
Amor Aeternus_s jikook

Amor Aeternus _ jikook (eternal love) online fanfic,fantasy novel......boy love, romance, fantasy, powers, trust issues,slow burn, misunderstandings what happen's when fire and water comes face to face in real life and fall in love,they thought destiny brought them together but fate has something else in store for them,misunderstandings,fights. Things become hard when misunderstandings pop up but trust solves everything in the end. don't want to give up their love but can't stay with each other either,misses each other like hell but when they meet they turn away.....wanna know why and what happens next then start reading^-^ ^-^ships.....?^^ jikook namjin sope.^^

suki_A · LGBT+
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110 Chs

43.)why? If I am park then are you not Jeon?

Jungkook: what was that? can't you see that I am on a call and what the shit you are about to tell the staff that your showering in my room if he heard you for one more minute, we would be on headlines tomorrow for cheating on our partners.

Jimin raised his head to see jungkook with his eyes still closed, 'he ....he is not looking' jungkook respected his privacy; he can feel the grip on the wrist tighten because of his silence, the other hand is pressing his wound on the hip jungkook couldn't see his eyes were closed and because his body was still a bit wet the wound's wetness can't be felt.

Jungkook: say something damn it...

Jungkook is standing too close his breath is hitting jimin's lips, and he kept inching forward not his fault though remember he closed his eyes.

Now Jimin had to speak before he moves closer and....

Jimin "Jungkook" he spoke in panic

Jungkook: "don't call me tha..." he was cut off (Jimin): "I am still....still not wearing anything". He stuttered

Jungkook could smell the fresh lemon grass and mint, his warm hand against the blonde's wet body. How close he is standing that jimin's breath is touching his throat.

He realised Jimin is only in towel, and a wicked smirk appeared on his lips listening how Jimin stuttered

Jungkook: then you should have dressed instead of ranting at me.

Jimin tried to wiggle out "i was ..i was about to, now let me go "

Jungkook: ohh ....you were saying something about my manners.

Jimin: "we can talk about it later....ahhh" Jimin felt a sting jungkook was pressing further on his hip.

Jungkook was about to open his eyes listening to jimin's hiss.

Jimin: no don't look.

Jungkook: "then tell me about my manner huh?" it's the devil talking he is playing with Jimin taking advantage of the situation.

Jimin: you should have knocked you can't just walk in when someone is showering.

Jungkook: first thing you didn't lock the door, second you are not showering i didn't walk into bathroom without knocking, third....

Jimin: "still i get to have some privacy even though we are married and share a room" Jungkook gripped his hand tighter and almost nails digging into jimin's wrist.

Jimin: shitttt jk you are hurtin.....

Jungkook: then let me complete "third" it's my room i don't need to knock or even share it with you marriage meant nothing and i am not sharing this room i am just baring with you here, understood park?

Jimin had enough of brattiness he broke the brunette's hold on his wrist and twisted jungkook's arm holding it against his back and threw the clothes he was holding hands aside like seriously dressing up can wait he needs to teach a lesson now,

and like that

Jimin stood behind him with one hand twisting jungkook's arm and with the free hand he grabbed the brunette's jaw harshly tilting his head back.

Jimin: look i don't fu*cking care if you are baring with me or if it's your room. now that i am staying here anyway dig a pit hole and bury your attitude 'you knock before you come in' get that into this pretty head of yours and if you dare to fu*cking touch me again like that or hurt me i am going to break this arm of yours without a warning.

He pulled the brunettes head back roughly, his sharp jaw raised up like some mountain ridge "understood Jeon, answer me?" Jimin decided to give back what he receive he is done being patience so if it's park then it will be Jeon.

Jungkook nodded with a clenched jaw and Jimin pushed him forward releasing him and bending down to pick his clothes up hissing in pain "hssss ....fu*k you muscle pig"

Jungkook stood there without turning back "ohhhh please give it a break, hurt you? Stop over reacting are you made of porcelain I just held you a bit hard and what? You start whining"

He didn't know he was hurting Jimin and pressing the wound. When he opened his eyes only then he realised seeing the blood on his hand what Jimin was talking about hurting him.

"What the fuc*k ji....park, blood?" he turned around by that time Jimin is already in his shorts and t-shirt.

Jimin knew where the blood came from but he decided it's not necessary to let the brunette know so he pressed the towel he is holding under his black t-shirt and opened the draw to grad the first aid box.

Jungkook: didn't you hear me i asked you why is there blood?

Jimin: that justifies you hurting me and that i am not made of porcelain and I decided not to answer what you asked.

Jimin is about to walk out of the room when jungkook rushed to him and stood in front of him blocking his way.

Here we go they are standing nose to nose again "what is your problem Jeon?"

Jungkook: Jeon?

Jimin: why? If I am park then are you not Jeon? I decided to do it your way.

Jungkook: I don't care wtf you decide to do i asked you about the blood answer me damn it?

Jungkook is walking forward and Jimin walking back into the room "and i said i don't wanna answer damn it"

It's pricking jungkook's mind each second thinking about the blood and something wrong with Jimin.

Jungkook is done asking Jimin politely "then don't complain i don't have manners cause i asked"

One last step and jimin's legs hit the edge of the bed and jungkook hurled him onto the bed.

Jimin: shit..

Jungkook started to push the blonde's t-shirt up and Jimin is trying to wiggle out push his hands away

Jimin: have you lost it, what are you doing ....get away.

Jungkook: Ohh just shut up or tell me where the blood came from.

He pinned jimin's wrists above his head with one hand and glanced down.

Jungkook got his answer he forced the t-shirt up and saw the small towel he is holding blood stained he grabbed the towel and pulled it.

Jimin: fu*ck that hurts Jeon.

Jungkook: shit, what?...what the hell?

Jimin: delican.

Jungkook: why did it not heal?

Jimin: yoona did give me medicine but it is taking time unlike other wounds my body is not healing it, recovery is just like human.

Jungkook: then what you leave it like that and let it bleed.

Jimin: of course not i was about to dress it until you decided to push me and pressed on it.

Jungkook; i didn't know, if i knew....

Jimin: save it, get up you are heavy.