
AAU Tournament First Round: LSB Vs TEW8 (2 in 1)

*Sound Effects*




(Point of View)

A/N: I'm planning on making the tournaments 2 chapters in 1 as I don't want to drag things out too much. I hope you like this! Let me know in the comments!


Today is finally the day the Tournament begins. School has already started, but to be honest, my focus has been slipping, and my grades have dipped to a C+. However, I'm not overly concerned about it right now because the tournament is my top priority. I can't help but feel nervous jitters building up inside me as I wait for Coach to pick me up. For breakfast, I played it safe and had a light meal to avoid cramps, settling for a bowl of Greek yogurt and oatmeal.

*Honk Honk* I hear Coach's arrival, so I grab my bag and take a deep breath as I open my apartment door and head outside to meet him. As I climb into the car and stow my belongings, Coach asks, "How are you feeling?" I pause for a moment, collecting my thoughts, and reply, "I'm nervous, but once I warm up, I'll be good." My pre-game warm-up routine is my way of finding focus and calming my nerves, allowing me to prepare mentally for the upcoming game.

Coach tries to reassure me, saying, "Remember, this is just another AAU game." I nod in agreement as we set off for the AAU Tournament, which is about a 25-minute drive from our location. We arrived at the tournament venue quite early because I wanted to get some shots up before anyone else arrived.

When we reach the venue, I see three courts lined up side by side, indicating that multiple games will be played simultaneously. I make my way to our assigned court, slipping on the Jordan sneakers that Coach Will had provided and donning my headphones, fully prepared to get down to business. I didn't wear the shoes my mom had gotten me because I didn't want to ruin them yet and it would take some time to break them in. As I start working up a sweat, I hear a voice calling out. I turn my head in the direction of the sound and remove my headphones.

It's Isaiah. "Yo, what's up?" he calls over.

"Not much," I reply. "You nervous?" I asked.

Isaiah nods. "Yeah, first game. I figured I'd warm up early to get rid of those jitters. Same for you?"

"Yup, I'm still trying to shake it off," I say, acknowledging that I'm still dealing with lingering nerves.

As we began warming up, soon the quiet started to fade as more people entered the venue. The game was set to start in 30 minutes still, however, it looks like everyone was here early to get some shots up before the game started. Soon, the rest of the team arrived, along with the team we would be facing which was on the other side of the court. As I looked over I could immediately tell the difference with these guys and the other local AAU teams we faced. 

The gym buzzed with pre-game energy as our AAU team, the Lone Star Ballers, went through our warm-up routines. Some players wore expressions of nervous anticipation, while others, like Elijah, exuded a sense of readiness and determination.

Before the jump ball, Coach Will gathered the team near the sideline for a final pep talk. His voice carried a mix of encouragement and determination as he addressed us.

"Listen up, Ballers!" Coach Will began, his eyes scanning each player. "This is it, the moment we've all been working for. I know some of you are feeling the nerves, and that's okay. It's natural. But remember what we've practiced, trust in your abilities, and most importantly, trust in each other."

Everyone on the team gave collected nods in response to Coach's words. Coach's passion ignited a fire within me. "Remember, defense wins games. Play smart, communicate, and stay disciplined out there. And on offense, move the ball, find the open man, and let's take good shots."

He concluded with a fierce determination in his eyes. "Now, go out there and show 'em what the Lone Star Ballers are made of. Play with heart, play with pride, and let's bring home that win!"

As we broke from the huddle and headed toward the jump ball, Coach Will's words lingered in my mind, fueling my determination to succeed, wiping away the remnants of the lingering nerves I felt.

With Coach Will's inspirational words still echoing in my mind, I turned my attention to the center of the court. The large display screen above showcased the starting lineups for both teams. The announcer's voice filled the gym as he introduced each player one by one.

On our side, I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride as my name was called along with my teammates. We were the Lone Star Ballers, and this was our moment to shine.

The announcer continued, outlining the tournament rules. Four quarters, ten minutes each—time to prove ourselves on the hardwood. The anticipation in the gym was palpable, a mix of excitement and anxiety as we all waited for the game to begin.

As the final notes of the pre-game announcements filled the air, I took a deep breath, focusing on the task ahead. The jump ball was moments away, and I was ready to give it my all for my team.

As the referee tossed the ball into the air for the jump ball, the game officially began. Unfortunately, the enemy team managed to gain possession. I found myself matched up against their quick and agile point guard. He received the ball and wasted no time, making a move towards the basket.

