
An alien and his human love

A teenage boy who everyone thinks is normal except he isn’t normal far from it. He’s an alien. His home planet was destroyed and he was sent to earth. His paretns adopted him after they found him and his ship they know what he is and they’re accepting. but is the world ready to know? What about the new boy at school? What about when they fall for each other? Will everything work out?

Anngxx · LGBT+
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2 Chs

chapter 1

16 years ago on carters home planet. the whole planet was in chaos. you could hear people screaming, shouting and crying. there was a huge monster going on a rampage destroying everything, killing everything whether they were men, women, children, young or old this monster didn't care. this war went on for months before there was barely anything left except the king and queen and their son. it was now their time to fight alone. they were the strongest thats why they survived the longest but they were getting weaker they knew that they wouldn't win so they sent their son of with their final kiss, hug, i love you and goodbye. He was in tears he was screaming but they knew they had to do it they werent willing to let their son die with them it was their only option. after they sent him of they knew that he would finally be safe and free and that this was going to be their last fight and that they are going to take their last breath soon but they knew they werent going to go down without a fight. well thats what they thought...

a week goes by and he has finally landed on a planet. the planet was called earth. the little boy was still in his ship asleep. when he arrived he ended up landing on someones property luckily the people who lived there lived away from people the closes people was about 2 miles from them. when he landed the ship caused a massive bang, a small earthquake and a big crater. this immediatly caused the couple to come running out of ther house and towards the noise. it took them about 2 minutes to run there you need a lot of land for a farm. all they could think about when running was i hope the animals are all right. they finally make it to the source of the noise. what they saw shocked them. there was a massive crater with a little ship in the bottom of it.

they slid down the crater and towards the ship while all sorts of thoughts were running through their head.

'is this a ship. a space ship'

'wheres it from'

'if its a space ship that means its from another planet. but thats not possible'

'whats inside it'

'is it a someone'

'if its a someone the ships tiny it would only fit a child'

'maybe its just a prank. but what about the crater and the earthquake and the loud bang'

they stop thinkin for a minute while they figure out how to open the thing. after about a minute of trying theres suddenly a burst of a bright light coming from parts of the ship suddenly the light gets bigger as the ship starts to open when the ships fully open the light flashes and then dissapears revealing a little child sat in a seat with a smile while giggling. Theyre shocked at first but as they keep looking at the child they smile too. his smile must be contagious. without thinking of what to do next to the woman takes the child out of the ship. hes completely naked so she takes of her coat and wraps it around the child and cuddles him closer to keep him warm.

"emma what are we gonna do"

"i dont know alex we will figure it out first we get the child inside its cold. we need to move the ship"

he grabs a hold of the ship and tries to pull it. "and how are we gonna do that it wont even budge"

emma sighs "i dont know but it cant stay here"

the child jumps down out of emmas arms and walks to the ship he touches it and it starts to shrink after its done shrinking its about the same size as a toy ship.

the kid points at it "ship light" then he walks back to emma who has her mouth wide open just like alex does. he lifts up his arms and say "up" emma chuckles and picks him up. then alex goes to lift the ship again and this time he does it. its the same size as a toy ship and weighs the same as a toy. he slips the now tiny ship in his pocket and they all make their way to the house a few minutes later theyre inside the house and collecting a pillow and a blanket from one of the spare bedrooms. they place them on the couch and the little kid making sure to cover him up while hes still wearing emmas coat.

alex "ill go shop and get a few things like nappies and some kids clothes hes gonna need some"

emma "alright get some stuff like chocolate or something he can have. ill stay here and watch him"

alex makes his way out the door and emma sits at the end of the couch and puts on tv. theyre both avoiding speaking about it but theyre both seriously thinking about it. 'maybe it was a toy and there was a button that turn it small. oh ye cause things like that have been made think seriously' she doesnt think that he can actually come from another planet but they will realise the truth soon.

around an hour later alex walks throught the door with a few bags of stuff when he closes the door it wakes up the child on the couch he sits up and comes face to face with emma she smile at him. "are you hungry" she asks him

he nods a little and she smiles again and alex walks into the living room.

alex "i got a few sets of clothes, some nappies, some juice and some snacks and i got some soft food for him. wait his name we cant keep calling him. him or his or kid can we"

emma "hes able to speak a little he did before. hey sweetie do you know your name"

he nods a little "arter" he ends up missing out the first letter

emma "carter is that your name"

he giggles a little then nods his head

emma "omg your so cute. well its tea time now so alex will make food and we will get you changed ok"

alex "after your done watch some tv with him hes too young to be left alone"

she nods her head and alex walks of into the kitchen and then walks back with a bag giving it to her and then walks back.

emma picks up carter and takes him up stairs. she takes him into her and alexs room. she places him on the bed while she goes through the bag she picks out some pyjamas one set that has a rocket coming from the moon on the tshirt and rockets all over the pants, the 2nd pair with one big dinosaur on the top and little ones all over the pants and the third pair which was just a plain pair of a checkered tshirt and pants.

emma "ok which pair do you want"

he points to the first pair and giggles the pair with a rocket and the moon on it. first she slips him in a plain white nappy and then puts his pjs on him. he gets up and then twirls round giggling and then runs of downstairs before she can even blink hes already gone. carter gets down stairs runing to the kitchen he sees alex and then taps on his leg casuing him to look down when he does carter points to his pjs and twirls again causing alex to chuckle alex picks him up just as emma gets down the stairs she comes running in the kitchen.

emma "omg hes so fast he was gone before i could blink. how old are you"

carter holds up two fingers.

alex "alright the kitchen is dangerous for little kids come on in the living room" he carries him in and places him on the couch turning on a kids show. carter just stares at the screen and doesnt move.

2 weeks have gone by they have talked about carter and they have searched the news and online and asked the police if theres any missing kids. they knew deep down inside there was no reason to check becuase he wasnt from there. or this planet. suddenly they hear a glass shattering scream they run to where it came from. it was from the living room where carter was they run to him and see him curled up on the couch with tears down his face. they sit him up and notice that somethings happening carters still screaming and it looks like hes transforming.

10 minutes later hes finished. he looks totally different now hes now a pure white colour and his body is basically fur from his knees down hes black and from his kneck up hes black. his hair is also pure white with read tips. hes grown devil horns one red one black and has a halo floating above his horns which is gold and also shining. he also has a wolf tail which is black and and a set of wings that are black with golden markings. his hand are also faded black and are basically dragon hand sand so are his feet. his iris has turned rainbow and his sclera is black. hes turned into mixture of a dragon, a wolf, a devil and an angel. hes just turned into his alien form. emma and alex are sat there mouths wide open. carter looks at them weirdly

Emma "omg. That's amazing but he isn't going to stay like that is he. He can't be seen like that and what are we gonna do with him, what will others do with him"

Alex "calm down I'm sure he will turn back soon. I knew there was something up considering he came in a shop but this isn't what I imagined. And his powers have we even seen them all yet. He's been with his for a few weeks now and we've definetly determined no ones looking for him. We like him and he likes us how about we adopt him"

Emma "adopt are we even ready"

Alex "Emma we've been trying for 2 years now"

Emma "ye I know but now that we actually have a baby here with us it seems different"

Alex "we can get through this and we can at least. Help keep his secret safe aswell"

Emma "ye I guess so. Alright but we're gonna need a lot of stuff and to fix up the other room and decorate it for him and more clothes stuff like that"

Alex "alright. We can adopt him and then sort everything else out"