
An Adventure to Guoker Planet

Zhang Xiangqian, a farmer in Anhui Province, China, with a junior high school education. In 1985, he was taken to a highly developed and distant alien planet and lived for a month. He learned a lot about aliens there, including their lifestyle, culture, and advanced science and technology. This article is a "memoir" or "travel diary" of his adventure on the alien planet "Guoker".

ZhangXiangqian · Sci-fi
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26 Chs

My Alien Girlfriend

Once, Suldair suggested we go out for some nighttime fun. Both Willie and Norton were on board, and naturally, I was keen to join. Norton proposed bringing our girlfriends along, dialing his ear—likely sending a message via the GlW to his girlfriend—and sure enough, a stunning woman suddenly appeared before us.

From behind, she resembled Willie in height and stature, but face-to-face, she was strikingly beautiful and refined, with every feature delicately crafted, more composed than Willie. Her black hair, adorned with dazzling ribbons, cascaded in two soft strands beside her ears. Her large eyes and pointed chin bore a resemblance to cartoon characters from Earth. Dressed—or rather, projected—in a minimalist yet alluring ensemble, she sported a silver-white crop top above a black microskirt. The skirt, made of numerous soft strands, shimmered with a metallic sheen, offering fleeting glimpses of her milky skin as she moved.

Approaching me, she examined my eyes with scrutiny. Her sheer allure and my nakedness made me instinctively step back. She spoke, and Kevin relayed her words: "You're Brother Qian from Earth, aren't you? Quite handsome, just a tad tall. May I touch you?"

"Of course," I replied, though inwardly anxious about where she might touch. Thankfully, she began with my hand before gently caressing my cheek. It was my first encounter with Guoker skin, smooth yet chillingly rigid compared to Earth's warmth, a sensation that left me intrigued.

"That feels different," remarked Norton's girlfriend, visibly excited. "Earthlings have warm skin."

Norton and Suldair both wore smiles, while Willie appeared less than pleased. Suldair, unwilling to be outdone, also held his ear and messaged his girlfriend. Before long, she appeared before us.

Suldair's girlfriend bore a resemblance to both Willie and Norton's partners, but with an added allure. Her eyes gleamed like diamonds, and the skin around them had a metallic sheen, transitioning gradually from pale pink to a metallic gray before turning completely black around the eye sockets. This gave her a ghostly and sinister appearance, yet undeniably captivating and natural, exuding a powerful charm.

She sported a tight black leather tank top fused with a shiny black miniskirt, accentuating her voluptuous figure.

Looping her arm around Suldair's waist, she gazed at me with a hint of disdain and whispered to Suldair. Instantly, Kevin relayed her words: "Is this big fellow from Earth? He's quite the giant, isn't he? Are humans all foolish?"

"No, he's quite smart." Suldair answered.

"Shall we go?" Norton said.

"What about your boyfriend, Willie?" I asked.

Willie huffed in response, ignoring me. Instead, she closed her eyes, tilted her chin upward, and gave a slight nod.

I didn't understand. "You haven't one?"

"You are her boyfriend!" Suldair said, "Didn't we promise to arrange you a girlfriend? It's her."

"Wow really? So I'm your boyfriend and you're my girlfriend now?" I asked Willie.

"No you're not. You're my prey." Willie was proud like a peacock.

"What? You want to eat me?" I was perplexed by Willie's words.

"Ha-ha!" Suldair chuckled. "That's a poor translation. She means you're her toy."

"No, it should be translated as 'you're my pet' to avoid misunderstanding," Norton interjected. "During Brother Qian's time here on our planet, we've arranged Willie to be his girlfriend."

"Don't worry, Willie won't devour you," Suldair added cryptically. "She'll treat you well. You'll understand her gentleness."

"Let's go!" Norton motioned with his hand, a gesture similar to how we signal walking on Earth. And so, the six of us stepped out.

Norton and Suldair both had their arms wrapped around their girlfriends' waists, displaying affection. I lacked the confidence to embrace Willie or even hold her hand. Despite being particularly eager for intimacy at that moment, I hesitated to make physical contact with a woman. Moreover, being naked made me feel self-conscious. It seemed Willie wasn't inclined to hold my hand either, so I trailed behind her alongside Norton and Suldair as we strolled through the streets.

