
An author's journey to writing books. (Dropped)

This is a book about an author writing many books, that have a mysterious effect.

FluffyButt · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 6 A Stray cat appears. Part 2.


Three gun shouts rang out behind Anna, two whizzing by. One flew into the back window smashing it. For the second bullet, it was off and smashed the side mirror taking it clear off. However, the third shot hit the ceiling of the truck and ricocheted off flying directly into Annas' ribs.

The sudden gunshot caused Anna to curl slightly, jerking the wheel to one side, and swerving the truck into oncoming traffic.


Swearing from the pain. Anna barely got the truck back under control in time and nearly misses an oncoming car.

( This is not good, I got hit in the rib cage, luckily it doesn't seem that my lung was punctured. )

~~~ Five miles down the road ~~~

After driving for quite a while Anna seems to be losing consciousness, and slowly nodding off at the weal. Deciding that it was far enough, she pulled off onto the shoulder of the road and followed a path behind some trees she eventually came to a stop. With her eyes drooping, and her head bobbing from wanting to sleep she reached up and grabbed the philosopher's stone.


Pant, pant.

"Not yet..."

Struggling to stay awake, she tries to get her shirt off, before giving up.


Pant, pant, Anna gasping for air at this point. Grabbing the philosopher's stone again out of desperation, she closes her eyes and focused her mind.

A light glow envelops Annas's emaciated and scar-riddled body. Within seconds, her body started to change. Her hair grew 8 inches, and her scrawny sculpture plumped up to what a normal twelve-year-old child should look like. The scars faded slightly, and finally, the shell from the gunshot got pushed out from the wound, slowly closing on its own, leaving a small scar on her ribcage.

Opening her eyes, her irises were red for a slight second turning back to normal a second later. Opening her mouth she spits out about three cracked teeth, and some blood onto the dashboard.

Hearing sirens going off in the distance, she quickly looks in the passenger glove box, and the armrest storage, for anything useful. Within the glove box, theirs a pink beany, and in the armrest, there's some spare change, paper clips, and one or two really sticky-looking rubberbands. Grabbing the beany and the spare change she hops out of the truck and grabbed the sack in the back. Quickly changing out of the ooze and blood-covered clothing she was wearing, and putting on something clean from the sack, she packs everything away fast and started to head out. Stopping after taking three steps, she drops the sack and ran back to the truck grabbing the two plastic backs. Throwing them into the sack, she hikes through the forest, and slowly exits to the street, heading back to where she just came from.

Swoosh, Swoosh, Swoosh.

Three cop cars sped by without slowing down and pass the area she dumped the truck in. Wiping the cold sweat off her forehead, she continues on her way. After about an Hour and a half of walking, she reaches the gas station she was at earlier. No cops were there and the broken glass from the gunshots had already been cleaned up. Taking a second to look around, she reaches into her bag, and grabbed an old map, and walked into the gas station. Taking a second to think, she gets in line while still looking at the map.

( I need food or I can't finish fixing my body anytime soon, I have no other choice. )

After some time Anna gets to the front of the line, looking around one more time and seeing no one else she lowers the map.

"Hello miss how may I help you?"

"I can't seem to find the bus station, I went to this location."

*Places the map on the counter and points at a random bus stop*

"However it was not there. Do you by chance know where I should head to so that I can get to the bus station's hub?"

The clerk takes a quick look at the map giving it a once over.

"May I?"

"Sure go ahead."

The clerk picks up the map and looks at it for a second. While distracted Anna looks around to see if she's being watched again, and sneakily grabs a few things that would not make a sound before stuffing them in her pockets.

"Ahh, I see the problem, it's right here. You were at an old bus station marked as 183K. That bus stop no longer exists. One second."

Leaving from behind the counter he goes to the back and grabs something. Anna taking advantage of this situation grabs some more stuff and packs them in her sack. Seconds later.

"This is a newer map, you don't seem to have much on you, and it's only 20 cents so I'll cover it. You want to go here."

*Places the new map down and points at a specific location*

"If you need to go to the bus station, you need to take the 201A and then transfer to the 204B and I believe it's the third stop, you can always ask the bus driver if that's correct. Is there anything else I can help you with?"

"No that's more than enough help. Thank you."

*Grabbing the new map and waving bye*

Anna walks into a chip stand tripping over it and knocking it over scattering the chips, quickly bending over and picking the stand up, she places most of the chips back, pocketing some more food, before apologizing to the cashier, and leaving.

( Thank god that went smoothly. )

After walking a few blocks, she digs out the food, well more like candy and chips, and she starts eating it like crazy.

( This should be more than enough food to fix my body. )

Finding a dense part of the forest, she looks around slightly before entering. Moving about fifty feet in, she looks up nodding her head and climbs the tree, and sits on a branch. Leaning up against the tree she takes a sigh of relief.

(Ok let's finish off some of this food.)

~~~ Roughly 10 minutes later~~~


"Man that hit the spot."

Closing her eyes and grabbing the philosopher's stone. However this time instead of fixing her body, more ooze started to come out. After the ooze stopped, if one could see under that sludge-like substance, and bear the smell, one would be able to see that the scars on her body, had faded slightly.

Exhausted from the body refinement, she lets out a breath of hot air. Without realizing it, the day finally starts to cool off, and in a daze, she just sat there as the sun went down. Too tired to care from all of today's events, she passed out.

Unbeknownst to her. Nine balls of light descended from the starry sky each a different color and each sank into different parts of her body. After the ninth ball of light fused with her, a larger ball consisting of all colors descended and covers her skin. If one were to see what was happening up close and personal, one would see the ball of light eating some sort of black energy coming off of her body. After a while, the light disappeared and with it all the sludge-like substance that was on her body.

After some time Anna started to feel pain. It was bearable at first, however as time went on, it became worse.

Anna roared out in pain, as sounds of snapping bones could be heard across the forest.