
An Anime Summoning System

In a world filled with Dungeon, a young man finds himself able to summon minions from the anime world.

Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

sage transformation

upon appearing in the outside world, Sora calmly looked at the crown prince. Sora could know he was avoiding him this whole time. the competition for the crown came to an end as his father saw no more reason for it, Sora had shown the world his strength, and two the number of people moving to support Sora had skyrocketed

For one, the 3rd prince had announced he will be supporting Sora for the crown, the 3rd prince and Sora's relationship was not bad, and when he bumped into Sora in the pocket space and forced to give Sora his points, Sora also gave him the option to submit

he was not the only one, the eldest princess, the 2nd princess, and the 3rd princess and the 4th princess all supported Sora. Sora had also absorbed everything Vile had and even had Vile support back him, adding his mother and his father. Sora stood above everyone, which greatly enraged the crown prince upon realizing this.

So, the king had a vote to be held. all the high-ranking people within the empire picked a side, but he first gave them all time to go over who they will pick. Sora of course was not worried, Fugaku and the other Uchiha members were tasked to secretly take control of all the stop organizations and elders, so currently Sora had the whole empire within his palm.

the only thing left was the citizens, which were easy to control. most people couldn't think for themselves and would easily believe anything the news told them without even bothering to do any research, so Sora only had to simply have people go out and only speak of good things about him while speaking of the bad stuff of the crown prince

the fact the king had people vote also made everyone feel like they had people, but in the end, Sora dominated the crown prince and was declared the new king. but before he could take the crown, a party had to be held.

but before the party, Sora had to get his revenge on the crown prince. he of course knew that his elder brother hated him to the bone, even without Haki he could feel it. the crown prince made it easy as he tried to work together with the Prorus empire. with that, Sora had a righteous reason to cripple the crown prince and throw him on a farm where he and the 4th prince can live the rest of their sad life.

as for the deal with his elder sister, he will heal the 4th prince. but he never said when he will do it, plus he couldn't do it until he has the dragon balls. and there was no way in hell he will waste any of his wishes on him.

a week after Sora the declared the next king, a party was held. the Prorus empire tried to attack during this time. but Sora had his summons to make sure nothing went wrong. at that party, Sora was crowned king. his father throws all the work at Sora and went on to disappears with his mother, making Sora speechless.

but Sora didn't care but instead went on to summon his summons. Alrong and his pirate crew went out to take control of the sea race, conquering it on Sora behind, and also taking care of the dungeon underwater.

Sora also helped Pilaf with his creation as he created the stuff Pilaf needed. Sora could only create stuff he knows the inside and out, so he couldn't know just create a tv or something like that. with Sora's help, Pilaf began making higher and higher-tech stuff all with Mana being the core. he could already easily make something like robots that had silver rank combat power, but Sora was forced him to make smaller and more powerful stuff

that robot was as huge as a house and needed a lot of energy, which most of it was wasted, but within a few days, Pilaf was able to slowly reduce the size and energy required. Sora had to have Pilaf learn the shadow clone technique, which allowed Pilaf to work much faster.

and with those from the world of cold guess around and helping Pilaf, they also learned and were able to be of some help to Pilaf.

Sora also returned to training with Tashigi, Fugaku, and King Kai. he also would clear floors from the tower of infinity, he was currently at floor 1,000. starting from floor 500, Sora had been facing summons at the mountain and river tier. he was still facing summons at this tier and was getting hundreds of random A tier shards with every floor cleared,

form floor 500, he got 100 A rank shards, and it increased by 10 with each floor. he was getting over 5,000 shards now.

2 weeks after Sora became King, Sora was calmly sitting on the thrown while looking at Kanan at the guards standing in a straight roll at the side of a red carpet which were in the middle of the throne room, from the door all the way up the stairs to Sora throne, and the throne next to Sora which was empty

{gained 100,000 red summoning tickets. a new summoning option has been added} the system said as Sora opened the system to see what the new option

there was a 1x summons, which was the summon that only uses 1 ticket to summon just 1 summons, with the summon rank being D to A rank.

there was a 10x summon which uses 10 red tickets to summon 10 summons, with at least 1 of the summons being A rank summons no matter what.

there was the 100x summons, which used 100 tickets to summon 100 summons. with at least 25 of the summons being A rank summons no matter what.

there was the 1,000x summons that Sora got a few weeks back. this summons used 1,000 tickets to summon 1,000 summons with 300 of the summons being A rank summons no matter what.

there was the 10,000x summons which used 10,000x tickets to summon 10,000 summons, with a 1% chance of getting an S rank summon. there was no D rank summons for this, and only C to S rank summons, one could at last get 1,000 A rank summons from using this,

and lastly, the 100,000x summons, which used 100,000 tickets to summon 100,000 summons, with 10% of the summons being S rank summons. there was no D rank summons for this summon, and one could, at last, get 10,000 A-rank summons

if one wanted to get A rank summons, then the best choice would be the 1,000x summons, but for S rank summons 100,000x summons was the best choice. but the 10,000x summons gave one more chance to gain an S rank summon, while the 100,000x summons gave one a higher drop rate.

