
An author's journey to writing books. (Dropped)

This is a book about an author writing many books, that have a mysterious effect.

FluffyButt · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 15 #1 and #2

Hearing the racket behind him Alex paid no attention as he walked to class. Sitting down in his seat Alex opened his book before he started to write.

'Now that, that's over with, where were we #1?'

'We were discussing how fire works in your world #2'

'Right, as I was writing earlier, fire needs a few things to work, mainly being oxygen, fuel, and energy. Think of lighting a log on fire. The log is its fuel, the oxygen keeps the fire alive, and the energy released is heat. #1'

'So can I use air as a fuel source then #2?'

'It would depend on the type of air you would be using, in my world, we have split it up into many categories, what about over there? #1'

'So far we have breathable, poisonous, and nonbreathable. #2'

'Going off that, then you will have a hard time finding it. Flammable, gasses are hard to come by as is, most that have been found on my planet have been from cracks in the earth, that someone stumbled upon, by accident, and some caused the area they were in to explode from a sudden spark. Flammable gasses can be considered poisonous, and nonbreathable. Most poisonous gasses I know of are flammable, and so are most nonbreathable gasses. #1'

'What if I tried to make it, with those molecule thingies? #2'

'Even if you did you would have to fully understand the air around you, it could be quite dangerous, especially since you doing this in secret. I say to start off small. Find a small box that looks sealed, poke a hole in it, and take out everything within the box, then plug the hole with something like bubble gum. If you did it correctly you would have made a vacuum and the bubble gum should be forced into the box, from the pressure of the air trying to get in. If you can manage that, then we can attempt to create our very own flammable gas. #1'

Closing the book Alex looked up.

( You don't know how good you have it, your world of science, it's so peaceful. )#1/( You don't know how good you have it, your world of beast's, its so peaceful. )#2


#1's perspective.

Getting up from the ground, he walked out of a destroyed building and started to look around. On his left, he saw what looked to be the ruins, of a small store, and on the right was what looked to be a mettle box factory.

( What did #2 call that thing, a car factory, or something? Might as well check it out first, the food stores gata be picked clean. )

After walking, sneaking, and hiding a few times Alex eventually made his way into the facility. Looking around everything seemed broken, and dusty.

( No one has been in here for ages. )

Taking a step forward he suddenly stopped. In his vision, there was a notebook that had big red words STOP.

Freezing in place he started to look all around when the page flipped and the words look down appeared.

Slowly looking down, he saw a wire.

Placing his hand on the ground, he wrote, thanks before following the wire careful not to touch it.

Coming to the end of the wall it was just tied to a steel beam.

( Out of the two ways I went I chose the wrong direction... )

Heading in the opposite direction, he came to a stop at what looked like a green object. A bit confused he crouched to the ground and wrote in the dust.

'What is this thing? #2'

In his vision, he saw a classroom full of people looking at him, giving it a few seconds his view eventually changed to one that was looking at a notebook.

'I think that's a grenade, if the wire is pulled the handle thing will go flying, and the grenade will explode. If it hits you, you will die. This place is booby-trapped with dangerous weapons, be very careful. Also, I need to get back to my school work, so I can't monitor our split vision as much. Remember if you die I die. #1'

'Got it #2'

Carefully going around the grenade, he walked farther into the building. After getting inside, a door, he saw a large empty warehouse.

( Odd. )

( No one, ever thought of making this a base. There's only one door, and the inside is huge and empty. No that makes no sense if this is not a base, who put up the booby trap. )

Backing out of the room and closing the door, he looked around the entrance.

Seeing another door off to the side, he got closer.

( S*****y? )

The notebook in the eyes shifted slightly, and the word Security appeared. Followed by a string of words.

'Security, this room monitors the location with cameras, however, there is no power, you might find something useful in there but don't get your hopes up #1'

Shaking his head, he gently placed his hand on the door and pushed it open. As the door was opening, lights started to come out from the other side. Surprised Alex jumped backward and started to run to the other side of the room.

Hearing nothing, he peered around the corner, and everything was just fine. Wiping the sweat off his forehead he walked back to the door, but this time crouched down and dug something out of his pockets.

Sticking a mirror under the door he was able to glance at what was making the light. Seeing that it was nothing harmful he was about to take the mirror back before he saw another grenade.

( Holy, ***t that was close. )

Reaching into his pockets again, he grabbed a pair of scissors, and gently pushed open the door, just enough to get his scissors through, and using the mirror he found the wire. Cutting the wire he opened the door.

In front of him was a skeleton sitting on a chair facing three working monitors, while the rest were broken, or off. Turning around, he crouched down and inspected the grenade. Grabbing the mirror off the floor he looked all around it to see if anything else was connected. Seeing nothing he gently taped it.

Not moving an inch, he shook his head and went to the monitors.

In monitor #1, was the room he was just in, in monitor #5 there was a tone of machinery, and in monitor number 17 it was fuzzy, but it appeared to be something moving.

( What to do. If I explore this place more I may find what I'm looking for, but I might also die in the process. )

Closing his eyes, the book became clear.

'#1 you should explore the location, this does not seem like a simple car factory, not only did the great disaster happen 17 years ago destroying all electronics, but this place seems to be heavily fortified, by working technology. Grenades in the entrance and security room, plus working monitors just don't add up. Whatever was in this place was being protected by great means, heck this place even has working electricity. If you can conquer this place you might be able to achieve your dream.'