
An Accident That Made Me Reincarnate

(Panting) "Huft..huft..!" I'm running out of breath. 'Am I going to die here?' This can't be happening. I'm too young to die. "Ugh, it hurts!" Roro cried out in pain. The pain is unbearable. I can't take it anymore. Roro had an accident at that time, she was hit by a passing car and then died in pain. However, instead of entering the afterlife that we are familiar with, Roro found herself born in another strange world. The story is about a woman who dies in a tragic accident, and is then given a second life in another world. *********************************************** Hi, author here. In this novel, I want to create a female character who will be reborn as a baby. I want to create a female character who is good at fighting, smart, and not naive. She will be involved in difficult internal family problems and then get missions that make her difficult. If you like this novel, please join my Win-Win, and leave a comment too. Best regards, author. Note : English is not my first language

Luwly · Fantasy
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87 Chs

Window of knowledge

The next day

That morning, Genevieve woke up as usual. She was woken up by her maid, went for a bath, and then put on her dress. Then, she went to the dining hall for breakfast as usual.

The atmosphere in the palace dining room was calm and full of elegance. The spacious room was decorated with luxurious decorations and beautiful furniture. The mahogany dining table was adorned with gleaming porcelain plates and clean silver cutlery.

Genevieve sat in a chair across the table, wearing a luxurious gown with beautiful lace embellishments. She saw her mother, Giselle, sitting gracefully next to her, eating breakfast with great elegance. Giselle looked beautiful in an equally elegant dress like Genevieve's, but more luxurious and lustrous.

"Morning," Genevieve greeted her mother with a gentle smile.

Giselle returned Genevieve's greeting with a warm smile. "Good morning, my Dearest. How did you sleep last night?"

Genevieve nodded. "I slept fine, mum. Thank you."

Giselle gave her daughter a warm glance. "I hope you slept well yesterday. Remembering the conversation we had yesterday."

"I'm fine mum," Genevieve said, holding up her knife and fork.

"Really, don't you want to ask me anything else?", her mother asked with narrowed eyes directed at Genevieve.

"Erm...actually I wanted to ask you about the extreme training. You said yesterday that the training will take place when I'm eight years old, right?, Will there be other children who will be training with me?" asked Genevieve with a curious face.

"It is true that the training will take place when you are eight years old, but it will be done privately, so none of your half-brothers and sisters will be training with you. Each of the descendants will have a personal trainer as well. But, before you do the training, you will be tested first-".

"Test?, what test mum?", as Genevieve suddenly interrupted her mother's explanation.

she averted her gaze and looked at Giselle with enthusiasm. Her face was filled with curiosity and sparkling eyes. Her small hands held her spoon, stopping its movement in mid-air when she heard the word "test" spoken by her mother.

"So listen to mum's explanation until the end. The test will be done after your 8th birthday, it's to test how much magic you have, and there will be a test to see if you have a unique ability or not", Giselle, with a gentle and patient expression.

She continued her explanation while sipping a cup of tea. Her face was bright, reflecting the warmth of a mother trying to explain something complex to her curious child. Giselle looked at Genevieve with infinite love and sincerity, giving her daughter her full attention.

"Magic?..unique abilities?" Genevieve tilted her head, as if she didn't understand.

Genevieve involuntarily uttered those two words. She already knew about the existence of magic, as she had read books related to magic in the library in her castle. However, she did not know about unique abilities at all.

"Yes, you will be tested. Whether you have a unique ability or not, because not everyone has a unique ability." Giselle replied in a soft voice, Giselle also seemed to have finished her breakfast.

"Mum...what exactly is a unique ability?", Genevieve who had not yet finished her meal with a serious face asked her mother.

"A unique ability is an ability that an individual has had since they were born and everyone's unique ability is different". Giselle then looked at her daughter with sparkling eyes and slightly smiling lips.

Genevieve seemed to be focused on listening to her mother's every word.

"Perhaps you should read the book on unique abilities and magic in the library my Dearest", Giselle said that with a change of expression and a change of tone of voice.

"Ooh...Come on mum!...can't you just tell me about it?!", Genevieve's eyes were visibly dilated and her lips were probably clenched tightly.

Genevieve impatiently wanted her mum to continue her explanation about magic and unique abilities.

"No my dearest, mum can't explain everything in detail. So it's better if you go directly to the library and take Fifi with you, ask her to find the book you need"

Giselle sincerely told her daughter to look for the book she needed in the castle library, accompanied by her trusted servant.

"Alright mum, I'll go to the library after I finish my meal", Genevieve made an exasperated face at her mother.

"So finish it quickly dear....then I'll go to the garden first", Giselle got up from her chair, leaving her empty plate behind. She walked out of the dining room and headed to the garden.

"Chew", Genevieve could only remain silent and hurriedly finished her meal.

After a while, Genevieve, who had finished her meal, went straight to the library with her mother's servant, Fifi. Genevieve walked very quickly to the library, Fifi who was beside her trying to mimic every step of her young lady's small feet.

It didn't take long for the two of them to reach the palace library. When Genevieve entered the library, she was greeted by a high ceiling, adorned with delicate carvings and natural light shining through the beautiful stained glass windows. The scent, a mixture of the scent of old paper and the fragrance of book leather, filled the air with an alluring fragrance.

