
An Angel's Flaws

When Kailee died, she did not expect to end up in heaven. In the afterlife, angels were the epitome of kindness. Kailee is everything but kind. She even finds herself facing the seraphim angels because of some tiny mistake she makes. Who knew being an angel could be so hard. *This story is part of the Flawed Hero contest.*

Amethyst687 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Where am I?

When Kailee woke up, or rather, opened her eyes, she was blinded by light. Everything was white. 'Am I in a hospital?,' she thought. Once her vision adjusted, she found out she was definitely not in a hospital.

Kailee was standing in front of a huge wall, with a gate gaining entrance to the place. The floor and wall was a pristine white, with not a speck of dirt anywhere.

As she looked behind her, she saw a giant cliff dropping down into the abyss. 'Not going down there.' She once again turned to look forward.

'The gate really was huge!' It seemed to be made of solid gold, with white bars, almost like a harp. In front of the gate, two guards stood, blocking the way.

Kailee finally took notice of the things that seemed to sprout out of the guard's backs. 'Were those wings?' She quickly looked behind her. Kailee almost had a heart attack doing so. 'Okay, so I have wings on my back.' It took a couple moments before she could walk without fainting.

'This can't be possible, this place isn't even real!,' she exclaimed. As calmly as she could, she made her way over to the guards. "Where the hell am I? What is this place?", she practically yelled at the two people blocking the gate.

"Please calm down miss, but you died. You're in heaven." "But heaven isn't even real! This must be some sort of mistake!" "Miss, go through these gates and you'll come to understand how you got here."

"Fine!" Kailee then squeezed through the small crack in the gate that the guards opened. Even if she didn't believe in heaven, she had to admit it look magnificent.

There was a huge castle-like building in the center of the city. Around the building was a beautiful garden full of about every plant species there is. This is what Kailee could only assume was a replica of the Garden of Eden. There was even a river running through the garden.

The water was crystal clear, and you could see right through it. Surrounding the castle, there were millions of homes scattered across the city. There were no cars, instead you could see people either flying or walking to their destination.

These angels all looked different. Some were walking in a straight line, with people walking around them. Others looked fairly normal, with one set of wings and white clothing.

What caught Kailee's attention the most were two angels with three sets of wings. Two sets were small. One set was on the side of their head. The other lurked on their feet by the heels. Then, there was a large set placed on the back like all the other angels. Most people seemed to highly respect these angels, many bowing to them as they walked by.

Kailee walked through the crowd of people, not caring about bumping into them. "Sorry" was constantly heard to her as she meandered. 'Is everybody here this nice?', she wondered. As she continued walking, she noticed there was a name on every house. They also seemed to be in alphabetical order.

'Can I find my house? Do I even have a house here?' Kailee continued strolling around neighborhoods, trying to find a last name with a 'c'. 'x's, r's... z's! How am I back at z's!'

It took a few minutes before finally getting the courage to ask someone. "Hey angel, where are the houses with the last name 'c'?", she asked, trying her best to sound polite.

"Yeah, just go down that street and it's on your fifth right." Kailee replied with a simple "Kay" before beginning to jog down the street to where the angel said. 'Okay, fifth right is right here.' Taking the turn, she found herself at the section 'ca'. 'Why are there so many houses down here?' Finally making it to the 'co's', she finds a house with her name on it. 'Kailee Coleman, died January 21, 2020', it read.

Ecstatic, she rushed into the house to find someone already in it. "Who are you?", both angels screamed at the same time. "oh, you must be Kailee, I'm Cayla.", the one girl said. "Why are you in my house?"

"I was just preparing the house for you." "Well? Get out already!", she yelled angrily at the young angel. "Sorry! I just have to set up a few more preparations." Already angry, Kailee started to step towards the angel, ready to use force to kick the girl out.

"Kailee, don't start any fights, you're still only a guardian angel." "I don't care what I am, you're still in my house!"

"Kailee, think this out, if you do this, you might be banished." Not understanding anything that Cayla said, Kailee took another step forward. She stepped back with one foot and punched Cayla straight in the eye.

Cayla, who was putting flowers on the table, lost balance and fell, breaking the chair behind her in two. Just then, another angel came in, hearing the ruckus.

"Cayla! Are you okay? What happened to you?" Upon seeing Kailee, she swiftly picked up Cayla, carrying her out of the house.

'Finally, now I can relax.', Kailee thought. Relaxing on her couch for a few minutes, she heard her door open. "You really can't get a clue can you?" She turned around quickly, only to see a person she has never seen before. "Hi, I'm Charlotte. How are you today?"

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