The cityscape of Guoker Planet sparkled with vibrant lights at night, resembling a bustling metropolis on Earth. However, what distinguished it were the towering virtual buildings suspended in the sky, disconnected from the ground. These colossal virtual structures featured various Guoker script and intricate patterns, appearing to hover in mid-air—a testament to Guoker's advanced virtual imaging technology.

As I followed them, I wondered what kind of entertainment they could have since they didn't eat or drink and probably didn't frequent bars.

We arrived at a colossal building and entered through its gates. Inside, the atmosphere was lively and noisy, akin to an Earthly nightclub. I observed many Guoker individuals arranged in two rows around a lengthy, glass-like rectangular counter, approximately 2 meters wide and seemingly endless in length. The counter was filled with water, within which danced numerous diminutive figures. Those outside the counter were also moving in synchrony with the rhythm.

"Are these miniature figures created using holographic technology?" I inquired of Norton.

"No, you're mistaken this time. These are real people," Norton corrected me.

"Do you have individuals much smaller in size on Guoker?" I asked.

"Our heights are uniform among Guoker people. This effect is achieved through artificial manipulation of spatial perception, creating an illusion for those inside. If these individuals were to step out, they would appear similar in height to us. If you doubt it, we can demonstrate it to you," Norton offered.

Norton instructed his girlfriend to step into the contraption. She complied and ascended onto a nearby circular platform. Suddenly, a transparent, glass-like cylinder descended and enclosed her, swiftly whisked away by a colossal mechanical arm in a fraction of a second. Norton then pointed to a small figure within the water-filled counter, claiming it to be his girlfriend. Upon closer inspection, I confirmed it was indeed her, albeit clad in different attire—tight swimwear. Spotting us, she waved enthusiastically before joining in the aquatic dance.

"How do they breathe underwater? I didn't see any breathing equipment."

"We Guoker people sometimes don't need to breathe because the artificial field can provide us with oxygen directly infused into our bloodstream," Norton explained.

Norton's girlfriend was clad in revealing swimwear. From behind, Guoker women appeared similar to Earth women, except with more prominent hips. However, from the front, they had a cylindrical bulge between their legs, the nature of which I couldn't discern at the time. Despite her swimwear, it obscured this detail, leaving me curious.

As Norton's girlfriend danced underwater, she swam closer to us. When she turned around, I caught sight of her hips, and a sudden rush of desire washed over me—an instinctive, primal urge. Feeling uncomfortable, I glanced at Norton, who seemed unperturbed. I then looked to Willie, who wore an inscrutable expression.

Suldair attempted to coax his girlfriend into dancing underwater, but she declined. Shortly after, Norton's girlfriend emerged, her swimwear replaced with her usual attire.

Later, we encountered a large glass enclosure filled with tumbling blue balloons, each roughly the size of a basketball. Observing people effortlessly enter through the glass walls, I followed suit. Though I felt as though my body melded with the glass, I found myself seamlessly entering the room filled with balloons. Absent of a visible floor, I descended until the tumbling balloons buoyed me. Their smooth surfaces exerted a gentle suction on my skin, akin to the caress of a young woman, a sensation that brought immense satisfaction. I pondered whether this tactile experience served as a prelude to intimacy with Guoker women. Among the blue balloons, I soon encountered balloons of varying colors—green, red, white, pink—and assorted sizes and shapes. Some were small enough to gently pass through my body, eliciting a subtle, pleasurable friction from within. It seemed these balloons had the ability to influence mood, imbuing a sense of happiness. At times, I felt as though I were immersed in liquid, yet breathing remained effortless.

Finally, I found myself in a corridor alongside Norton and his companions. Without exchanging words, we proceeded along the lengthy passage. Along its sides stood rows of rooms, their transparent walls showcasing an array of balloons in different shapes and colors—loaves, sausages, spaghetti, donuts, lotus roots—yet most remained unoccupied. A sense of waste pervaded the scene.

The corridor's floor was exquisitely crafted, seemingly metallic and emitting a soft, eerie blue glow. As we proceeded, towering walls loomed on either side, shrouded in darkness, while the ceiling above remained pitch black, devoid of stars—a clear indication we were still indoors.

The blue light from the floor cast a cyan hue over us all. Norton and Suldair walked hand in hand with their girlfriends, while I continued to trail behind Willie.