Magnificent wooden shelves stretch along the walls, showcasing a countless collection of tiered books. Each shelf is filled with literary works from various ages and genres, making this library a treasure trove of knowledge. The walkways between the shelves are spacious, allowing one to explore and discover the beauty of the written word.

Elegant wooden tables are scattered across the room, with comfortable chairs facing the large windows. This seating invites one to sit for a long time, immersed in the world of imagination presented by the books that surround them. Small table lamps provide a soft glow, ensuring that each page can be read clearly.

Artistic jewellery and stylish paintings adorn the walls, adding a stunning aesthetic touch to the library. Marble statues depicting famous figures stood in the corners of the room, giving a sense of the grandeur and history that surrounded this place.

"Ok, we've finally reached the library. Now, Fifi, find me a book related to magic and unique abilities", Genevieve, who was momentarily stopped in her tracks, turned to Fifi and told her to find the book Genevieve wanted.

"Yes young lady", Fifi nodded to Genevieve, then went to find the book Genevieve needed.

Fifi swiftly moved towards one of the shelves full of books on magic and unique abilities. She looked around attentively, searching for the exact title Genevieve had requested. Her finger traced the spine of the neatly arranged books, pausing briefly at a few titles that caught her eye.

Carefully, Fifi picked out a few of the most promising books and carried them back to Genevieve. She held the books with great care, respecting the content and meaning within.

Genevieve greeted Fifi with a smile and a cheerful response. She accepted the books with enthusiasm, feeling the attachment between a servant and a master of mutual respect. Fifi's actions in trying to fulfil her request revealed great care and dedication.

"Well done, Fifi. Thank you for your hard work," Genevieve said.

She saw many interesting titles on the cover of the book in her hand.

"I can't wait to read and explore all the explanations of magic and unique abilities within these pages" Genevieve smiled at the books she had received.

Fifi bowed her head in respect. "I am happy to be of assistance, young lady. If there is anything else I can do, please let me know with pleasure."

Genevieve nodded, appreciating the loyalty and skill of her loyal servant. They both moved away from the bookshelves and back to the cosy seating area. Genevieve chose one of the chairs by the large window, carefully positioning the books on her lap.

After a few books that Genevieve read by the large window, she finally found the book she was looking for. The pages of the book contained important information regarding unique abilities and magic. Genevieve gripped the book tightly and looked straight into it.

{Magic Power}

[Magic power is a mysterious energy that exists in all living things. It is the source of all magical abilities, both innate and learnt. The amount of magic power a person has is determined by their genetics, but can also be enhanced through training and practice.]

{Unique Abilities}

[Unique abilities are a type of magic that is innate and cannot be learnt. They are often attributed to bloodline or a rare stroke of luck, and those with unique abilities can become very powerful because of it. The chance of gaining unique abilities is very low, and even people who have unique abilities cannot guarantee that their children will have unique abilities as well. Most people with unique abilities are nobles, as they always perform inbreeding in order to always have a higher chance of getting a bloodline with unique powers in their family.]

[The difference between magic and unique abilities is that magic is often more versatile than unique abilities. Magic can be used to do a variety of things, while unique abilities are usually more specialised.]

"Hmm... So that's it", Genevieve crossed her arms and leaned back in the chair. 'That means I have magic powers too", Genevieve said to herself.

Genevieve continued to read the book, her eyes widening in amazement as she learnt more about magic and unique abilities. She was fascinated by the idea that she might have unique abilities, and she couldn't wait to find out what her own unique abilities were.

After a while, Genevieve finished reading the book and closed it with a satisfied sigh. "Well, that was certainly informative," she said to herself. "I think I have a pretty good understanding of magic and unique abilities now."

Genevieve stood up and stretched, feeling refreshed and invigorated. She was eager to put her new knowledge to the test, and she couldn't wait to see what her own unique ability was.

"Fifi,"-she called out to her servant. "I think I'm ready to go back now."

Fifi bowed her head. "As you wish, young lady."

Genevieve and Fifi left the library and made their way back to the palace. As they walked, Genevieve thought about what she had learned. She was excited about the prospect of having a unique ability, but she was also a little bit scared. What if her unique ability was something dangerous or useless?

"Fifi,"-Genevieve said, breaking the silence. "Do you think I'll have a powerful unique ability?"

Fifi smiled, "I'm sure you will, young lady. You are a very special person, and I know you will be able to do great things."

Genevieve smiled back. "Thank you, Fifi. I hope you're right."

They continued walking, and Genevieve's thoughts turned to the future. She was excited about the possibilities that lay ahead, and she couldn't wait to see what she would accomplish.

As they approached the palace, Genevieve saw her mother standing in the courtyard, waiting for them. Giselle smiled when she saw her daughter, and Genevieve could tell that she was happy to see her.

"Well, how was your trip to the library?" Giselle asked.

"It was very informative,"-Genevieve said. "I learned a lot about magic and unique abilities."

"I'm glad to hear that,"-Giselle said. "I'm sure you'll find your unique ability soon enough" She smiled.

Genevieve smiled, "I hope so."

They walked into the palace together, and Genevieve felt a sense of excitement and anticipation. She was ready to face whatever the future held, and she knew that she would be able to achieve great things.

As Genevieve and Giselle walked through the palace, Genevieve thought about what she had learned. She was still a little bit scared about her unique ability, but she was also excited. She knew that she would be able to do great things, and she couldn't wait to see what the future held.