

-8th of June 2024-

A virus started spreading through air, but no one realised not even WHO, a guy in sachsen was infected, he was acting strange, everyone around quarantined him, his girlfriend was going to give him food but little did she know, her boyfriend literally made her the food, everyone nearby was shocked as they saw the guy biting off a big piece of her neck, people thought he went crazy but there was this one guy who noticed the threat and fled from the place, he packed his stuff and left for somewhere, The people entered the room with masks on but the guy grabbed a man and bit him, they fought and caught him but he was acting strange, one man took her to the hospital, meanwhile back there, the girl also woke up and they thought she was fine they decided to take her to the hospital but she started attacking them and that's when the majority realised, this infection spreads from the bites and they all panicked in that room, some got bit but they were selfish enough to hide it and fled away with the large group, the power of the city started shutting down and our boy Louis also noticed what's going on through his phone so he also packed his stuff and left as it was dangerous to stay in a city noticing the threat, he leaves his friend a last text asking her to meet in a secret place in russia.

Alright so before people question, the internet didn't shut down because in this universe Internet is provided via Satelites and it is impossible for them to discontinue the services because it is ran by ISS (international space station), noticing the threat the world government asked ISS to give free services to the people, so it will not be a problem for survivors

killgojocreators' thoughts