I anticipated his drive and used my body to guide him toward the left side of the court where our help-side defense was stronger. The point guard, realizing he couldn't penetrate our defense, made a quick pass to their center who found an opening near the basket.

Xavier, our towering presence in the paint, sprang into action, contesting the shot with all his might. He jumped to block the shot, however, the shot still found the bottom. Frustration painted his face as he slapped his hands in disappointment. However, Xavier didn't let that momentary setback deter him.

He swiftly grabbed the rebound and moved to the side to pass the ball in for our next possession. As I received the pass from him, I couldn't help but offer some encouragement, "Good defense, Xay! We've got this!" It was just the beginning, and we were determined to turn the tide in our favor.

I made my way up the court, keeping a keen eye on the point guard defending me. He was sagging off a little, anticipating my drive given my smaller frame. As I approached the three-point line, I saw the opportunity and seized it. Without hesitation, I pulled up for a three-pointer, releasing the ball in a fluid motion.

*Swish* The ball found its mark, sailing through the net without touching the rim. The scoreboard now read 3-2, with them holding a slim lead. It was a quick response, and I could feel the energy building as we aimed to close the gap and seize control of the game. The crowd immediately made their presence felt, a mix of dedicated supporters of the players and eager spectators here to enjoy the AAU tournament spectacle. Their collective cheers and excitement echoed through the gym, creating an electrifying atmosphere that spurred us on.

I took the ball again, making my way up the court. This time, my defender was playing me closer, perhaps anticipating another drive. I spotted Elijah and called for a screen, setting up a pick-and-roll play. As we executed it, I noticed my defender going under the screen, and the switch on defense was slightly slow. Without hesitation, I pulled up for an open three-pointer and released the ball.


It was a perfect shot, and the scoreboard now read 6-2, with us in the lead. The crowd erupted once again, reacting to the quick turnaround in our favor.

On the opponents' next possession, they ran a well-executed play. The ball found its way to their shooting guard, who was slightly open and ready to take a shot. However, Marcus, with his quick reflexes, closed in on the opponent in a flash. He managed to get a hand up and contest the shot just in time, causing the ball to fall short and hit the front of the rim with a *Clang.*

"Fuck!" I heard the player say in frustration.

Elijah was quick to react, pulling away with the rebound and securing the possession for us. The crowd showed their appreciation for our defensive effort, and their cheers reverberated through the gymnasium. There were even some audible "awws" of disappointment from the opposing team's supporters as their scoring attempt fell short. 

I ran the same play once more, fully aware that the defenders would be more alert to the switch this time. I saw it as an advantage, knowing they'd be on their toes.

As I received the screen and moved to the right, the defender went under, but this time, when switching with the opponent's power forward, he made sure to be quick, attempting to get a hand up before I could shoot. I glanced up at the rim while slowing down my speed, making it seem like I was about to take the shot with my right hand moving toward my left, causing him to rise up slightly, breaking out of his athletic stance but not committing to a jump. However, my right hand passed just over the ball, never making contact, as I quickly pushed the ball from my left hand down toward the right and blew past him.

As I left him behind, the opposing shooting guard, anticipating the drive, stepped up slightly to prevent an easy layup. But this opened up Isaiah for an open shot. I delivered a slick behind-the-back pass, and Isaiah confidently sank the shot, bringing the score to 8-2 with a little under 8 minutes left.

*WHOOOO* We heard a whistle going off, indicating the opposing team calling a timeout.

"Good pass!" Isaiah exclaimed, giving me a high-five. "I gotchu," I replied with a nod before hustling to the bench.

Coach Will wore a pleased expression as he approached us during a timeout. He patted me on the back and said, "Good work, Javi. You're creating opportunities out there, and Isaiah, great job capitalizing on that open shot."

He then addressed the entire team, "Defensively, we've been solid so far, preventing open shots and securing those boards. Keep it up."

However, Coach Will didn't let us get complacent. He looked at us with a determined gaze and added, "But remember, it's just the first quarter. Don't let up the gas. Keep pushing, and we'll secure this game." Everyone nodded, with determination to not let go of the lead and run away with this win. 

As the timeout was ending, I took a quick sip of water and returning to the court, following behind the others as we made it back on to the hardwood.

The Texas Elite Warriors started with the ball, sticking with the same lineup, however, with a renewed expression of determination, not wanting to go out sad.

