
Chapter 34: Fury find the truth of the missing alien!!

Fury took a sip of coffee from a white mug with an orange cat on it. "Ahh, this really hit the spot," he said, feeling content.

Things were finally going well for him after all the shit he went through.

First, they lost sight of an unknown alien, and even after almost a whole year of searching, they still had no idea where it vanished to. At the same time they lost track of the alien, the Hollywood mountain went up in smoke, and a natural disaster followed that devastated the city of LA and its local economy.

The council chewed Fury out and tried to force him to step down as Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. but his friend Alexander Pierce covered for him and made them drop the idea. However, it was all good now.

Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel) had arrived on Earth not too long ago and was flying around looking for the missing alien.

Shield was able to fish out the one and only Captain America not too long ago. In fact, Fury was having a meeting with Steve soon.

The progress of building the Avengers team was going well, too. Tony Stark was slowly dying from palladium poisoning, and Shield would swoop in and help him while signing him into the Avengers.

While Fury was lost in thought, a button on his desk lit up. "Speaking of which," Nick said as he moved his hand and clicked on the button.

A blue holographic screen appeared in the space on the top of his desk.

"Urgent report! The mutant mercenary Noah has made contact with Tony Stark, and they're heading downtown by car as of the time I'm writing this."

Nick continued reading, "Also, I think I know why we couldn't approach the merc even after all that time we spent going after him. He might have the power of illusions! When the merc walked into the gym to meet with Tony, I was studying him, and I guess he didn't like that. He just looked at me, and I was put into some kind of nightmarish place with a monster who kept looking at me. I was frozen in place, unable to move or utter a word. It was only after Ms. Potts called to me that I was able to break out from whatever nightmare he put me in, and so I was free once again."

"I have planted some spyware in all of Tony's vehicles as you instructed, and you can connect to them and hear what they're talking about. That's all I can do right now without blowing my cover, so I'll leave the rest to you."

With an ardent look on his face, Fury hurriedly clicked another button, connecting to the spyware in Tony's car.

And what he heard Next made him almost pass out from anger .

(Scene change. Inside a speeding car carrying both Tony and Noah)

"And so, seeing that there was no other way to stop the rampaging monkey Master Roshi blasted the moon into a million pieces and the big monkey went back to being a small yet super hungry child" Noah finished residing the story of Goku first martial art tournaments with a solemn face.


Tony remained silent for a brief moment before asking, "How is this even related to me asking you why you raided my kitchen?"

Noah played dumb yet again and replied, "What? You want to hear another story? Sure thing! So this story starts when a kid from the future named Trunks who uses a time machine his mother built to go back in time and fight a bunch of androids with his father and other allies! It starts like this..."

Tony interrupted him before he could start again, "Fine, fine. You don't have to answer the question. Just don't start with another fiction story of yours, it's making my head hurt."

Noah replied with a shrug, "Ahh man, and here I was going to tell you a story that made franchise peaks. Oh well."

After a few minutes of Noah looking outside the window and Tony driving, Tony asked, "So, what did you do in the past year since you arrived on Earth?"

Noah thought for a moment before replying, "Hmmm, let's see. The same day we parted last time, a few things happened. I fought a magical old monk lady who was hiding not too far from where we met, and from what I saw in the news, I think the aftermath of our fight made LA experience several extreme earthquakes. Then when I tried to leave, a group of mutants appeared out of nowhere and picked a fight with me, so I mobbed the floor with them and then blew up the Hollywood mountain to make a point. And afterward, I..."

Tony interrupted him with eyes full of surprise, "Wait! That was you? You're the reason half of LA is in shambles? I can't believe it!"

"Why is that hard to believe? After all, one attack is all I need to destroy a planet," Noah replied nonchalantly.

Tony said sarcastically, "Pfft, yeah sure thing, and my father was a founding member of a secret organization that keeps the Earth safe from the shadows!"

But after seeing the straight look on Noah's face, Tony's eyes widened, and he exclaimed, "What in the hell? You're not joking!"


"Are all aliens the same as you?" Tony asked with a hint of nervousness

"Nah, I'm the only of my race in this universe..... for now." Noah said with a wide grin on his face.

"Huh? What do you mean for now?" Tony asked again, thinking that Noah was going to bring more of his race to Earth.

After all, if Noah could wipe out a planet single-handedly, imagine what would happen to Earth if more of his race came to visit.

"I'm going to find me a wife and start a family... wait, what did you think I was going to say?" Noah stared at Tony and asked.

"For a starter. You're bringing your entire family and taking over the Earth!" Tony replied.

"Fuck that," Noah exclaimed. "If I take over this backwater planet, I'll have to rule it and take care of it! No way in hell I'm doing that. All I want is to eat good and fight good, that's all I want in life at the time. And I can get both of these without needing to take over the world." He explained.

"Huh, that's an unusual take coming from someone with so much power like you," Tony said.

"When you live as long as me, you will see things from a different perspective than others." Noah said while pulling back the car seat to lay down.

"Anywho, where was I? Oh yeah, I remember! So afterward, I started living in the old monk house in return I do some work she throws my way."

"There was this one time she sent me to stop a warlock from opening a portal between Hell and Earth. I went there expecting an old shriveled wrinkly man, but instead, I found a tall, pale, dark-haired, busty Gothic witch!"

"And one thing led to another, and I found myself throwing her into bed and...."

(Scene change. Back in Fury's office)

With anger beginning to spread on his face, Fury began to tell Phil Coulson to bring every squad available and equip them with the latest weapons they have and make them surround and evacuate the area around the restaurant.

"Motherfucker!" Nick cursed under his breath. "A fucking national terrorist, I tell you! He destroyed half of LA to make a point? Is he crazy?! This guy can't be left unchecked. We have to bring him into custody; otherwise, no one knows what kind of damage he's going to do to Earth!"

Nick reached for his phone and dialed a number. After a few moments, a woman's voice could be heard from the other side.

"Hey Nick, what's up?" Captain Marvel said.

"Carol! I have located the alien, and I'm sending you the details as we speak. Don't engage him till I arrive there, okay?" said Fury.

"Alright, I'm on it," she said while ending the call.

Fury then began to walk toward his office door, and when he opened it, he found someone who he had a meeting with today. Steve Rogers, aka Captain America.

Fury stared at him for a second before murmuring from under his breath.


(To be continued)


[Hey readers how you guys doing? You drinking enough water and eating healthy food? Because im sure im not!! Anyway i hope you guys enjoyed the new chapter and i'll see you at the nextone!!A/N]

[Also watch Dead Mount Death PlayDead it's a good show.]

Gib stones

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