
On The Hunt

Milo POV

*Buzz Buzz Buzz* Slowly, I reach over and grab my phone from the nightstand. Swiping up with my finger to unlock it, my heart raced when I read the message.

"It is confirmed they are a werewolf. Meet us at the office so we can tell you the plan to capture them by Sunday."

Looking over to Wisteria, I slowly remove my arm from under her. Watching her breath, I wonder if I made the right choice. She is a charming girl; she isn't the hottest girl I've bed but top ten for sure. I mull over whether she is the right woman to fulfill my dad's demand to see me married while pressing one of the many call buttons I have in the house. The buttons signify that I would be downstairs soon. This particular button was meant to have my drivers waiting downstairs for me. Smiling at myself, I thought about how grateful I am to have the kind of money that would allow these conveniences. Glancing at the clock made me put a little pep in my step and throw on some business attire a maid laid out for me. Going back to the nightstand, I quickly write out a note to Wisteria, letting her know that I will be missing her anniversary this weekend. Still, I'd make it up to her. I place the message on my pillow and rush out the door.

Downstairs right on cue, where both drivers are waiting for me. Sam and Tobias were terrific friends of mine and, as my drivers know about the family business. Neither man has an issue with the fact that I've pivoted to selling supernaturals. Still, Tobias doesn't have the physical talent for it. That's OK though, every flourishing business needs an accountant, and he was aces at it. The driving is only part-time for Wisteria's sake until I can vet a new full-time driver for her. I let Tobias know that he would be in charge of driving Wisteria around this weekend. He gave me a smile and nod of understanding before Sam and I hopped in the car. We're off the headquarters first so that I can get filled in on the plan.

"OK, Milo! Oooh, I can't wait to get another one." Sam replied before backing out of the driveway.

"I'm glad one of us likes these hunts, man. Sometimes I don't wonder if it were best for me to have stuck mostly with drugs and nightclubs. I really don't like the outdoors." I said while looking out the window.

" Yea, even as kids when my dad used to take us all hunting, you would always stick with Tobias and complain about the bugs and the weather," Sam said through a chuckle. " Why did you guys always come with us anyway? He continued.

"You know Tobias, and I loved hanging out with you, man. We'd brave any bug and gross mucky weather to spend time with our best bud," I chuckled.

"My man," he nodded before we both fell silent.

The hotel that housed my office was a 40 min drive, so I had time to kick back and think before finding out the plan. My thoughts once again turned to Wisteria. It had been an entire year since I have known her. She probably assumes I don't know much about her since neither has asked the other about our past. I huffed in amusement, thinking about the look on her face; if she knew how much I really knew about her. I had been going to Bennys' burgers for a long time before I saw her face there. She may not be the hottest woman I've slept with, but she was the most desirable at Bennys'. Her slim frame and cute round eyes drew me in. Her smile as she took my order and perky butt as she walked away sealed the deal. I took her out with just the hopes of getting into the tight jeans she wore but ended up finding her company quite enjoyable. When we went on dates, I liked that she never attempted to dig into my personal life. Of course, the person who doesn't ask you questions rarely volunteers information, making it hard to get to know her. I used a particular contact I have in my private security team to dig up as much information on her as possible.

Imagine my surprise when my contact came back with minimal information. All they had is that Wisteria has no records in the states or any other part of the world from before the two years she moved to New York. Her passage into New York is not listed. The only people who get into the states with their mode of transportation unlisted are those arriving from the island of Riara. Since so few humans know of the island, that means that she had to have been supernatural. After finding out that Wisteria was supernatural, it was only a matter of finding out what kind. Thank goodness the witches that I am working with left me enough potions to have the freedom to hunt down supernatural without having to see them every minute. It is a catch-all potion that shows me the Aura of supernaturals only. Every color resonates with the species. Fairies live in the sky and commune with nature through the clouds, so their Auras are blue. Witches have the option of following two paths in life-giving them two Aura colors. Good witches have a yellow aura, and dark witches have a black Aura.

Vampires sustain off the blood; therefore, their Auras are red. To rule out her being a Vampire was simple enough, and I didn't need the potion. One of my men followed her at night to see if she ever snuck off to drink blood. It was one of the first things I was able to check off my list to my relief. Next, I dipped into my all-seeing eye potion. The yellow substance in the vile tasted like lemons and strawberries. Still, I was told the second flavor differs from person to person. I never thought of myself as a strawberry kind of guy, but the potion doesn't lie. Her dark green Aura told me that not only was she a werewolf but that she has Alpha blood in her. The lighter the Aura, the weaker the creature.

The next couple of months, I spent watching her, keeping an even closer eye on nights that were full moons. Amazingly she never turned. It was as if she left all of her wolf parts on Riara Island. I have to say I was disa pointed. I know that my business may make me seem bigoted, but I have no real ill will for supernaturals. I don't care if they get hurt for a buck; call it what you will. Finding out I was dating one was my chance to get to know at least werewolves, but she never let me see that side of her. I would like to see her wolf. The curiosity is so intense in me that I may reveal to her one day that I know about that part of the world.

