
Prologue: 『An Adventure In The Forest』

―― Ugh.

The two youths wandered around the woods in annoyance and frustration. Their feet bruising like it was on fire. They both had average stature, with their faces not anything worth mentioning. The lavish outdoor gear and hiking tracksuits they wore were soaking wet from the intense, heavy rain falling in the rainforest.

They were cold, wet and had already lost any sense of direction as night fell on the forest. To make matters worse, the ground was soaking in mud, making even the simplest of movements hard to do.

They were desperate for help. The situation had left them with a lingering regret that they ever agreed to go on this miraculous adventure.

With a fading conviction in their hearts, they finally gave up and sat down on the muddy ground, lying on a weird big tree for rest. They were hoping for a miracle to bestow upon them by the kind forgiving god, helping them out of their own stupidity.

The sounds of rippling rainwater were about to make them mad. The crackling of insects and the howling of animals were enough for them to start ripping their ears off.

One of the youths felt irritated by the situation they were in. Blaming the idiocy of his fellow adventurer. His mistakes during this expedition, causing them to get lost and miss the checkpoint.

He glanced at his partner in quick succession, trying to evade his attention whilst he let off some steam. However, his partner noticed, and felt disrespected.

'What's wrong with you?' He complained.

'What's wrong... Are you asking me what's wrong, Sam!' The youth exclaimed.

'Think you're the big man, Nanabe!' Sam retaliated back. 'What does that even mean, you i

diot.' Nanabe sighed as he said.

'I'm going to rest.' Nanabe muttered as he lay down on the trunk of the big weird tree to sleep. It was unexpectedly rough and hard, and it made him even more frustrated than he already was.

'Idiot.' Sam said softly under his breath.

He followed suit and went to sleep. Tugging around to find the best position, to which he failed miserably as not a single posture was of comfort.
