
An Angel's Flaws

When Kailee died, she did not expect to end up in heaven. In the afterlife, angels were the epitome of kindness. Kailee is everything but kind. She even finds herself facing the seraphim angels because of some tiny mistake she makes. Who knew being an angel could be so hard. *This story is part of the Flawed Hero contest.*

Amethyst687 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
2 Chs


"You're the one who cheated! We're done, drop me off at my place!"

"Kailee, you know I'd never cheat on you."

"Don't lie to me Jared, I saw you kissing my best friend!"

"She kissed me first, I pushed her away as soon as I..." "Watch out!"

Jared subconsciously steered towards the other side of the road, heading straight for a semi. Struck by fear of getting hit, Jared served the car sharply, missing the truck by mere centimeters. But Jared was missing one key factor, as they were on a narrow bridge and heading straight for the estuary.

He tried to stomp on the brakes, but it was futile. The car already crashed into the weak barrier on the bridge.

Kailee braced herself for impact of hitting a truck, and was caught off guard as they headed for the East River. Her eyes widened and her stomach churned as they speeded towards the water. The car hit the water and Kailee gasped. The water was so cold it knocked the breath out of her.

'I'm going to kill Jared once we get out of here,' she thought. She struggled to get off her seatbelt. She fumbled with it a few times before she finally got it off. 'I have to stop panicking and get out of here fast.'

While Kailee forgot, Jared remembered to breathe in before hitting the water. He also fared better with the seatbelt. He hurriedly unlocked the doors to the car and tried to get out. The doors wouldn't open!

Jared took a quick glance at Kailee to find her on the verge of passing out. 'I'll help her out once I'm sure I can save myself first,' he thought.

Kailee is running out of air fast. Her head got jerked back during the impact. She now tentatively opened one eye to figure out what to do next. The car hasn't completely filled up with water yet! She ungracefully stood up in the car, making her way to the air pocket. She took a deep breath as she finally got to air. She also instantly started coughing out the water she inhaled minutes earlier.

"Jared!", she called out, successfully earning his attention. Jared looked over to Kailee, seeing the small area not yet filled up with water. He quickly went over to her. "Kailee! I can't get the doors open, what do we do?"

"Pull the headrest off the seat and smash the window! I heard it works!"

Jared swiftly swam down to his car seat. He pulled up the headrest and tried to find a way to get it off. 'What if I can't get this off? What would I do then?' He looked around the side, a button! He pushed it and the headrest immediately popped off.

He caught another breath of air and went towards the window. He hit the window a few times, losing hope after every hit. By about the ninth time, the window broke and pieces went everywhere.

Jared dropped the headrest and swam towards the surface, accidentally kicking the headrest while doing so. He then swam towards the surface as fast as he knew possible. 'I'm almost there, almost there,' he thought. 'I made it!'

"Kailee, we survived!... Kailee?" He looked around, but couldn't find her anywhere! "Kailee, where are you?" Just then, the cops and paramedics arrived. They hurriedly got Jared out of the water. 'Kailee, where did you go?'

Kailee tried to follow Jared when he broke the window. Suddenly, she saw something out of the corner of her eye. Kailee felt a sharp pain in her head and eveything went black.

Sorry it's so short! I'll make the next one longer. Please give me advice of what I can do better. It would also mean a lot if you voted for me.

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