Suddenly, an object protruded from the dark wall, unleashing a bright, intense beam of white light that struck Norton, piercing him through. I was taken aback, yet Norton and Suldair burst into laughter.

"Don't worry, it's just a virtual beam," Norton reassured, but I couldn't shake the sight of the gaping hole in Norton's chest.

Moments later, Suldair cried out as he too fell victim to the virtual beam. Subsequently, Norton's and Suldair's girlfriends, along with Willie, were also struck. I was the last to be targeted.

We navigated the blue-lit floor, dodging the virtual beams. Despite our efforts, we were all hit multiple times. Suldair made the most agile maneuvers but suffered the worst, sporting numerous glowing punctures across his body.

Upon exiting the blue-lit floor, the glowing punctures on our bodies vanished instantly.

Further along the corridor, an optical illusion divided us into two halves, creating a comical yet unsettling scene of fragmented figures traversing the ground.

As we pressed forward, the terrain became uneven, littered with sharp knives and gaping chasms. Norton pressed ahead, reassuring us that it was all part of the virtual simulation, and the ground beneath remained level.

Moving cautiously at first, we eventually picked up pace. Interestingly, stepping on the sharp knives elicited the sensation of them piercing through our feet.

The girls lagged behind, a common occurrence that seemed to transcend worlds. Norton suggested they close their eyes and simply follow. He took his girlfriend's hand, while Suldair raced back to do the same with his.

I noticed Willie was the last to reach us. Sensing an opportunity, I reached out my hand to her. After a moment's hesitation, she took hold of it.

Her hand felt cold and rigid, with skin firmer yet smoother than that of an Earthling. It was reminiscent of touching an eel or a dogfish—soft on the surface but solid underneath, lacking the usual sensation of bones.

Because the road was winding, the women still stumbled as they walked. Thus, my hands and body occasionally touched Willie's body, which was also cold and extremely smooth, yet not very soft. Contact with her body made me feel itchy inside, and sexual impulses made it hard for me to control myself. We continued walking forward, and suddenly in front of us, there was a descending slope with many steps. At the first step, there were several poles like the street lamps on the streets of our Earth. Several Guoker men and women stood embracing under something similar to a streetlamp, and I was astonished to see the streetlamp rapidly dripping a transparent glue-like substance onto them, wrapping a couple into a big sphere and quickly rolling them down the steps.

Norton, Suldair, and their girlfriends walked without hesitation under the strange streetlamp, turning into big spheres and rolling down the steps like bowling balls.

The opportunity came, and I too embraced Willie, standing under the strange streetlamp. Willie did not resist. Unfortunately, her head only reached my chest, and I felt that when the transparent liquid was about to fall, I quickly lifted Willie. She straddled me, riding on my waist, and was wrapped up by the transparent glue. We hugged tightly and also rolled down the steps.

Willie was very excited, especially when she was bounced high on the steps and then heavily fell, she screamed wildly. Holding Willie tightly, I felt a strong impulse, a primal sexual feeling, feeling that only by entering her body would I achieve immense pleasure, but I was wrapped in transparent glue, unable to move, unable to adjust my body posture.

After the steps ended, we stopped on the ground, and the glue also gradually melted from our bodies, first falling to the ground, and then flowing away like water. Suldair and Norton had also disappeared without a trace, I don't know where they went. Willie pressed her ear, probably communicating through the GIW.

'Willie, where did they go?' I asked.

'Never mind them, let's go back,' Willie said as she rushed forward and wrapped her arms around my waist. 'I just felt something, let's go back now, back to my little nest, and continue this feeling, it's wonderful, isn't it?'

Willie raised her left hand and playfully waved it by her ear, and in a daze, through the GMW, we arrived at Willie's home. Willie's home was also very exquisite, with many furnishings and a lot of round-shaped furniture. There were some strange plants and flowers, many semi-transparent curtains hanging in the room, making things look vaguely visible, reflecting some unique feminine traits. There were no visible light bulbs in the house, but the light was very soft, seeming to evenly emit from the overall walls. Willie's home also had two robots with dark red bodies, constantly trembling slightly, as if they were made up of many bustling tiny things.