As the opposing point guard crossed the half-court line, I began to defend him but maintained a slight distance because I didn't think he had a strong outside shot. He started dribbling, faking a move to his left before executing an in-and-out dribble. I anticipated his move, but I didn't see the screen coming, and I ended up colliding with their power forward, which stung a bit. I quickly shifted my focus, picking up the power forward as Elijah switched onto the point guard to prevent him from driving to the basket.

I called out to Xavier, "Xay, get ready to switch!" anticipating the upcoming play. As the power forward and point guard moved towards the basket, the point guard, realizing the height mismatch, passed the ball up and over to the power forward. I had expected this strategy due to the height difference. Xavier, hearing my call and recognizing the situation, left his man to enter the paint, while I marked the center who was stationed about 15 feet from the basket.

The power forward found himself trapped by Xavier and decided to pass the ball to the player I was guarding. Anticipating he wouldn't be able to ignore the glaring height advantage, I leaped with all my might, managing to just tap the ball towards the baseline before sprinting to regain possession.

As I gained control of the ball, I glanced up at Marcus, who was already sprinting down the court, signaling for a pass as he had an open lane with no defenders back yet. I launched a full-court pass, hitting Marcus in stride, and he emphatically finished with a thunderous two-handed dunk. The crowd erupted with cheers, some people even leaping out of their seats to celebrate the electrifying slam.

"Thanks for the pass," he acknowledged with a fist bump. "Anytime," I responded, shifting my attention back to the defensive end of the court.

The opposing team was determined not to make the same mistake twice, and they capitalized on their height advantage to initiate a comeback. Their Small Forward emerged as their primary scorer, relying on his athleticism to bypass Marcus and score effortless baskets. Their primary offensive strategy revolved around using screens to create mismatches and exploit them for scoring opportunities.


The score now stood at 13-8, with us still holding the lead. I made an effort to involve Elijah and Marcus more in our offense. I passed the ball to Elijah, allowing him to go to work as he powered his way into the paint for a touch layup. On the defensive end, the opposing team missed an open three-pointer.

Coming back down the court, I once again fed the ball to Elijah, who attempted to assert himself in the paint. However, recognizing the looming help defense, he kicked the ball back out to me. I called for another screen, feigned a move in one direction, and then quickly shifted the opposite way, creating an opportunity for an easy floater.

The game continued to go back and forth as both teams exchanged baskets. The score now stood at 22-15, with us extending our lead. I took a breather on the bench with my teammates, grabbing some Gatorade to rehydrate. Coach Will offered some words of encouragement before we headed back onto the court for the second quarter.


The second quarter kicked off, and both teams continued to battle fiercely. I was determined to maintain my scoring rhythm and contribute to the team's success. Isaiah and Elijah were also doing their part, making plays and chipping in with some crucial points.

Marcus, unfortunately, wasn't having the best performance, struggling to find his shot. Xavier, on the other hand, was making his presence felt in the paint, grabbing rebounds and scoring on putbacks. Isaac, coming off the bench briefly, managed to contribute with a couple of baskets as well.

As the game progressed, we managed to maintain our lead, although the opposing team was putting up a strong fight. They were relentless, especially their Small Forward, who continued to be a scoring threat. We had to stay focused on defense and make smart offensive plays.

By the time the final buzzer sounded, I had scored a double-double with 29 points on an efficient 13-18 shooting while also dishing out 13 assists. Isaiah had a solid performance with 15 points, and Elijah added 12 points to our tally. Xavier's dominant presence in the paint contributed 10 points, and Isaac's brief appearance off the bench netted him 6 points. Marcus had a tough game, scoring only 4 points.

The final buzzer sounded, and the scoreboard displayed a victorious 76-65 score in our favor. It had been a hard-fought battle, and as a team, we celebrated our well-deserved win. Amidst the jubilation, the realization set in that we couldn't afford to lose focus with the next game in the tournament just around the corner.

(3rd Person - Spectator)

As the game started, a little kid in the stands pointed at Javi, who was noticeably smaller than some of the other players on the court. The curious boy tugged on his parent's sleeve and exclaimed, "Look, he's smaller than the rest of them!"

His parent, taking a moment to observe the game, replied, "Yes, he is, but that doesn't mean he can't be great at what he does."

The little boy's eyes widened in astonishment, and he asked, "Can I be like that even though I'm smaller than the other kids?"

His father, trying to be realistic yet encouraging, nodded and said, "Of course, you can work hard and get really good at something you love. Just remember, it's not easy to make it to the NBA. Only a very small number of people make it, even if they're really good."

