like that." The doctor commented, as he checked on the injuries by lightly pressing the bandages, making sure not to hurt his patient much.

'Should I be even knowing you..' A thought escaped his mind, him wondering what kind of person this Varre was. Must be a regular customer to this doctor given how familiar he is being with them. Must have been a reckless, hotheaded kid.

His eyes then traveled to the well-made leather bag kept at the desk on the side of the bed. As he gazed upon the sad bag, a memory flashed in his mind.

"Happy Fourteenth Birthday Varre!" His mother cheerfully said, handing him the leather bag.

"Thanks mom! I bet this is for.."

"Yes this is for your grimoire.." She completed his sentence with a proud and content expression on her face.

These memories flashing in his head! These weren't his but Varre's, the original owner of this body. They kept pouring in his head as if some kind of data being forcefully inputted in his brain. Various images begin flashing up in front of his eyes.

"Argh!" He clutched his head in pain and anguish. 'I need to endure this! I have to too....Finally the dots are connecting..'

"Doctor?" Elena asked in worry. "What's happening? Is there something wrong with him?"

"I don't know myself.." The doctor moved back before his Grimoire open. It was a plain looking Grimoire with a deep yellowish glow around it as it floated in front of the doctor. "I will try and ease the pain in his head for now."

He uttered the chant for a spell which soon took effect, surrounding Varre's entire body in the same yellowish glow and started working on the pain spasms he was having.

Varre felt the pain subsiding little by little yet the flashes kept pouring in his brain. He was even able to find out how and why he ended up in this state. The realization of who he is and where he is finally hit him.

'It is a tale that I started..' Lowering his hands from his head, he stared at his palms before looking up and giving both the doctor and his mother, a thumbs up sign in order to ease them off their worries. They had enough on their plate now that he thought about it. '....A tale that I started but never saw it till the end...'