
An Anime Summoning System

In a world filled with Dungeon, a young man finds himself able to summon minions from the anime world.

Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

infinity tower

Sora and Tashigi entered the city and went on to sell some stuff before Sora went shopping for some good items for his summons. but this city didn't have many silver rank items for sale, but these irons rank items that were better than the normal items his summons had on.

Sora noticed along the street he caught more eyes than normal. this wasn't because of Tashigi but because of the charisma, he gave off. everyone's eyes were filled with respect, which stunned Sora. the normal person had only a charisma point of 3, the normal prince would have charisma points as low as 15 charisma points. Sora had 18 charisma, so these people were easily moved by him

Sora did not even know it, but the fact he could gain Charisma points so easily was something that was overpowered. Just standing there doing nothing will lead to people wanting to follow him, those people at the stores wanted to please him so they lowered the prices, his charm also seemed to improve as those females' hearts all skipped upon seeing him look their way

Sora without even knowing it was close to giving off the aura of a prince, with one order these citizens will follow it, sure they might hesitate if the order was too much. but Sora only had 18 charisma points now, what will happen when he has a million? these mortals will see him as a supreme god. even if Sora asks them to slaughter their whole family and those closest to them, they would do it. but that's something for the future

Sora returned to the palace with Tashigi who was in nice new clothing which was all of the iron grades. Iron ranks items didn't have that huge of an effect on her, but the amount she had on did give her a boost of strength which will allow her to face those stronger people within the med gold rank.

She also had a silver rank Katan, although not as sharp as her current sword, it boosted her strength and even gave her skill, making it much better than the sword she was summoned with.

the day getting late, so after equipping all of his summonses with good equipment, Sora went on to give Tashigi a place to sleep before he himself went to bed. the next morning, he woke up, and after doing his day rotten, he went on to send Tashigi and Fugaku off to clear the dungeons

While they left, he entered the system and went on to look at the loots. the number of loots he gained last light was shocking, although the maximum number of dungeon monsters that could be called upon was limited to 1 million, this meant at most he could gain 1 million drops with each round of kill

He had thousands of B shards and below rank shards, he had enough to improve all of his B ranks and below summons to the gold rank. There was even more B rank and below random shards, which he went on to use and gained new summons or shards for the current summons

All the B rank summons he gained from the Naruto world were, Kankuro, Sakon, Kidomaru, Jirōbō, Tayuya, Sakon, and Ukon.

The B rank summons he gained from the dragon ball world were, Yamcha, Paragus, Raditz, and Jeice

the B rank summons he gained from the One-piece world was, Daz Bonez, Gem, Hatchan, and Jabra,

and as for the C and D rank summons. he didn't have time to list them all, but he did get Gine. Bardock's wife, Raditz was also her son. now he was just missing Goku to make the family whole. Gine although a Saiyan was at D rank, she wasn't a fighter but still had a Saiyan physique.

Sora summons went from 18 to 34 just like that. Sora sighed while looking at these numbers, in the games that were like this system, these lower grade summons would be used to upgrade the other stronger summons, yet he couldn't do that. if he could do that, he would lose his charisma

But Sora wasn't complaining or anything, he instead went on to improve their strength. He had enough to have everyone at least reach peak Iron rank. this huge combat force was knowledge, but Sora needed more Charisma, so he began spending time with these summonses.

he started with the D rank and slowly made his way up as he found it was much easier that way, since his charisma would improve as he goes up, those stronger summonses would become easier and easier to have their complete loyalty

In the end, Sora's Charisma reached 35, enough to summon every summon he had, even the gold rank summons. He also wanted to test how powerful his charisma was, so he left the system and went to see Kanan

"..." Kanan who was standing just outside Sora with a stack of papers frowned as she looked closely at Sora, something about Sora had changed she just couldn't put her finger on it. Sora was more prince-like, the aura Sora gave off although unable to compare to the crown prince made Sora look more like a prince,

"Something wrong," Sora asked with a smile. Kanan looked at him for a moment before shaking her head and giving Sora the papers, he had asked for yesterday. Sora sighed softly as looked at it before putting it in his room

"Also, the princesses of the golden crow empire will be coming to visit. your mother said to be on your best behavior." Kanan said making Sora grow a deep frown, the golden crow empire was a empire a grade higher than their empire. To build connections, Sora and the Golden Crow princess were arranged to be married on their 18th birthday,

Sora's mother was the one who pulled the strings to have this happen, she was from the Golden Crow empire herself, but fell in love with the current king,

"Also, the 4th princess is being married off to the prince of the Prorus Kingdom by the crown prince, she will be coming here soon to say her goodbye," Kanan said calmly, which made Sora frown even more. the 4th princess the youngest after Sora. she was only 20 years old. she was a sweet elder sister, who spoiled Sora,

Sora didn't say anything as he would wait for her arrival, he went to check up on Fugaku and Tashigi and gave them the task to clear every iron rank dungeon today, after they eat, they set off as they went to clear the dungeon with Sora staying back to go through the papers,

a few hours later, high up in the sky, a shooting star could be seen falling towards the Sora palace, Kanan sensing this carriage called for Sora and a few other guards to go outside while they look at the flaming ball heading their way.