The little boy continued to watch number 11, who was having a great game, scoring points and making impressive plays. Still, his father's words of caution lingered in his mind, as he understood that the path to becoming a professional athlete was a challenging one, reserved for only a select few.

(1st Person - Javi)

With the game concluded, the team gathered at the bench, exchanging hugs, high-fives, and congratulatory smiles. On the other end of the court, the Texas Elite Warriors wore expressions of disappointment as their journey in the tournament came to an end. Despite the tough loss, they displayed admirable sportsmanship as both teams met to exchange good game pleasantries.

I made my way over to the opposing small forward, offering my respect and a few words of encouragement. However, when I approached the point guard I had matched up against, he walked off the court without acknowledging the customary post-game exchange.

The small forward noticed my confusion and explained, "Don't worry about him. He's been putting in a lot of effort, and coming here to give his best but losing has hit him hard. He needs some time to process it."

I nodded in understanding. "You guys were definitely the toughest matchup we've faced all season," I acknowledged, offering words of encouragement.

"Thanks, I appreciate it. Just make sure you don't go on to lose in the semifinals after beating us. That would make me feel even worse," he said with a slight chuckle, displaying true sportsmanship.

After exchanging words of encouragement and well-wishes with the opposing team, I turned my attention to the other games happening on the scoreboard. The scores displayed a mix of close matches and lopsided victories, giving me a sense of the competition we were up against in the tournament.

The tight score of 70-66 in one game emphasized the intensity of the matchups, while the 82-58 score in another highlighted the dominance of one team. Although I couldn't catch any glimpses of the players or action in those games, I couldn't help but acknowledge the challenges that lay ahead for us. It was a reminder that our journey through the tournament wouldn't get any easier, and we needed to stay focused and prepared.

To celebrate our advancement in the tournament, Coach Will treated us to a meal at a Chinese restaurant. The aroma of various dishes filled the air as we eagerly placed our orders. I opted for the savory Sesame chicken, while Isaiah went with the flavorful Teriyaki, and Elijah chose the spicier option of hot orange chicken.

As we gathered around the table for our post-game meal, the atmosphere was filled with laughter and camaraderie. We couldn't resist reliving the epic moments from our game, sharing stories of impressive plays and clutch performances. Xavier's incredible shot-blocking feat, where he rose above the rim to deny the opposing center, remained a standout memory that had ignited the crowd's cheers. We also fondly recalled the precision and confidence that had fueled our successful three-pointers, including my own.

Amidst the delicious food and shared stories, our sense of accomplishment and unity as a team grew stronger. We understood the challenges that lay ahead in the tournament, but in that moment, we savored the taste of victory and the bonds we had forged on the court. These memories would serve as a driving force for our continued journey through the tournament.

After eating my fill, everyone got picked up before Coach and I headed out. I eventually arrived home after a long car ride from traffic. On my way out of the car I heard Coach say "Great game Javi, make sure you're ready for the Semi's next week" he said before giving some words of encouragement. 

I made my way upstairs and smiled brightly while outside the door. I unlocked the door and entered inside as I could hear my brother's usual antics. Making my way inside, I saw my mom cooking dinner.

**In Spanish**

I announced excitedly, **Mama, we won!** She turned around with a big smile and asked, **I'm so proud of you, Javi. How was the game? Did you do well?**

**Yeah, I got a double-double with 29 points and 13 assists!** I replied, to which she responded with a surprised, **Wow! Good job Javi**

**Are you hungry?** she asked.

**No, Mama, I already ate with the team,** I replied.

**Okay, I'll save you a plate for tomorrow,** she said.

**Thanks, Mama,** I said as I gave her a hug before making my way to my room to shower and settle in for the night.

As I laid in bed looking at the ceiling, I couldn't help but recall the amazing day I had. I was grateful every time I got to step on the court; there wasn't anything else I'd rather do. With that, I drifted off to sleep.


A/N: Hope you enjoyed the longer chapter! I didn't want to take two days to go over each game, so I put in the extra work to have it in one chapter. I hope you liked it! Please leave a comment on your thoughts and if you're wanting to support the story you can vote using your power stones below! 


I'm thinking for the rookie year to be around 40 chapters, and some of the other years being on 20 chapters. My goal is to not take 40+ chapters each season as his career will be fairly long, spanning more than 10 seasons, so I don't want things to become stale. Let me know your thoughts on how you'd like to see the story paced!

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