Willie lay on her side on the virtual bed, looking noble and posing elegantly. She stared straight at me, beckoning me closer, perhaps suggesting she wanted me to come to her. What did this mean? Did she want to engage in physical intimacy?

Excited, I approached her, and indeed she said, "I want you to sport on my body, but first, I need to feed you some carbohydrates, although they are solid."

Willie covered her ears, and shortly after, strips of food appeared on a table beside me.

There were no utensils like chopsticks or forks; I picked up the food with my hands and started eating. The taste was delightful, some had a chewy texture, and some tasted like asparagus.

Earthlings are strange; in unfamiliar environments, they always need to recognize someone as a relative and base all their actions on this 'relative.' Initially, I regarded Norton as such, but now it seemed my allegiance had shifted to Willie.

After finishing the food, Willie stood before me, ready to proceed. I thought to myself, having often imagined who would be my first sexual partner and where it would happen, I never anticipated it would be on an alien planet and with a non-human.

Willie stood in front of me, and suddenly her upper body's black clothing and lower body's purple clothing vanished, revealing her pale skin and long, pointed breasts like goat horns, which gave me a shiver.

Between her legs, there was a gap of about 8 to 9 centimeters, leading to the base of her thighs where two swollen labia were prominent, creating a slender vertical crease that extended from the front up to her lower abdomen and continued a significant length along her buttocks, far surpassing that of humans on Earth.

On her lower abdomen, the protrusion of the labia was less noticeable, becoming most prominent at the base of her thighs.

I realized that the bulging part of their lower body was actually these full labia, unlike the much smaller labia seen in human females on Earth.

Her entire lower body was exceptionally smooth, matching the color of the rest of her body perfectly, and devoid of any pubic hair or similar features.

She had not actually removed any clothing, which was odd at the time. Her skin then began to change color: from white to a light pink, then to a pale yellow, followed by a delicate green, then blue, purple, and back to white. When turning blue, her body emitted a fairly strong pale blue glow, a phenomenon I would witness many times later.

Her black clothing seemed as if it had grown out of her skin. Were her clothes and her body fused together? It was unimaginable at the time. Later, I learned that these were virtual images created by their GIW and GMW; what I thought were her clothes were just virtual images.

Guoker people do have real clothes, but often their clothes are virtual images. If there are no real clothes on their bodies, does touching them always mean touching their bare skin? Not necessarily, as they can request various barrier effects from the Global Movement Network on their bodies, making it feel different from actual skin.

The changes in their skin color and the patterns on their skin are remotely controlled by the Global Movement Network and Global Information Network. Their skin, which appears to have a matte reflection, is also a result of enhancements from these networks. Their natural skin is a pale pink and is extremely smooth and delicate, far surpassing the skin of us Earthlings.

Suddenly, many soft, thin tubes extended from Willie's lower body, about a hundred in total, sky blue mixed with purple, very vibrant. The tips of these tubes could form spirals, and the coils were lighter in color but looked even more vivid, like clusters of flowers around her. These are the most important sexual organs for Guoker women. The rapid emergence and blooming of these flesh tubes might be a sexual signal for Guoker women, but because it happened so suddenly, it felt quite unsettling and horrifying to me.

Willie also told me that Guoker men have retractable flesh tubes as sexual organs, but only one, stored internally, and unfortunately, I never saw it.

I could no longer withstand her teasing; as her soft tubes slightly retracted, I instinctively rushed forward to embrace her, but she swiftly dodged, agile and strong.

"Wait a moment, I need to activate a device. The information of our lovemaking needs to be digitized; Norton needs this data."

I thought to myself, "Damn, Norton, why do you need this information?' Willie said she had activated the device, but I did not see how she had done it."

Suddenly, Willie leaped onto me like a frog, straddling my waist with her legs. Her rounded shoulders and exceptionally smooth skin made embracing her quite exhilarating. Unfortunately, when I penetrated her, I found her too loose, lacking any sense of tightness or robust friction. It was a bit disappointing; after all, aliens are indeed different from us Earthlings.