"We're here," Sam Said, interrupting my thoughts.

"Oh," I said quietly before opening the door and hopping out. I took a deep breath in as I looked up at the ten-story hotel. It was nice to be born into a family that can keep something like this up and going even if it did start and is still entangled with dirty money. Sam and I walked into the lobby together and waved at the front desk girls, who looked up and flashed smiles at us. We both got into the elevator and ascended to the 10th floor, where my office was. When I walked in, 4 of my men were already in the room lounging and joking. Everyone looked up, and the laughter died as I shut the door and walked over to my desk. I shook my light brown leather coat off of my shoulders and draped it over the back of my chair before pulling it out and taking my seat. I quickly moved some pens to the side to kick my feet up on the desk.

"So what have you boys got for me?" John, one of my crew captains, ran his hands through his hair before walking over to me, saying, "this one should be an easy one, there's just a lot of travel involved,'' And dropping a file on my lap. Flipping through it, I see that the wolf we're after has a dark green aura. "It says this wolf has Alpha in his blood. What makes you say that this should be easy?" I say, looking up at John. "The wolf is young," he started as he picked up a remote from the mahogany coffee table that was in the center of the room.

"he's unmated from what we can tell, so he does not have his full alpha power." John continued as he pointed the remote towards the TV mounted on the office's back wall.

"Plus, he sticks to a pretty strict routine so that we can use that to our advantage." He finished as the video started playing. A young man with curly black hair was strolling through the woods, clearly unaware that we were watching his every move. He stripped down and transformed into a large black wolf with white toes and a white-tipped tail. He let out a might howl before taking off into the deep woods. The video seemed to capture most of the route he took up to a cave hidden by some trees.

John stood up and stopped the tape. "When we went up to recon him, he seemed to stick to the same schedule on Sundays." He said, putting the remote down.

"And that's going to wherever that was for that little run of his. I replied, taking my feet down and leaning forward on the desk.

"Sure is boss, so we set up cameras In the trees over the next few months or so to capture the full route. Seeing as he always stops at the same cave, we figured we could have the witches whip us up something fun and surprise him this coming Sunday. "

"John, I like the way you think," I boomed, whipping out my phone, sending a message to those crafty gals. "I have already sent them a text to let them know what we are planning. While they whip us up something good, you tell me where it is we're going," I said, looking around the room. " We're headed to Cat falls, New Jersey, about a 5-hour drive from here," John said, just a ding sounded in the room. I opened the large bottom desk drawer on my left side and pulled out a light blue potion with plumes of smoke that had a note attached. Opening the letter, I read the message aloud, "Use the fumes of this potion to incapacitate the wolf. You can aerate it or put the liquid on a cloth and force him to inhale." I looked at the drawer once again, amazed by the magic, and said, "boys, can we take a minute to appreciate how fucking cool it is that I have a magic mail drawer in my desk." The room erupted into laughter, agreement, and statements about how they wished they had powers too. Once the jokes died down, I took over the room, and we hatched out a plan. We would drive to cat falls tonight, rig up a simple system with a wire that would cause the jar to fall and break, and we would wait for him to pass out. We have the surprise element on our side, so I was confident that it would be as easy as my boys said.

Loading up the cars, we drove down to cat falls. I checked everyone into a bed and breakfast that was relatively close to the area we needed to start our hike. Taking a look around, the lace felt quaint and homely. The wooden furniture was worn and looked well used, and the couches looked fluffed but well used. The sun was just starting to make its way down by the time we were ready to head out. It was nothing but jokes about how out of shape we all were as we started our ascent. We hiked for a few hours before reaching our destination. This mountain resembled a cat's mouth with a roaring waterfall. That waterfall was all that stood between us and the cave that we needed. Supervising, I watched my men rig up a system with a rope that ran across the bottom of the cave and supported the potion at the top of the cave. When I was satisfied with their work, we headed back to the B&B. Once we were in the room, I took my coat off before addressing my men. "Now that hike was fun and all, and I don't know about you guys, but I'm a city boy myself" I chuckled, and the room filled with laughter. " I only plan the do that hike once, so I ordered four-wheelers to go back up there Sunday evening. They'll also help to carry his body back down promptly." I finished before looking at my phone. "You always think of everything," Ryan pipped up. "Sure do, my man!" Clapping my hands together, I put my coat back on and let everyone know that I would be back on Sunday morning.

