
an adventure story

Anubis_Ent · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 2

String from my sleep I stretched out with a small groan as I winced feeling my back pop

" what time is it.." I said to my self and tapped my alarm clock to turn it on the bright light almost blinding me I seen it was 5 am i sighed lightly and threw my feet over the edge of the bed well sitting up in one fluid motion I brought my hands to my face and rubbed it to drive off my drowsiness I stood to my full hight and walked over to my bath room to take a shower

After a long cold shower I stepped out and dried my hair slightly with a small white hand towel I left it on my head well I walked out of my room in only grey boxers I felt my stomach grumble and called out

" hey Jules is there any fo-" I cut my self off in realization " oh...right..." I started my walk to the kitchen hoping for somthing easy to eat i walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge seeing already packaged meals I smiled at the peace of paper hanging from the shelf

" I know you hate to cook so I made some lunches for you it's only a weeks worth but that should give you some time to buy groceries  jules~" I smiled lightly at the note

" thanks Jules " I grabbed a lunch box and opened it seeing it was a a big piece of stake and there was another note on the lid

" only eat before or after a work out!" I laughed softly to my self shaking my head

She never stops worrying about me she even labeled the lunches to correspond with my daily routine. She was the best

I know it's a little harsh to say but I'm really glad that she's the one who raised me I couldn't imagion any other life


After eating the lunch Jules made me I headed outside I felt the brisk air hit my skin causing goosbumbs to form

I pulled up the black hoodie I changed into and started my morning run going through the woods I had red cloth tied to a branch's every 3 miles

After running half of the track I planed out I stopped to take a break panting heavily

" I was really gunning for it I wanted to run the full 20 miles " i said to my self taking huge gulps of water from the bottle I brought with me the sun was just bearly peaking over the mountains telling me it was around 7 a clock in the morning I was about to start my run again but I heard somthing it was foot steps slow and deliberate almost as if they where sneaking around

Against my better judgement I decided to walk in the direction of the noise after walking for a couple of minutes I stoped at a clearing

I could feel the strong magic barrier Jules put up before she left I took a deep breath

Putting my hand infront of me I casted a sensing spell it was practilly undetectable from all life forms other then sorcerers

I stepped out of the barrier as soon as I did I felt this intense malice it was almost other worldly how blood thirsty this creature was I reached my hand out to the side a black void opened up as I did so I slowly pulled out a dagger

I walked forward following my spell I walked for five minutes the forest was way to quiet  if I knew one thing about nature is that it should never be dead silent

I heard growling and loud thuds it sounded like fighting I cautiously stepped forward to see what was going on

( a/n I'm changing the writing style if there's more then one character in a scene )

Adam seen a pink hair girl with sharp claws fighting what seemed like a demon bear she was covered in wounds and seemed to be loosing the battle

Without a second thought adam rushed twords the girl as the demon bear raised its right paw up for a final blow

In one swift motion adam had picked the girl up as well talking the paw off of the demon bear

The pink hair girl looked confused and dazed at what just happened. Adam put the girl down next to a tree gently " stay here ok ? I'll be back soon " Adam said in a serious tone before walking off twords the enemie infront of him

Adam readied his blade in his right hand his right arm crossing over his lift arm a dark spell circle hovering in his left hand

In a swift motion Adam rushed forward  the bear swung it's paw at him Adam jumped over it's paw stabbing his dagger into its arm dragging it up to its shoulder effectively splitting its flesh and muscle to the bone

The bear let out a loud roar of pain before it fell to the ground it was trying to get up but both of its front legs where useless so its back legs where clawing at the ground leaving claw marks

" I'm sorry I know it hurts but it'll be over soon " he spoke softly to the animal. he lifted the dark spell to the animle and put the spell circle on its back " now decay " he spoke two simple words and in the matter of seconds the animals body was withering bones

Adam said a quick prayer for the animal and started back to the pink hair girl when he back to the tree the girl was still sitting there

He walked up to her and smiled " I'm not trying to scare you but i need to see your wounds they seem pretty bad"

She looked at Adam and didn't say anything Adam seen that she didn't look scared she actually had a thousand yard look in her eyes. Taking a chance Adam took one of her arms and used a minor healing spell sense it was one of his weaker subjects the wounds on both of her arms stoped bleeding he reached into his void locker and pulled out some badges and started to wrap them up firmly meanwhile the girl hasn't said nothing yet

After a couple of minutes Adam was done with the medical care he stepped back still with a smile

" your all done now " he spoke to the girl hoping for a responds

"T-thank you but i don't have any money " she spoke very slowly and low almost as if she couldn't speak that well

" there's no need to pay me back I did it becuase I want to"

The girl looked at Adam as if she was trying to judged his character it was a long awkward pause " what happened to the bear " she spoke the same way previously

" i..um had to kill it " Adam spoke sadly he infact didn't like killing but he knew it was a required skill he needed

" why ?" She only spoke one word in monotone

" because if I didn't it would have caused unimaginable harm to the forests echo system along with attacking any unsuspecting person who happened to cross it's path " adam spoke the truth to her

The girl scanned Adam's body over leaving them in silence once again before there was a loud rumble

" you hungry? I don't live to far away I could cook you up somthing maybe you could even rest a little " Adam suggested softly but he knew what the awnser was going to be as her eyes lit up at the word food

She nodded quickly her guard almost instantly dropped" y-yes please"

With that adam smiled softly and held his hand out so he could help up the girl from the floor

She grabbed his hand and for the first time he noticed she was burning hot and her claws had disappeared from her hands he pulled her up and she didn't pulled her hand away as it was hard for her to stand

" are your legs hurt " Adam asked concern lacing his voice

She shook her head lightly and tried to step forward to only almost fall but luckily Adam was there to catch her

" arms or back " Adam said plainly to her which only confused her


" which one do you want a piggy back ride or do you want me to pick you up becuase your not walking "

"N-no i-im fine sir r-rea-"

" choose one or I'll just pick you up " Adam said sternly to her

She sighed lightly " b-back" she spoke as a whisper

Adam crouched down and motioned her to climb on his back she put her arms around his head and onto his neck Adam lifted her up and put his hands under her thighs to hold her up when they where settled he headed off twords his house

The pink hair girl noticed how warm he was his body heat from his back was seaping into her and she enjoyed it

She leaned her head down onto his back and started to drift off to sleep

Then she smelt it the unmistacable smell of human blood she wanted to help him but she was going into hibernation mode so she could only hope for the best for the man under her

(Aaand that's the end of this chapter I hoped you liked it I'm really going to try to change up my writting style with this one along with really upping the love scenes so please keep in mind this book is nsfw and not for children or for the weak of heart ~anubis)