
An author's journey to writing books. (Dropped)

This is a book about an author writing many books, that have a mysterious effect.

FluffyButt · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 12 Let's have a short talk about part 1,2,3.

So I just finished editing "A Stray cat appears", part 1,2,3.

Part 1,2, and 3 originally only had a 1,000-word count. So why after the edit does each chapter surpass the original word count, not by a little, but by at least 1,000 extra words? As I stated in the previous chapter, 1,000 words a chapter is ok for beginner writers, however for veteran writers, it is not a chapter but a rough draft. A major example of this is in part 1.

To me the author/reader, part 1 was not fun to read, it was hard to follow, and each transition between present and past was confusing. So instead of getting rid of the past, I made the past the start and worked up to the present.

With part 1,2, and 3 finally edited, we now have a decent short story. What we have so far is that of a child strapped down to an operating table, being tortured for some reason or another, then gaining access to her future/past life memories, and while using these memories, she developed a plan to escape. Using magic, and other mystical means, she was able to trick the caretakers into thinking she was dead and then escaped.

However decent is not what I would call these three chapters, more like the beginning draft, of an actual story. What I mean by this, is that If you go back and read chapter 1 edited, some things were not explained in a way that the story would flow.

For example, instead of just gaining her memories, she has a vision of sorts, and sees something important, then wakes up in her old body, with a plan in mind.

so instead of


Layla closed the door to the basement before leaving.

Some time had passed since then, and while laying on the cold hard ground, Anna had started to stir awake.

Lifting her body off the ground, she looked around.

( I really am back here. If that's the case, I need to find the stone and get out, before they buy the dog to toy with me. )


We go with something along the lines.


Layla closed the door to the basement before leaving.


Waking up in fright Anna found herself covered in blood, with a knife sticking out of her chest. Shakinly she looked back and saw her son with an evil grin on his face.

"Why are you doing this?"

"You know why you filthy beast! NOW DIE!!!" Said before grabbing the knife, and pulling it upwards with all his force, slicing Anna in two halves.

In her dying breaths, she grabbed her necklace and chanted a spell. A spell that would send her memories back in time, to warn her younger self of the future.

"NO!" Shouted her son, before rushing over to her and smashing his foot down on her skull crushing it to pieces.


Violently jerking awake, she twisted her body to avoid a blow, but nothing happened. Was all of that just a dream or something else, only time would tell, but one thing was for sure, she had to get out of this place as soon as possible.

Lifting her body off the ground, she looked around.

( I really am back here. If that's the case, I need to find the stone and get out, before they buy the dog to toy with me. )


These three chapters are not done, well not by my standards at least. However I can't just keep writing the same three chapters over and over again, nor can I just keep repeating myself. Each person has their own writing style, and what I have shared so far is what I like to use. Witch boils down to.

Write a quick story outline. Then write a 1,000-word chapter. Go back and edit that chapter, fix the organization/spelling, and describe the actions a little more. Finally, refine the chapter, maybe you over-explained something, and it's an info dump, or under-explained a situation, or just I don't know found a new way to explain a complicated situation better. Heck, you could have also written yourself into a corner with no way out.

In parts, 1, 2, and 3 I left many areas open to expanding on when I went to edit the chapter, even after editing the chapters I have more spots I can refine. However, if you continue to do this for only 1 chapter you will burn yourself out.

Take your time, if you just want to post 1,000, 1,000-word chapters, that's ok, if you want to post 30, 10,000-word chapters thats also ok. God knows we cat people can't stay focused for too long.

Yea that's right this is not a story about someone helping others to write a book, but a book about a person writing a book, to help others write a book. The fun stuff starts next chapter. Word count does not mean sh** to me and post dates are also random.

Also, no this chapter is not written incorrectly, it's complicated you'll understand as the story goes on.

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