
An amorevolous epoch

•18+ •No rape content •This novel falls under the Fantasy romance genre. GLIMPSE:- ' An young girl named Larisa who lost both of her loving parents in the the hands of death was coincidentally found and adopted by her maternal side family even before she could grieve for her loss. Her life took an complete turn under the roof of her maternal side family. Living under the unjust and strict regime of her uncle life turned colorless... When she turned into an young woman she desired for freedom and control over her life. Once she was bold enough to go against her adoptive family to acquire her individuality she crosses path with Ares Whitfield, who is considered as a ruthless and twisted vampire by many and a reasonable one by his loved ones... Feelings blooms between Larisa and Ares but there are lot of hurdles in their way which distances their feelings for each other...' What do you think will they fall in love with each other? Will they find solace and freedom in each other's company? (The story is going to un veil slowly to know more please continue with me !)

MoodyDamsel · Fantasy
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5 Chs

3. Meeting and demand

Donald's carriage reached the Ariadne's mansion, once the carriage came to halt, Donald got down to be followed by Conor and Larisa. He disdainfully stared at the mansion which had two identical towers and a main house between them, the white paint of the buildings looked very old though the building looked quite decent for a baron's family, Donald's family mansion is five times more larger than this one and still his stepsister chose to live here with her so-called love, he said, "let's get inside" and started to walk towards the main gate guarded by two guards, Conor followed him and Larisa followed them hesitantly.

The back of the mansion contained an orchard with many apple and tangerine trees in it beside it there is a small vegetable garden and at the last corner of the plot there is a narrow passage which leads into a thick grove where the cemetery of Larisa's parents lie. Hearing of news Donald's arrival from the guards Daniel and his wives are feeling troubled they were not expecting Warren's in-laws to visit them especially when they didn't even attend their own daughter's funeral, hearing that Larisa is also with him they were more worried.

One of the house maid was asked to stand at the entrance to welcome Donald and his assistant who now walked towards her along with their little miss, once they reached the entrance she bowed her head and said, "Kind sirs, please follow me to the drawing room, lord Daniel is waiting for you there." While Donald and Conor followed the maid, Larisa eyes searched for Anna not finding her in the hall she followed the party to the drawing room.

"Please join us Mr. Moraes." Daniel said pointing towards sitting area of the room, on seeing larisa behind, his wife Lana approached her, "we were so worried about you, lari, why did you run away? don't ever repeat this again" saying this she gently dragged her towards one of the couch. Larisa was suprised to hear such a gentle tone from her aunt who was speaking rashly to her a few hours ago, when she lifted eyes to look at her she was silently glaring at her, she knew her situation will worsen once Donald leaves.

Sitting on the couch opposite to where Daniel and his family sat Donald said, "Mr.Daniel, I am here to offer my condolences to you and your family on this terrible loss, I pray for my brother- in -law's soul to rest in peace", " I am very grateful for you presence and concern, Mr. Donald. If I had known about your visit sooner I would have postponed the funeral. By the way would you like to visit the family cemetery, Mr. Donald?" " It is fine, Mr. Daniel, I am here to discuss about an important matter today if it is solved quickly and if time permits I would visit the cemetery on my way back." Daniel furrowed his brows, " what is it, Mr. Donald?" Donald glanced at Larisa before stating, " I would like to take Larisa to Akrix with me." Larisa was shocked to hear this till now the only information she had about Donald is that he is her maternal uncle which was confirmed just now when he addressed her father as his brother -in-law and her uncle and aunts agreed on it, "Till when?" Daniel asked he wasn't expecting this either, Donald slightly smiled before replying, "Forever". "That's not possible" Daniel gritted his teeth he couldn't directly refuse this person on face as he is marquee of Akrix also Daniel was sure he is not a human just like Eveline and Larisa and could possibly harm them if he snaps at him. "Why?" Donald asked acting confused that's when Daniel replied, "Mr. Donald, Larisa is also one of our family member and she has been in touch with us since she was kid that will make her more comfortable to stay with us on that she was brought up here in Yorosia and also doing her schooling here I fear a sudden change would disturb her also it will be hectic for you." Daniel didn't want to send his niece away when he know about her magical abilities which he can manipulate and take advantages of. His wife lana agreed with a smile, "yes, Mr. Donald we see Larisa as our own child, she will be more comfortable to stay with us." Larisa wanted retort back about how they hated her for not being a ordinary vampire. Donald smirked at the lady, he thought these stupid vampires would quickly agree to his demand because not only they would get rid of Larisa but they will also gain this property but this foolish creatures seem to have discovered about Larisa's abilities that is why they are willing to keep the child. He gave an lopsided smile before stating, "oh... It is good to see you all caring for the child but still I insist on taking her to my family, I assure she will be comfortable and happy there. What do you say now, Mr. Daniel?", " But she is my brother's daughter I have more rights on her than you." Daniel lost his cool, he forgot the person before him is a marquee of a state, his polite facade slipped from his face and he hissed,"and talking about your care! Where were you and your family for this many years?How can I entrust Larisa with you when any of your egoist family members didn't even care to attend Eveline's funeral because she married into a family with lower social status than you? And you talk about your family talking care of this child! How ironic! Listen Mr. Donald we were there for our brother's family from beginning and also we have total rights to adopt Larisa now."

"Such foolish creatures, Conor... Talking about rights! And You have audacity to call my family members egoists, you should be aware of your social standing before before claiming something obnoxious about my family, Daniel." Donald glared,"And tell me Daniel, are you really willing to keep Larisa with you because she is your niece or because of your greed to aquire her magical abilities?" Everyone's eyes widened at this mention.

A tinge of fear and shock spread over Daniel's features again 'How did he guess?' he thought,

he defiantly spoke,"what magical abilities are you speaking about,

Mr. Donald? Larisa is a human just like Eveline how could she possess magic. Do mind your words Mr. Donald! You're only a guest here."

" So, you are not aware of Larisa being no ordinary human then why are you being so impatient?" Donald said," how sure are you to say Eveline was human?" he smirked at the trio who looked speechless and can only grit their teeth in anger.

Donald looked satisfied with their expressions, it is one of his twisted hobby to annoy and guilt- trip people by manipulating their words and intentions which makes them feel restless then he intentionally attacks their weak point while they lose their control and end up tearing their fake facade which they mostly carry in the crowd, even his own wife was not spared from this evil hobby of his, then he ordered conor," Take the child and settle in the carriage I will join in less than 20 minutes and you!" He pointed at Larisa,"If you have anything dear to take with you to Akrix then go and and bring it now, there is very slim chance for you to return back here." He stared at Larisa signalling her to go.

Larisa who was sitting midst of all this chaos looked broken she could only comprehend half of the situation. When they were arguing over her stay and her newly discoverd maternal uncle was adamant to take her to biggest and the most influential kingdom in their continent called Akrix she turned worried she is not willing to leave the mansion where she had spent time with her parents which now turned into comforting memories in their absence, she was fond of their governess,Lady Blythe who gives lessons to her and her friends Millie,Jasmine,Lydia at Lydia's mansion, she don't want to leave her friends behind and she don't want to leave Anna here. Recalling that she wasn't able meet Anna in the ground floor of the mansion she shot up from her seat to search for Anna who might help her out from this ordeal.

Before Anna could reach the circular staircase made up of teak wood she heard her uncle shout at her maternal uncle,"she is not going anywhere, you are the one who should leave this place at this instant!", Conor retorted this time,"Mind your words Mr.Daniel, your insolent words might cost you and family in future.",the banter continued and Larisa climbed the steps to reach the first floor to search Anna.

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