
An Ancient Saiyan in Marvel

as Noah lay down beside the road, in unbearable agony  He reflected in his final moments. "Finally, it's over, no more suffering, no more pain." "I just hope that if there is a next life, I could live freely." Follow Noah on his journey through Marvel, My Hero Academia, Bleach, and other realities. Please be patient as this is my first time writing and English is not my first language. I own nothing; this is merely a fanfic.

solibus_orba · Movies
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44 Chs

Chapter 15 : Her name

#o%$* POV

" Uagh "

" Where am I -- ? Why i am in this much pain ? " i woke up in agony not knowing where i was or what happened to me i felt like a brazilian carnival just ran over my head . I tried to stand up but my legs gave up on me and i fell face first into the ground .


I struggled to get up and again i fell down again; this went on for over ten minutes before I was able to sit cross-legged with much effort.

"What in the world happened to me? How did I get to this..... bright place? No that isn't it!! This place is just the color white?! Where the hell am .... " But before i could finish my sentence the pain began to intensifie .

"Agraaaaaaaaaah" i screamed as i held my head with both hands

I felt like something was attempting to claw their way out of my skull. The pain had previously been unbearable, but now I want nothing more than to smash my head into a wall to pass out. To make matters worse, the pain began to spread from my head to the rest of my body, making my body to go into shock. I felt my blood vessels getting wider and my pressure going down by the second

"Damn it, my organs are failing," I exclaimed as blood poured from my mouth.

I felt my kidneys, liver, brain, and the rest of my organs and body shutting down, I collapsed on my back, choking on my own blood with one thought running through my mind .

"Am i going to die ?" .

Then, as my vision faded, a memory began to play in my mind.

<i'll see you in hell, you ugly monster > an idiot cursed .

<clink> a lighter used .

<Boooooooooooooooom> an explosion was made .

<SkreeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaK> a monster killed .

I thought weakly as the memory faded and my vision went dark .

" Fuck, not again " .

And i lost consciousness .

---500 years later---

One could see a huge monkey walking slowly and heavily through an endless white plane ,every time he takes a step he struggle greatly to take another, and if one would look closely at him they will see him carving something into his left arm .

" My name is #o%$* my name is #o%$* my name is #o%$* my name is #o%$* my name is #o%$* my name is #o%$* my name is #o%$* my name is #o%$* my name is #o%$* my name is #o%$* my name is #o%$* my name is #o%$* my name is #o%$* my name is #o%$* my name is #o%$* my name is #o%$* my name is #o%$* my name is #o%$* my name is #o%$* my name is #o%$* "

The monkey repeated in a raspy voice while carving his name into his arm and once he finished carving, his arm would heal at a visible rate and he would start all over again.

This went on for years and years until one day he halted his movements all together and began to stare at the endless white void in front of him with an unfocused eyes .

"Who am i ? " he asked but no one answered

" What am i ?! " he cried out but no one heard him

"This can't be !" he grieved for he finally understood what he is

A prisoner. Doomed to walk this realm for the rest of eternity, losing his sanity with each waking moment and never finding peace, not even in his fading memories. That realization pushed him to snap, and from the depths of his psyche, a single emotion emerged, taking over every fiber of his being.


Rage against the one who shackled him and took away his freedom

Rage against the one who killed him and took away his life

Rage against the one who reformed him into this monstrosity

His eyes went crimson red. His aura became as dark as the abyss. He started to float and then raised both of his arms in the air and began gathering energy in a sphere-like shape.




He managed to create an energy ball the size of a sun or more precisely a Black sun!! With an abyss-like energy oozing from within it, he held it over his head before angrily Roaring and hurling it toward the ground while attempting to destroy either this prison or himself since he didn't care for what going to happen anymore.

[The sun is 1.4 million kilometers in size so imagen that but an abyss color A/N ]


The energy ball was slowly but surely heading toward the ground, which would be catastrophic for #o%$* who would either get severely injured from the impact or worse, die.

But when the sun was an inch from hitting the ground, everything stopped!! And I mean literally everything , It was as if someone had just pressed the pause button on a movie they were watching and everything came to a halt. Then, suddenly out of nowhere, a vacuum-like power descended on the world and began sucking everything, the endless realm, the Black Sun, and even the monkey!! By the end of it nothing remained, and the entire place had turned into a world of nothingness.

But that wasn't the end of it. In the area where #o%$* was last standing, a female figure could be seen laying down in slumber, and it wasn't long before the women woke up and began looking around in confusion .

"Did it work ? Did i blow that shitty prison or i'm just dead ? " The women said unsure of what happened as she sat down .

She then looked down and her eye went blank when she saw the feminine body.

"Is this some sort of joke? WHOSE BODY IS THIS..... WHO AM I?" She shouted and clutched her head as she sobbed.

"Please, I just want this hell to end, I can't take it anymore" she cried .

She cried for what seemed like an eternity until she was interrupted by two distant voices coming from what should been the sky if there was one in this place .

L***N : " Are you sure she going to be Alright now ? " ***** asked in tone filled with concern .

N**H : " For the hundred time . Yes she will be fine, i have finished retrieving my memories and all we have to do now is just wait to for her to wake up " **** Responded .

L***N : " Wasnt she already awake ? She been crying for the last fifty minutes after all " ***** Asked again .

N**H : " Look at her eyes, they're glassy and fixated on one spot, she's in the same state as someone who's sleepwalking " **** awansered .

L***N : " Just be sure to heal Rogue completely this time " ***** replied after a long pause .

The women was sitting in a fetal position while listening to the two talking to each other. Wondering why she felt a sense of familiarity towards the both of the them. But when she heard the two mention a certain name, something clicked.Memories began to pouring out as if a dam had just been burst wide open, all the confusion being washed away as she began to remember everything, her home. Her family. Her work. and much, much more!! But the most important thing she remembered, was... Her name is

"Rogue . My name is Rogue "She declared. Warmth began to wash over her.

(Crack) (Crack)

At that moment, a brilliant light broke through the emptiness, causing her to close her eye abruptly.

And when the light subsided, she opened her again then found herself getting started at intensely by Noah and logan while being in a princess carry .

"Umm..... hi ?" she said feeling lil bit awkward .

Both men breathed a sigh of relief and looked at each other after hearing her response.

Logan : " Good thing it worked " Logan said

Noah : " I told you she will be fine " Noah replied

Logan Looked back at Rouge with a smile and said

"Glad to have you back kiddo i thought i would lose you today "

upon hearing that Rouge eye teared up and then replied while wiping her tears

" Yeah i'm glad to be back as well " .

Very tired. Going to sleep, have fun guys .

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

solibus_orbacreators' thoughts