
Running from myself

There I was running without a destination, they were chasing me like they always did. But this time it felt different. They were chasing me like a hungry pack of wolves running behind their prey, Hungry with hate, hungry with jealousy. They always hated me they couldn't stand the sight of me. Was I that different? In their eyes at least I was, I never fitted in. I always spoke my mind with no regrets! They never liked that, they never liked the fact that I would always said what I wanted to say and that made me had more and more of them against me. I kept running trough the forest without a destination. Maybe I will find a cliff and fall I should die that way, it will be easier wouldn't it? But I kept running, why was I running for? I wasn't stooping even though my legs we're getting tired, my heart was running faster than my legs were. Will this be my end? Was this the way I was going to die? If they catch up with me what will they do to me?

I wasn't stopping to find out so I kept running, trying to evade the lower tree branches the best I could, jumping from rocks to rocks, crossing the long creek where I used to bathe as a girl, but I wasn't a girl anymore, I was the outcast running for her live. I turned my head around trying to see how far they were. I was a fast runner or that's what I thought! I've always outran them but this time felt different, they were catching up to me. I turn my head to keep looking for a place to hide and that's when I saw a little to late the boulder that was blocking the path and I ran straight into it!