Sora didn't even bother to think of the B rank summons as he had mixed out all the D to B rank summons. he will only gain A rank summons and hopefully, an S rank summon

Sora sighed as he picked the 100,000x to summon and watched as blinding light filled the whole throne room. stars filled the room as Sora saw many golden lights, but 1 light caught his eye. a light that was brighter than the other, Sora's heart skipped seeing it was a 5 star summon, meaning S rank

Sora ignored all other summonses as he forced on that one bright light, Sora watched as that bright light took the form of a golden card that shot into his hands. unlike the other A rank cards which were also golden, this card is pure golden in color. bright and eye-catching

The image on the card was a short purple skin man, he had a crystal-like ball on the ball in the middle of his forehead, while two small horns grew at the side of his head. the name written on this card was first from king cold.

Sora's eyes widened slightly seeing this, but he formed soon after. a screen appeared of android 16 and saw that android 16 was just an A rank summon. android 16 was stronger than King Cold, by like a few times.

'King Cold is in a form that never appeared in the anime or manage. this is his first form?' Sora thought as he looked at King Cold's ability, before looking at the many forms he had. King Cold was from a race where they create lower forms to suppress their power.

in the anime, king cold was always in his second could. which was more than twice as strong as the first form.

the third form allowed him to be more than 3 times as strong as the first form, but that form was extremely ugly. in their true form also known as the 4th, one would show up around 75 times the power from their 3rd form.

the Frieza race is born in their suppressed form, those like Frieza who can easily go through these forms and reach their true form without the need to train are considered talents. meanwhile, those like king cold had only reached the second form and couldn't reach the 3 forms.

King cold had trained to the point he was around the same level of power as Frieza's true form, King Cold was a hard-working man. a crowed sure, but that's because he knew just how much work he points into it to reach the point he had reached. all that hard work will be pointless if he dies.

King had to now return King Cold to his former level of power for him to regain his second form, and from there he had to have King Cold regain his true form, which was easy as he could just make a wish upon a dragon.

Sora turned his attention to the other summons he gained, he pretty much gained every summon he could gain from every word he currently had. Sora went on to use the A rank random shards and watched as he gained enough A rank shards to improve most of the summons to peak gold rank.

He gained every member of Frieza's Army, every Saiyan, every Namekians but Piccolo, all the south, west, east, and north Kai, King Yemma, and many more

from the world of One Piece, he gained all the members of the Kuja Pirates but Boa Hancock, members of the Thriller Bark Pirates but Gecko Moria and Ryuma. He also got Hody Jones and many from the Zou Faction

From the world of Naruto, He gained Hidan, Deidara, Konan, all the tail beasts up to the 6th tail, along with their Jinchūriki, every person from the Konohagakure Rockies. and many more people.

from the world of Code Guess, Sora also gained other people. but the most noteworthy among them would have to be Cornelia li Britannia. Lelouch sister,

with such a high number of people suddenly appearing, Sora was of course happy. and since one of them was Dr. Brief, one of the smartest people in the anime, Sora had to enter the pocket space and get everyone's loyalty.

Everything was easy, the summons all submitted with ease, but upon reaching King Cold. Sora had a harder time getting this guy to submit, it took hours just for him to submit, and only end up getting 1 point which slightly annoyed Sora.

but with that, Sora now had 993 charisma points. Sora left and went on to summon his summons while giving them places where they could work.

"Is something wrong?" Saniyah asked seeing Sora enter the research lab with a group of people. the research lab was where Pilaf was in charge of.

"I have new people to join... what are you doing here?" Sora asked calmly as he looked at the spaceship which was currently being built. these spaceships were simple models, they were traveling, so they were only fast but had no power.

"I wanted to see the creation of a spaceship from the legends," Saniyah said with a gentle smile, Sora looked over towards her and his eyes twitched seeing how Pilaf was in her arms as he struggled to try and break free

"Saniyah don't kill him," Sora said softly as he looked at Pilaf who was in her male chest, Pilaf felt like his head was placed against a metal wall. But Pilaf didn't dare to say that or else she might just kill him. Pilaf has seen how Saniyah almost killed just normal citizens because they looked at her chest for a second too long,

"he is so adorable," Saniyah said with a smile. but she placed Pilaf down allowing him to run off.

"Dr. Brief. you were able to make a spaceship that could travel the galaxy in days. you acknowledge and field of wisdom is something that I greatly need," Sora said with a smile as he turned towards the old man who had a cat on his shoulder

"I will try my best." Dr. Bried said respectfully as he bowed slightly, Sora looked at the west Kai who he had to help with the creation of new stuff

"West Kai will create anything you wish. don't work too hard, no one is rushing you. take time to enjoy this new world." Sora said with a smile as he turned and with Saniyah following him. Dr. Brief could create something which could travel hundreds of light-years in just 7 days, with him Sora will be able to create many powerful stuff, from weapons to battle suits for his army and many more.

