
An Addicts Guide To Webnovel

I try to teach beginners or addicts things about webnovel. I might talk about random shit in the future. credit goes to @averageidiot132 on wattpad. I stole the idea form him. Send the guy love. also https://discord.gg/nHgypagwBV is the discord server. yee yee

Void_Eagle1230 · Realistic
Not enough ratings
105 Chs

Good Morning America!

Coming at you live from West Virgina! Currently we are going atraight south towards North Carolina.

Currently we have entered Virginia AND OH MY GOD IS THAT SASQUATCH! No it isn't it's just a statue of him in a random field set up by a troll.

But seriously my family has entered Virginia and it is beautiful. Seriously the smoky mountains are one of the most beautiful places in America. 10/10.

So after 30 minutes we are currently on our way to North Carolina and I've taken maybe 5 pictures. Luckily my phone has a pretty good camera.

I'll put them in the comments.

Honestly Virgina has so many goddamn mountains, which also suprisingly has a lot of people living in them.

Thats it for my daily report of my trip across america. Have a good day.