Soon the ball of flame began slowing down, allowing one to see it was a carriage being pulled by a golden crow, the crows landed in front of Sora and the others, the door of the carriage opened up as a gold rank expert stepped out and opened the carriage door for a young woman

She had beautiful long blonde hair, her eyes were heavenly golden in color, she looked like a god, but she had two huge flaws, one she was flatter than a paper, she could be a perfect table for someone to eat off. and second, her eyes were filled with disdain while looking at Sora and the others

"Welcome to my palace. enjoy your stay." Sora said lazily, sure the former Sora was chasing after this girl's heart, but he wouldn't do such a thing. as a Transmigration Sora couldn't be chasing after someone, they had to chase him and not the other way around.

"Well, I have some work. feel free to enjoy yourself." Sora said calmly as he turned and returned to his room. the blonde-haired girl was stunned at Sora's action, but she snorted things that Sora was using this as a way to catch her attention. She was Saniyah Rickenbaker, the princess of the golden crow empire. just because she was going to marry this cripple didn't mean she will acknowledge his existence

Kanan sighed softly as she looked at Sora before she went on to play the host to give the princess a place where she could stay.

"So many human trafficking," Sora said softly as looked at the 10 pages which were just filled with people who were most likely taken from their homes. it was mostly children, most of them being girls with just a small amount being males. about 2 thousand people went missing every 6 months, that's one just 1 region of the city. there were many other parts of the region, some small and others huge.

"it's going to be a pain in the ass to clean up this city," Sora said softly, he would first have to send Crocodile out to take over the underground world. Crocodile will clean it out, and Sora will not just control the world from the light but also the darkness

Sora sighed as he went through some other papers, after some time Fugaku and Tashigi returned to the palace. upon returning, they ran into Saniyah's guard who was at the gold rank, the guard's eyes shrank as he could sense how powerful Tashigi was, he was a gold rank expert, and she was at the peak of the silver rank. just what was the cripple prince doing?

As Tashigi and Fugaku went to meet with Sora, he quickly went to go report to the princes, this was something that couldn't be ignored

"Amazing, now I have 13 red summoning tickets. these next days, Fugaku you are free to do as you wish. after your rest, we will go from there." Sora said calmly, Fugaku nodded slightly as before Sora looked toward Tashigi

"Take some time to improve, control Ki and Chakra, they were no longer suppressed, if you can learn to better most those to energy and even combine them, you will gain strength which would be above the gold rank." Sora said calmly, Tashigi nodded slightly. Sora didn't send them off but instead had them remain in his room; he didn't want outside forces to know of his summons capability just yet

Sora summoned the system and went on to use the 10x summon, he didn't need to enter the system to do anything. he could do everything from the outside world, but it was much better to enter the system and personally see everything with his own eyes.

bright light filled the screen in front of Sora, many stars gathered, Sora sighed as he noticed only 1 4 stars summon this time. He didn't gain many new summonses, but he did gain 3 new summons. 1 being a new A rank summon

the 3rd summon was Major Metallitron, a C rank summon from the world of dragon ball. an android created by the Red Ribbon Army.

the 5th summon was Zori, D rank summons from the world of Naruto. Sora was sure he has never seen them before

but the 10th summon was Vergo, a powerful Pirates with the ability to use Armament Haki so well he could cover his whole body in Armament Haki. Sora honestly forgot he could use Haki, if he remembered he might have picked him over Crocodile

{Quest number 1- gain 5 A rank summons has been completed, the infinity tower has been unlocked,} the system said as a screen appeared in front of Sora showing information about the infinity tower

the infinity tower was a tower that went on forever up to the point one would face all the powerful SR rank summons. Each floor held millions of D rank summons, every possible D rank summons that could be summoned. as one goes up the floors, one would encounter C rank summons as bosses, then B rank summons, then A, S, and SR rank summons.

each 10th floor will hold a boss monster, one would first need to kill every minion before the boss appear. the summons could not use the infinity tower without Sora, So Sora had to go with the summons and enter the tower every time. if he dies, then they would fall all the way back down to the first floor, and all the gained skills Sora would have from his summons would be locked

Killing boss monsters would drop their shards, the boss monsters could also drop other roots, such as S rank summoning tickets, and SR summoning tickets, but these chances of drops would appear when facing S rank bosses, or SR bosses.

Sora needed to clear at least 10 floors to be able to gain a skill, and for every 10 floors, one could be able to gain skill if he had enough skills.

Sora went on to enter the system after telling Tashigi and Fugaku to wake him if someone entered, after which he went on to look at the huge tower which seemed to go on forever into the sky, before entering it with his summons.