"Sora, there is this nice restaurant created by one of your summonses, you want to go and eat. I hear it has amazing food from the area of the earth." Saniyah said with a smile as she wrapped her hand around Sora's arm

"Really? did they make such a thing? then let's go." Sora said with a smile. Sora was happy to see his summons adapting to their new life. with how different this planet was from earth, it was good to see how they were getting used to it.

After their small little date, Sora returned home and went on to return home and begin to go through the summons to see which summon he should take something from. He first went on to try King Cold's Frost Demon Bloodline. (There is no name for Frieza's Race, but a popular name going around for this name is Frost demon, so I will call it that.)

those of the Frost Demon Bloodline had the ability to survive many any form of injuries. Frieza was able to stay alive even after having his body cut into countless pieces, with this bloodline plus the Namekian bloodline, Sora will not die unless all of his body was destroyed.

the level of durability people of this race has is shocking, as Frieza was able to handle a hard beating from Jiren, and an enraged Broly who was not holding back his punches. the amount of stuff this bloodline allows a person to go through was just shocking,

Sora also wondered if he gained this bloodline if he will be able to gain a new form or if he would get lower forms that he will be able to enter to suppress his power. Frieza has implied that another reason for the transformations was as a means to maintain self-control to avoid losing restraint of their powers. but Sora will have complete mastery of that bloodline.

Sora went on to use 5 tries to gain the bloodline from King Cold, upon getting the bloodline, Sora felt a warm feeling swallowing him. Sora's power increased once more but nothing too much to allow his strength to reach the peak of the Stellar tier. Sora also felt his physical body become stronger

although Sora's durability had increased, a sharp enough sword in the past would have been enough to kill him. catch him off guard and even a copper rank expert was enough to do the job, but now Sora felt like he could take a beating from even those way stronger than him. hell, even if he is out of energy, Sora would still be able to take a beating.

Sora smiled slightly before moving on to look at a summon known as Jugo from the world of Naruto. The members of his clan possess the innate ability to absorb natural energy from their surroundings due to their unique bodies.

However, the adverse effect of this energy results in sudden and uncontrollable surges of madness, causing them to sporadically go berserk. Their unique bodies also secrete special fluids that allow them to undergo various drastic physical alterations.

In the world of Naruto, there is something called Sage Mode. its when one person absorbs Nature energy from around them and combines it with chakra to form senjutsu chakra, doing this will allow them to enter a state called sage mode where their strength is increased by at least 10 times, but this state doesn't last for long as once all the natural energy is used up you will return back to your base state. one had to remain still to absorb nature's energy so they couldn't do this while in battle

but with Jugo bloodline which allows him to passively absorb natural energy even while moving. Sora gaining this bloodline will not just allow Sora to gain new energy which he could then go on and combine with his other energy Sora will also gain something called Sage transformation.

Sage transformation and Sage mode could be used together, but the power gained is too dangerous if not mastered.

Sora went on to use 11 chances to gain Jugo's bloodline, and upon gaining that bloodline, Sora fell to the ground within his room as he felt pain he didn't feel even after gaining the frost demon bloodline.

the Saiyan bloodline reacted greatly because of this new bloodline. his blood boiled as these 4 types of blood seemed to want to come together to form something new, when the pain disappeared Sora wrapped the sweat off his forehead as he sat there while breathing heavily.

{the host has gained a new form.} the system said as information of new from entered Sora's mind. the form he was in was a combination of sage transformation and wrathful state,

Sage transformation was a multiplier of 10 times, and that with wrathful state which was a multiplier of 15. it will not simply be a boost of 1,500 times multiplier, but 2,000.

with sage mode which will increase his power by 10 times, and his Kaio-ken. that would be 2,000 times, multiplied by 10, and then 20. you guys can do the math, and with his sharingan, frost demon bloodline, and many other abilities. just how strong was Sora?

Sora wanted to enter this new form, but he knew he could have to train to master this new form which made him frown, but on second thought he didn't gain this form from the system but from the sudden combination of the two bloodlines. so, he will have to master this new wrathful form.

but before that, Sora went on to gain the Saiyan bloodline from the other Saiyans until he had gained the bloodline a total of 5 times from his summons. this improvement of power made Sora almost reach the peak of the Stellar.

Sora went on to get a few more bloodlines, such as the Uzumaki bloodline which improved his physical strength, the amount of energy he had, and even his healing capability, and lastly Yamato wood release, which of course allowed him to use the same type of wood release used by Hashirama.

wood release had the capability to absorb and suppress a person's energy, Sora with this Sora will not just be able to use powerful wood jutsu, he also gained the ability to create wood clones, which he would have a linked mind. everything the clone knows; he could know as the clone knows it

with all of this, Sora's strength barely stepped into the peak of the Stellar rank. although Sora with his power-ups and different forms was above the Stellar tier. what truly mattered was his base form, the base form was the foundation, the stronger it was the better.