
An Anime Summoning System

In a world filled with Dungeon, a young man finds himself able to summon minions from the anime world.

Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs


Sora went on to use his chance to get a skill on Tashigi, he was lucky as he gained Observation Haki from her, which he went on to quickly master upon gaining.

after which, he went on to Vergo and tried to gain Armament Haki. but he was not lucky as gained the skill known as Shigan or sometimes called Finger Gun. But this skill was pointless to Sora and tried to gain one of his other skills, and after 3 more tries, he gained Armament Haki.

with that, he gained Armament Haki and even mastered it. he now had 4 skills, Full Power Energy Wave, The grand fireball technique, Armament Haki, and Observation Haki. all mastered to their peak.

Sora could gain 1 more skill from his summons and had 8 chances to gain the type of skill/ability he wanted. those changes were from every 10 charisma points he had, he had 155 charisma and had already used 7 chances to gain the current skills, the chances used does not lower his charisma but only lower his chances he could gain another skill.

Sora set his eyes on Bardock; he could gain Bardock's bloodline. this will give him the Saiyan bloodline, which was already mastered, Sora looked at Bardock for sometimes, before looking at his wife.

'The chances to gain the Saiyan bloodline should be higher on his wife, unlike him who has too many abilities. the same thing should go for Fugaku's wife, I could gain the Uchiha bloodline.' Sora thought as he went on to put his theory to the test on Fugaku's wife, Gine.

Gine had the basic abilities, like Ki blast, Ki flight, and so on. but she also had special abilities like Saiyan bloodline, Great Ape transformation, and some unique skills like cooking. altogether she had 6 skills, with each try a skill would disappear and Sora will no longer be able to get that skill, so there was no way he couldn't gain the Saiyan bloodline

It took Sora 3 chances to get the Saiyan bloodline, but upon getting it, he fell to the ground and began rolling around in pain. his genetics were going through a transformation, he could feel as some cells broke down and were rebuilt. but the pain didn't last as before long Sora felt the pain disappearing as it was released by a warm and comfortable feeling. Sora breathed heavily as he lay there welcoming that warm and comfortable feeling.

After some time, He slowly sat up as he felt his body which was much stronger. even without energy, Sora felt like he could do some superhuman-level stuff and many more. Sora also noticed he had a Saiyan tail. Sora forced for a moment before smiling when he felt a form he could enter

mastery of the Saiyan blood like didn't mean he could go Super Saiyan, that will need him to feel a powerful amount of emotions, or go through hard training.

In Dragon Ball Super, Broly. Broly showed a new form that allowed him to tap into the power of a great ape, without having to transform into a huge ape. According to Paragus, it is a utilization of the Great Ape form's power, physical strength, and durability in humanoid form. Although, it is extremely difficult to control. This means that the combatant's power is multiplied by a factor of ten but without losing any agility or maneuverability due to the large size of the Great Ape form.

Sora could enter this form and could control it perfectly, although he will not be like Broly and continue to grow stronger, his strength will increase by 10 times. imagine when Sora mastered the Super Saiyan transformation, he will of course tried to combine the two.

Sora turned his attention to Mikoto, Fugaku's wife. Fufaku's wife had much more abilities, ignoring her bloodline ability, she had many chakra basic techniques, and weapons base techniques. altogether she had 9 abilities he could get, other than her bloodline. So Sora put her side for now and went on to look at the worlds he could not get. he had 100 charisma, so he of course can pick a low-grade anime world

His father will be coming tomorrow, although he was sure he was above the level of early mountain and river tier, Sora was not sure by how much. Sora was still at the peak of Gold rank, although he had just gained many powerful stuff, it didn't mean he knew how much stronger he got.

Sora still wanted to gain more and more energy from other worlds, so he calmly looked through the list of anime.

"Seikasu Shuukan? never heard of that anime world." Sora said as he looked at the names of worlds, it would be so much better if there were pictures, but who was he to compline?" Sora said lazily as he went through all of the low-rank anime worlds before coming to the conclusion none of them were powerful. in the end, Sora picked the anime Code Geass.

{the host has chosen the world of Code Geass... the world has been added to the summoning chances.} the system said as, for the first time, Sora got to see a list of all the ranking of the summons from a world. but it was only limited to the Code Geass world

"Damn it, Lelouch is SR," Sora said as he wanted to punch someone. but he calmed down as the screen went away after seeing how there were only about 100 capable summonses from this world. sooner or later he will be able to summon those with huge brains from that world, plus he wanted to see if he could put their mind to the test to improve this world's Technologie

this would Technology wasn't that low, although there was no such thing as phones, the web, or other stuff like that. there were things similar in some ways. by using skills dropped from monsters and other stuff, this world is able to come up with this like video calls, broadcast events happening across the world, and many more

"sigh," Sora sighed as he went to open his door, but ended up accidentally breaking it. he frowned as he looked at the broken door, sure his strength improved and he got the Saiyan bloodline, but he thought he would gain mastery over said abilities

