
An Abstract Love

Cami Xena's identity is like an abstract that only exist in thoughts and idea but there is no proof of existence to be found. After running away from her glamorous yet suffocating life, she created an abstract figure of herself to hide. She hides herself in reality and created her own world because for her that's the only way to escape her past. Living a life full of pretentious and lies is enoughed for her to be at peace not until she met Sivero Alcinous Castaldi the man who's willing to do everything just to take off her mask. But is he ready to accept what's behind on that mask? "Do you know why love is an abstract? It's because you can never gave a right nor wrong explanation about it. Because love exist without words, it always base on what you feel. Just like you Cami, I don't need more explanation about you. what matters to me is what I feel and what you feel " Alcinous Castaldi

Encre · Teen
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211 Chs

Wounded Soul

I am not sure if I have what it all to face everything that I've been running away from almost haft of my life. All I know is that although I do not have a beautiful soul filled with goodness or maybe I do not have a wonderful past that will serve as a shining reflection to me, whenever Seviro looks at me- I am just me. His eyes are telling me that he is in love with me, simply, madly, deeply, completely, and irrevocably. That I could throw and spill my soul to him without bothering cleaning it.

My lips move into a small smile, licking my bottom lip. I could remember his so-called 'skipping town' date yesterday. It was really fun which I didn't expect he's capable of doing so. I mean, he's a city boy, a talk of a town not just because of his looks or his influence but to his name which I do not have any hint of what kind of family he has. I thought he only do fancy dinner dates but he did surprise me yesterday.

"Good morning, Cam"