At that moment, the phrase "like stirring a water tank with chopsticks" came to mind. I recalled hearing about a robust and tall woman in a nearby village who raped a schoolboy caught stealing watermelons from her field. Caught red-handed at noon, the guilty boy could only bow his head and accept her punishment. She first confiscated his backpack and textbooks, then retreated into the watermelon shed, with the boy following to retrieve his books. Once inside, the woman forcefully pinned him to the ground. Quickly, she removed the boy's pants and her own, using her thick thighs, much wider than the boy's waist, to immobilize him. Holding his textbooks, she threatened to tear them apart if he yelled, disobeyed, or resisted. Ultimately, she raped the boy for an extended period before releasing him. Later, when the older men in the village saw the boy, they would ask, "How does it feel? Like stirring a water tank with chopsticks?" At the time, I was young and just starting to understand matters of sex, so I grasped what they implied.

After a while, Willie's lower body revealed those soft, slender tubes again. I realized that the bulging, rounded area between her legs housed a large cavity, the storage space for these soft meat tubes. This cavity extended all the way to their mouths; both Guoker males and females lacked stomachs, intestines, livers, kidneys, and bladders, possessing only a simple internal cavity. Later, I reached into her lower region with my hand and could feel up to her throat area. On a normal, non-sexually aroused occasion, I saw that these meat tubes were stored inside the cavity, just their tips poking out, hanging like tiny purple pickles.

Touching these tubes was akin to handling pig intestines—slimy and dripping with mucus. Their sexual activity primarily relies on these tubes, which are their actual sexual organs.

The bodies of Guoker individuals are artificially created. They designed these meat tubes as the female sexual organs, enabling women to dominate in sexual encounters and become the aggressors, while men are rendered passive—a stark contrast to the common scenario on Earth where it is typically men who impose themselves on women. Here, it is the women who frequently rape the men.

If Guoker women dislike the male involved, they simply withhold their meat tubes, leaving the man to encounter a vast, slack body cavity devoid of pleasure, quickly losing interest. Conversely, if they favor the male, they can proactively penetrate the man's body with their tubes, moving them around recklessly, indifferent to the man's discomfort. I have experienced this firsthand; whenever a Guoker woman found me sexually appealing, her tubes would automatically extend. Even if they didn't project externally, they would twist and knot around my penis internally, creating a sensation remarkably similar to that of a human vagina, filled with excitement and pleasure. Sometimes, these women could coil their tubes into a ball around my penis; as I thrust and compressed it, the ball would gradually enlarge and suddenly burst, releasing a burst of hot, spicy liquid that sent shivers through my body.

Willie's soft meat pipes touched my dick and wrapped it up quickly. Gradually I felt the pleasure. However, my sleepiness suddenly came, I really don't want to go to sleep at this time.. What a pussy I was.

In my sleep, I went back to the Earth and went around telling about my experience on the Guoker planet, but I became famous and was invited by many countries. Once, I was invited by a research organisation in Japan, and when I saw the 16- or 7-year-old daughter of the president of the organisation, she was so beautiful that my heart was pounding, and I dared not look at her directly because she was too sexy. However, she was very interested in me, and during a break after the meeting, she invited me to play in a field outside the house in a very secretive manner. I followed her to the field, which was covered with tall grass, and she suddenly squatted down, pushed up her skirt and left her panties on, exposing her snow-white buttocks and red private parts, and then cracked her mouth open and smiled at me.

This girl, her parents probably never control her, I said in my heart, otherwise how to call the Japanese devils, men and women are lecherous, really too bad, men to China like to rape Chinese women, women like to go to Southeast Asia to prostitution.

I stood there and didn't follow her any further. The girl simply took off all her clothes and ran in circles in the grass. The dew on the grass stained her snow-white, delicate skin, and her long hair flowed as she ran, suddenly giving me a sense of extreme beauty. Her joyful, carefree demeanour infected me, and my thoughts changed again. I thought that they were in fact simple and happy, and that they were right, that life was too short, and that we Chinese might be subjected to too many constraints, and that we were living a life that was not too bitter.

The girl walked towards me. I was nervous, but I wanted to hug her. Wait, wasn't that Willie? I woke up, found myself laying on the bed. Willie stood next to me naked. I leaped up in a strong impulse and threw her onto the bed. I crushed her under me and fucked her hard. She became excited too. It was a tough fight.

I learned it the hard way. Though small in size, the Guoker women were super energetic and endurable. They can twist back and forth like a motorcycle engine. Although my body strength is first-class on the earth, but far from their opponent, we earthlings and their physical quality is not the same level. In the end, I could only beg for mercy.