
An Affair With Her Boss

"Shanelle's boss is having an affair with her they're both in love to each other. He's already married and Shanelle is a friend of his wife, but now they're unable to resist the intense passion between them." R18+

Marsntalwrites · Urban
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

Chapter four

Tonight is the night!

I'm going to Karen's birthday

And now I'm wearing the dress that Tim gave me

I stared at the mirror

It's a red color that fits on my body and I paired it with white high heels.

I look so differently.

Not to brag but I can say that I am really beautiful.

I was interrupted when Tim called.

"Hello Tim?"

I said immediately.

"Where are you?"

It was obvious in his voice that he was impatient.

I want to thrill at the thought of him waiting for me.

"I'm still at home but I'm on my way."

I answered.

Then I heard Karen's voice on the other line

"Babe who's that?"

She asked Tim

"It's Shanelle, I'm just making sure she can go.."

He answered back

"Oh hi Shanelle! What take you so long, the party has started."

Then I heard her laughing

She is a very good friend to me

I don't think I can do what Tim wants.

Yes, I admit that I feel hurt every time they are together.

But it's really wrong and I don't want to hurt Karen just because I like Tim.

"Oh I apologize, because I was doing something earlier."

Well I lied, because I've been thinking for a long time

If I go there.

I was wondering what would happen.

"Is that so? Okay, we will wait for you here."

Karen said happily

I held my breath.

My heart is heavy.

I need to talk to Tim to stop flirting with me.

After the call, I left my apartment.

Then I grab a taxi to Tim's house.

I was lil bit nervous while looking out the taxi window.

A few minutes passed and I was right across from Tim's house.

He built a big and beautiful house for the two of them.

The guard just nodded at me before letting me in.

He already knows me apart from the fact that I am the secretary of their boss.

As I entered their house, I couldn't help but shrink myself.

I know that the dress that Tim gave me is beautiful.

But as I looked at the people here, it was very elegant, it was obvious that their guests were rich.

Karen must be lucky.

The first thing I saw was Karen's beautiful smile that greeted me.

She just got back from talking to her friends.

I noticed that she was not with Tim.

She is very beautiful and sexy wearing white dress and black high heels.

It was surprising that Sir Tim's heart never fell for her.

"Oh hi Shanelle you're finally here!"

She said happily while hugging me.

I can't stop feeling guilty because I fell in love with her husband.

I also couldn't help feeling sorry because I found out that Tim didn't really love her

"Happy birthday Karen."

I said while giving her the gift I brought

She was a little surprised and I saw the change in his facial expression and it was replaced by joy.

"Oh my gosh I appreciate this so much! Aww you're so sweet Shanelle."

Her voice is really very kind.

"Hope you like it."

I smiled at her.

"Of course! Thank you."

She answered and pulled me by the hand towards her friends.

"Hi ladies! I want you to meet my pretty good friend Shanelle."

She introduced me to her companions.

and I can't help to feel uncomfortable.

"Oh hi Shanelle I'm Rachelle nice to meet you."

She waved her hand to me.

"Hello nice to meet you too."

I smiled at her

"Isn't she your husband's secretary?"

The other one said.

"Yes, she is."

Karen answered with a smile.

"Seriously? Your husband really likes beautiful secretaries."

Her friend said laughing.

"Hey stop it, Don't be like that."

Karen reprimanded her and not giving any malice to what she said.

"Hello Karen? Like before her, your husband has a slut secretary right?"

Vina said flatly

I don't know what she's trying to say.

"Gosh Vina your mouth she's not like that!"

Karen didn't seem to like what Vina said.

"Okay I didn't say that she's like that, well my only thought is that Tim might fall in love with her."

Vina said laughing.

I, on the other hand, could not think properly about what she said.

I was suddenly blank.

"You're funny Vina."

Rachelle commented to her.

"I'm really sorry for Vina, I don't know why she think like that."

Karen apologized to me

She was obviously worried about me that I might be offended or insulted.

But the truth is that I can't feel anything about what Vina's trying to say about me.

I was about to speak when Tim suddenly came.

He's so handsome in what he's wearing that makes my mouth open a little.

I immediately shut it up lest Karen notice that I have a crush on her husband.

Sorry Karen, I didn't feel it on purpose, cupid shot me.

"Hey you're here."

It was obvious from his face that he liked I'm wearing the dress he gave me.

And damn that smile! I'm melting.

Shit Shanelle stop it! Karen is here.

"Why are you still here ladies? The dance floor is waiting for you."

So I just now noticed that someone was already dancing.

"Right, come on Vina let's dance."

Vina did nothing when Rachelle pulled her away.

Now it's just the three of us.

Then Karen grabbed his arm.

I immediately look away.

"And you must be hungry Shanelle so come with us."

I followed them as they started to walk inside.

A lot of different foods are already served in the tables.

Tim pulled up a chair.

"Sit down."

I couldn't help but blush for what he did.

And he did the same to Karen

"Actually Tim and I haven't really eaten."

I was surprised by that.

"What why?"

I asked in curious.

"Because we really waited for you, Shanelle, you know, so that you could be with us."

She said naturally

"Oh wow, but that's okay with me.."

I said shyly.

"But no, you're my friend."

She answered.

"Okay ladies, so shall we eat now?"

Tim interrupted and he was obviously hungry.

Then later on, I just had a few bites when I noticed Karen sweetness to Tim.

"Look, there's ketchup on the side of your lips, wait, I'll wipe it off."

Karen said softly and I immediately looked away from them.

it just hard to see.

I just continue eating and pretending that I didn't saw them like that, and then suddenly Karen's cellphone rang.

"Mom is calling, excuse me, I'll just answer it."

Then she walked away from us.

Suddenly I was nervous knowing that, it just the two of us.

"You look so stunning tonight Shanelle."

and I was surprised by what he said.

"T-Tim I think we should stop, this isn't really right, so don't force to court or date me."

I started.

He frowned as if he didn't like what I said.

"Why? I haven't even dated you yet, you're now rejecting me Shanelle."

He looks hurt.

"Tim, you know the reason! why you don't love Karen? She's a good wife."

Even if what I said was against my heart, I chose to stop this.

"Tss useless! why should I love her, when you are inside of my heart huh Shanelle?"

I swallowed from what he said.

I sighed before answering.

"Oh Tim! please I don't like what you're going to do, and I guess I can't betray Karen, because that would make me feel guilty."

I feel like I can't breathe anymore.

My heart sank as I said that.

My heart is heavy

"What about your feelings for me?"

I turned around because maybe someone heard us.

He said it a little louder because he was obviously annoyed.

"Then, I will forget it."

I said with difficulty.

"I won't let that happen Shanelle."

He said that seriously, and I would have spoken more when I saw Karen coming to us.