'i did gain mastery over them, but it has nothing about me mastering my strength,' Sora thought as he had a maid get someone to fix his door, while he went to get something to eat. it had been some time since he last eat, gaining these new abilities did not help with his hunger, but made it worse

Sora went on to eat a whole table worth of food, with shocked Kanan and Emilee. they were even more shocked when Sora accidentally destroyed all the plates, tables, and chairs while eating. Sora smiled as he let out a deep breath,

"Cough... your new laws you have passed down are being put into motion today, but we don't have enough crystals for the stimulus check. should I send experts out to clear dungeons to gain that amount?" Kanan asked calmly, Sora frowned as he fell into deep through

"sigh, how many crystals are needed?" Sora asked with a sigh,

"There are about 550 thousand people in this city, only a third of that has signed up for it. so a bit over 3.5 million copper rank mana crystals will do a month." She said calmly, to which Sora nodded slightly as he stood up

"First thing, have Fugaku replace the head of the law enframement for the city. he will be in charge unless I see he did something displeasing. as for the copper, how many copper grade mana crystals do we have," Sora asked calmly

"We have enough for 3 months, but I'm sure other households will want to join. after the first month, but I also think we can collect enough copper range mana crystals from dungeons, to last us at most 8 months. those higher-ups are also signing up to make it harder for you, what should we do." She said calmly, Sora nodded

"Kill them and take their stuff. if that warning last time wasn't enough, then I will just release them." Sora said calmly as he held his hands out as an iron color card appeared in his hands, the card had the image of the male Ambu who was wearing his mask.

Sora calmly, through the card, and with a flash of light, the male Ambu appeared. Kanan and his elder sister were shocked to see a powerful ninja suddenly appear out of nowhere. they couldn't even sense a hint of the ninja power

"Leave the mission to him. he will clean up that trash. I want this to be quiet, I don't want those citizens to know of this." Sora said as he left and flew out of a window. Kanan sighed as she looked at the Ambu who was looking calmly at him

She went on to give the Ambu a rundown of the mission, the Ambu after getting his mission disappeared, stunning Kanan as she didn't even see him move.

meanwhile, Sora appeared in the poor part of the city, the place where crimes were the highest, and people could be seen leaving on the street. many run-down horses, with people doing drops or kids playing on the street

Sora summoned Crocodile, along with some former followers from the world of one piece. Daz Bonez, Gem, all the D rank pirates, and the D rank ninja Sora didn't care to remember

"Take over the underground world, clean it up or destroy it and rebuild it. I don't care, I want my land to be peaceful, so stuff like this. I want to be gone with no one working against me from the shadows, make it look like you're going against me while secretly working to support me." Sora said with crossed arms, Crocodile and the others nodded, after telling them a few things and even giving them the way to master Ki and Chakra, Sora shot off

along the way, Sora summoned every summon he had, only leaving the Saibamen to continue killing monsters and collecting shards and other stuff. these Saibamen would not get tried to kill, they loved it in fact. So Sora happily had them do that

"I will give you all places to stay, I will cancel your summons when I'm capable of upgrading you. so for now, the Marines will stay by me and act as my guards. Bardock, you and those other Saiyans will be my warriors, the Uchiha will keep order in my land, and the others. I will pick something for you as we go." Sora said with a smile as he looked at all of them

"... does that mean I'm your guard?" Tashigi asked as she was not sure if Sora meant the D rank marines or herself.

"only if you wish," Sora said calmly, to which Tashigi nodded with a smile. Alvida frowned slightly as he looked at Tashigi and back at Sora

"I will do a better job protecting you than her, I think I should be your guard," Alvida said with a deep frown, with her words, a fight broke out on who would be the best fit to be Sora's guard amongst the B rank summons, all the B rank summons were at the peak of Gold-rank now, some of them had both Ki and Chakra, so their strength difference was not that huge, only those from the Dragon ball world who haven't regained their full power were at half step Mountain and river tier level of strength

"You can all take turns being at my side, I just need 2 people at a time. but before that, go into the city and buy a place for yourselves or something. here a storage bag, each holds thousands of silver rank crystals." Sora said calmly as he gave them ball bags, which were drops from monsters

"live your life, enjoy it and find something in this world you will enjoy. the city is huge, find a house or even build one, many forests here could be easily turned down to make places for you." Sora said with a smile as he floated up

"you all know where I'm at," Sora said as he disappeared, returning to his palace and leaving them all there looking at each other, before looking at the huge city.

Bardock smiled as he looked at his son and wife. sure his youngest son wasn't here, but he will await he summon. they set off as they went to make a home for themselves followed by the others.

Sora upon returning home first went on to start mastering his new gained strength. so he entered the system and began fighting along side Saibamen against countless of Silver rank monster

He had to complete the mission to kill a lot of Silver rank monsters, so he might as well complete it now while he was at it.