My crew and I all spent a lot of time in new jersey when we were kids, so this trip also kind of doubled as a vacation for us. Since there was nothing to do but wait until Sunday evening, everyone took the time to enjoy the city. Having spent so much time here already, I wasn't in the mood to sightsee or bustle about the city. Beautiful women are the only sights worth seeing anyway, which is what made me call up Tonya. Her soft voice filled with excitement as I told her that I was in town and taking her out tonight. When I pulled into her driveway, she sauntered out of the house with her coat off so I could catch a glimpse of her low-cut sweater dress. Sophistication became her as she glided across her front lawn. My breath hitched as the sweet aroma filled my nostrils. Wisteria flashed across my mind as I debated on whether it compared to her fresh citrus smell. Finding myself always thinking of her even when I am with my favorite woman jettisoned me further into my thoughts.

Maybe I should take that as a sign that she should be the one to make an honest man out of me. Chuckling at the thought of me being a righteous man captured Tonya's attention prompting her to ask what I was thinking about. Running my thumb across her lips, I hooked my finger under her chin, kissing her deeply. As expected, she responded with her entire body pressing her voluptuous double d's into my chest. Our tounges snaked their way around in each other moths, exploring and dancing together. Cupping my hands around her breasts caused her to mount and grind me until she felt my excitement grow. We reached the restaurant entirely too soon, though, and had a wonderful seafood dinner and decided dessert could wait. With thoughts of what we would be doing later, dinner seemed to drag on before I was able to get her back to her place. Sweeping Tanya off her feet, I carried her through the front door while burying my nose in the crook of her neck. Her caramel brown skin always smelled of brown sugar and tonight was no exception. Her hair was dark brown, naturally curly, and long, complimenting her chocolate brown eyes well. Her innocent smile hid her wild and sexually experimental nature well. She was entertaining, but I did find myself thinking about Wisteria throughout our f***ing. Did that mean that I loved her then?

Thoughts about whether I should marry Wisteria drifted through my head, lulling me to sleep and closing them down Saturday. Heading straight to the B&B when the sun rose, I grabbed a cup of coffee that had my name on it and sat between Sam and John in Sam's room. We shot the shit until dawn when we all focused on the camera system. We once again watched as this wolf stripped and shifted, this time in real-time. His black wolf sat back on his haunches and stuck his chest towards the moon, and howled. He took off running, and we all stayed glued to the screen. As he reached the waterfall, we saw him enter, and then there was a slight delay before we could hear a crash happen in the cave.

"Ha, piece of cake just like you said," I hollered at John. "Hey, you know me, boss, thorough with the research." grazing the side of his nose and doing a sharp inhale. "Alright, men, let's hop on those four-wheelers and nab us a wolf." I waved my hands up as I headed out the door and towards the vehicles. I kept the crew small for this part, and it was just 4 of us. The drive up to the cave was quite lovely. The land around us was lush and filled with life. Birds were always chirping, and many random varied flowers were peppering the forest. If I were a wolf, I'd probably choose to run here as well. The air was crisp and cool.

The forest air flowed through my nostrils, transporting me to my summer nights in the woods as a kid. As the trees whooshed by, more memories flooded in until the waterfall came into view. We slowed the vehicles as we reached the mouth of the cave. Hopping off my ride, I walked around to the back to lift the hatch and removing the rope from the shallow box. John, Sam, and Hugo went straight to the cave to look at our predator turned prey. By the time I made it into the cave, the boys had already turned the kid over to his stomach so that we could tie him up. Standing at his head, I kneeled, placing one knee in his back. I tied his hands together, wondering where he would end up. "Mmmmm," we all stopped and stared dumbfounded. "who are you" he moaned. We have never had a wolf not be completely knocked out from the witches' potion before.

"Sam, go outside and call the witches to have them transport more knockout potion. We're a lot further than we usually are, so it may be a minute or two after you call to get it," I directed at Sam. He immediately turned heel pulling out his phone as he left the cave.

"You two go to your four-wheelers and get the rest of the rope. We'll tie the feet and everything else, just in case.

Another moan escaped the wolf as my other men left the cave. "Let me go... I," he trailed off as I flipped him over to his back. His shaggy black hair fell to the side, revealing a relatively young face. This kid had to 19 20 years old at most. This is good; the witches tend to pay more money when they are young and healthy.

"Wisteria...I just..." All I could do was stare in wonderment at this kid who was strong enough to fight what the witches made for us. Then it hit me he said my girlfriends' name, how did he know her? "my sister...find her..." I had no time to process what he said as all my men walked back into the cave. Hugo and John went straight to securing the young wolf, and Sam poured the rest of the potion on him knocking him completely out.

"The witches are extremely interested in this one and would like him immediately this time," Sam said, corking the bottle and putting it in his jacket pocket.

"OK, help me lift," I demanded. As my men helped me lift, I wondered if his Wisteria was also my Wisteria. If she was, what would I do with that information? We mounted him to the back of my four-wheeler and headed back to the B&B. I decided I would look into this on my own later and just enjoy the rest of the Sunday that I would get to spend with Wisteria when we got home.