
Chapter 114: Spirit Communication (Edited)

The darkness was unfathomable.

York, undeterred, pulled out one after another 40×51mm grenade from the bandolier on his shoulder, loading them into the rotary grenade launcher's cylinder, then resetting the six-shot cylinder into place.


After completing this step, York stared into the deep darkness below, preparing another holy grenade for clearing.

Up to now, the demon had not shown itself, and he had unknowingly used ten grenades.

"There might be danger during the spirit communication,"

Continuing his previous thought, York opened the pin of the grenade and tossed it down.

"But I'm here, and I can guarantee your safety."

Hearing the grenade's collision sound inside, York stepped back, pressing against Eileen, who had been closely following him, turning to look at her youthful face and smiling gently.

"After all, you are the first nun of my Pluto Church. As your priest, it's my responsibility to ensure your safety."

His voice was confident and powerful, filling Eileen with a special sense of security as she looked up at the young priest.

"Father, I will do my best."

Hill, who had been keeping watch, joined in, lightening the mood with a laugh.

"Congratulations, welcome to Pluto Church."

His tone was that of an old man, as if he were part of Pluto Church himself.

Eileen responded solemnly, thanking him.

"Thank you!"

This kid...

York glanced at the smiling Hill, deciding not to say anything, and looked forward to the staircase leading downward.

Boom! The timing was perfect, with the holy grenade exploding below.

The shockwave, carrying smoke, rushed up, hitting the ceiling before bouncing back onto York's chest.

But such a diminished shockwave was merely a tickle for York.

York patted his chest, staring at the smoke-filled staircase, leading the way down.

"Let's go."

"Okay, Father."

Eileen and Hill quickly followed, one after the other.

In the silent space, the sound of their footsteps on the stairs seemed amplified.

Thud, thud, thud! When this unsettling footstep noise stopped, led by York, the trio reached the bottom.

The light was barely there, everything blurry, but with Hill lighting a nearby wax candle, the dim light revealed everything.

This was also a stone chamber, but this time filled with stored goods, bag after bag, unknown contents.

Importantly, in the corner beside these goods lay an unmoving corpse.

Deep underground, naturally acting as a cold storage, the body was covered in a thin layer of frost.

Without needing much judgment, seeing the unique black habit different from ordinary ones, York knew this body belonged to the monastery's abbess.

He decisively proceeded with the next plan.

Starting the spirit communication ritual.

Letting Eileen penetrate Valak's barrier to find the abbess of Saint Cata Monastery.

The closer to the body, the stronger Eileen's spirit communication ability would be, acting as a locator to precisely guide her.

Recalling the spirit communication formation, York looked at Eileen.

"Are you ready?"

"Yes." Eileen nodded earnestly.

Hearing this, York handed four holy grenades to Hill, instructing him.

"Keep an eye on the exit."

With only one exit in this dead-end, it was necessary to have someone watch it. Four grenades were enough for Hill to withstand the onslaught of the nun's bodies, as blowing up their controlled flesh would render them harmless.

"Okay, Father."

Hill immediately understood, taking the grenades and heading towards the staircase.

"I'll secure the exit!"

York continued to look at Eileen, finding her already prepared, her expression conveying her readiness for what was to come.

"Let's begin then."

York smiled, looking at the determined Eileen, his magic power spreading downwards.

As mentioned before, corresponding formations have various functions, including protection, exorcism, summoning, and of course, spirit communication.

Considering Valak's rank, York used ten magic points to strengthen the spirit communication formation, hoping to penetrate Valak's barrier.

With the mechanical voice beside his ear, a red-hued formation pattern appeared, covering the entire stone chamber floor.

Eileen widened her eyes, marveling at the sudden appearance of the formation, filled with disbelief.

"This is related to spirit communication." York calmly explained, "The power of the formation will enhance your spirit communication ability, matching your psychic constitution. I'll teach you later."

York touched Eileen's forehead, continuing.

"Now close your eyes, sense the presence of the abbess's body, follow your power..."

Feeling the warmth on her forehead, Eileen, without hesitation, closed her eyes.

Following the priest's instructions, she felt as if a force was pulling her, like a thread attached to her, dragging her body.

Instinctively resisting, but recalling the priest's words, Eileen relaxed, letting the thread guide her.

In the next second.

Like in a dream, Eileen found herself in an unfamiliar space.

Fragmented information before her eyes showed the appearance of Saint Cata Monastery and the old nun, resembling the corpse, in a room, searching for something, oblivious to her presence.

She seemed invisible.

In the next moment, the scene changed.

The old nun, holding a candle, hurriedly walked through the dim underground, Eileen watching from the side.

Then, the scene changed again.

The old nun, in agony, supported herself against the wall, emerging from the depths.

Eileen frowned, wanting to follow, but the scene shifted again.

A strange stone chamber appeared.

And a statue of the Virgin Mary.

"This should be hidden from Him, oh Virgin Mary, please..."

The old nun, in agony, struggled to stand, falling to the ground, "I must do this before I lose consciousness..."

Despite her struggle, the old nun got up, moving painfully into the stone chamber.

Eileen, wanting to help, blinked, and found herself in a different location.

Still in the dim underground.

She stood at the center of a crossroad, facing the middle path.

At the end was another crossroad, and a nun in a black habit, her face unseen, emerged from the right, moving forward.

Somehow, seeing this nun instinctively filled Eileen with fear, her body trembling, but she bit her lip, preparing to follow.

At that moment, hands from the right grabbed her, pulling her aside, Eileen startled, turned to look.

In that instant, she saw the abbess pulling her.

Before being pulled to the right wall, Eileen's eyes widened, seeing the nun turning towards them, a thought crossing her mind.

Who was the nun at the end of the corridor, visible only in profile?


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