
Year Two

I excitedly made my way to platform 9 ¾. I had barely even made it to the platform before I was tackled in a bear hug. "George, let the girl breath for a second," said a woman who I think is George and Fred's mom.

"Mom, it has felt forever since I have seen n/n and----" he cut off as he started to actually look at me. "What happened to your hair!?! It's all short and different," George asked as he fluffed the short bob I was now sporting. "George, that wasn't very nice. I'm sorry dear." "Don't worry about it, Mrs. Weasley. I actually cut 10 inches of my hair off and donated it to a place where they can use it to make wigs for kids who lost their hair to cancer. Then I also pulled back my bangs."

Both George and Mrs. Weasley looked a little confused, so I went into further detail. "At some hair salons, they do a thing where they collect the hair you cut off if it's over 8 inches and use it to make wigs for people with cancer who don't have hair," I said to help fill them in.

"Oh, that was very nice of you dear, but it's time to get you two on the train before you miss it. George really wanted to stay behind to make sure you came, no one could talk him out of it." George blushed his mothers words, not looking her in the eyes when she kissed him goodbye on the cheek. "Well, that was very sweet of him," I told her.

We were on the train and in a car in no time. "How was your summer?" he asked me once we were seated. "It would have been way better if I was able to spend it with you and Fred. It got really annoying having to deal with my four brothers." "Fred and I started working on more pranks. I also practiced a lot of quidditch. It would have been better if you were there with us."

"Last year was crazy. Hopefully nothing like that happens this year," I told him hopefully as I looked out the window of the train to see the scenery pass us by. "If it does I'm not letting you out of my sight. The same goes for Ginny, my little sister who is starting her first year here." "Well, then I can't wait to see which house she goes in."

Ginny got sorted into Gryffindor, like every other Weasley before her. Her brothers still made a big show about it though, as they got out of their seats to cheer for their younger sister.

Most of my classes were very similar to Hermione, so we helped each other out on homework a lot as we got thrusted straight into lessons. Since it's quidditch season again, George thought it would be a good idea to teach me how to play, or at least some of the rules. He decided that we would meet up after classes about an hour before dinner and he could teach me.

"The snitch is what the seeker tries to catch, and if the seeker catches the snitch the game is over. Harry is our seeker. Then there are the blugers that the beaters, Fred and I, try and hit away from our team. There is also the quaffle that you throw through the hoops to earn points. The chasers are the ones that throw the quaffle into the hoops and the keeper blocks the quaffle from going into their hoops. You kinda get it?" George asked, going over everything slowly so I had time to process what he said.

"Yeah, I think so. I get the game, it's the flying that I would screw up at. Before you say that it can't be that bad, it is. My parents bought me a broom, I tried it, and I fell off. In the emergency room, they kept asking me what I did to break my arm and it was a little hard to explain the fact that I fell off a broom 15 feet in the air to a bunch of no-majs."

"If you have a broom, do you mind showing me how you fly? Trust me and I won't let you fall off," he reassured me, completely disregarding the story I just told him. "Okay, I'll get my broom. Accio broom," I said as I summoned my broom to me (Hermione taught me that one). Within seconds my broom was at my side.

"I don't even think I can do that. And I'm two years ahead of you," said George, impressed by the spell. "I had Hermione teach me some things," I explained with a shrug of my shoulders.

George showed me how to properly kick-off and how to control the broom, and within seconds I was in the air. "Well, it's not so bad!" I yelled down to George who was at least 50 feet below me.

I did some rounds around the field until Draco showed up. "Well if it isn't the Mudblood that thinks she can fly," Draco taunted while on his broom. "Go away, Draco. I don't need you ruining my week just being near me let alone talking to me." He seemed taken aback at that.

"I'll make you a deal, you beat me around the field and I'll leave you alone. If not then I can annoy you as much as I want," he bargained, a smirk etched into his face. "Deals on Malfoy," I say as I take off.

I got a good lead, but Draco had a faster broom so he was caught up to me in no time. "You know, you're pretty good at flying for a Mudblood,'' he sneered. Next thing I know, he knocks me off my broom and I'm falling. I saw George running over. I was able to get my broom and not crash on the ground, but it wasn't enough. I was on the broom but only a foot off the ground.

I fell off the broom due to my lack of balance and took a tumble, ultimately landing on my side. "n/n are you okay!?" George all but yelled at me as he knelt at my side. "Serves you right Mudblood," sneered Malfoy as he started to walk off the field. "Shut up Draco. You 're gonna pay for this," George threatened as he started to get to his feet. "George, just leave him alone. Don't give him the satisfaction of making you angry," I said while wincing as I tried sitting up.

He immediately turned back to me and helped me up. "We should take you to Madam Pomfrey," he murmured as he helped me back to the castle. "What were you doing with Malfoy anyway?" he asked as I limped along besides him, half my weight being supported by his arm around my waist. "He wanted to make a bet. I win then he stops bugging me, I lose and he keeps bugging me. He said that I was pretty good at flying then the next thing I know he knocks me off my broom and I'm falling."

"I am going to get back at him for this," he promised me. "Not if I get to him first," I counter, making him smile.

When we got to Madam Pomfrey, she was quick to take a look at what was wrong with me. I had a fractured rib, a sprained ankle, and I dislocated one of my shoulders. George didn't want to leave my side until Madam Pomfrey came in and told him to get some sleep. Luckily, by the next morning I was almost fully healed. George still wanted to help by walking me from class to class that day.

"George, I told you I'm fine. I'm just clumsy, that's all, and Malfoy didn't do anything that changed that." George was pouting at me as I kept defending what happened to me. "You really were doing good at flying until Malfoy showed up," he told me for the umpteenth time. I sighed at him as we continued walking through the halls. "George, you don't have to pretend to be impressed. I know I was awful at flying and that's why it was so easy for him to knock me off my broom," I said, denying that I could be good at anything athletic.

"n/n," George started, taking me by the shoulders so I would look at him, "did you ever think that the reason he knocked you off your broom was because he was afraid you would win?" he asked before walking away to Fred, who was motioning him over for the past few minutes.