

Loudstar1 · Fantasy
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2 Chs


A long time ago, ( talking about the time people believed in magic and in the land where magic existed) in a village called Eldenbrook there was once a couple who had been married for fifteen years without a child their name was Cedric and Eleanor.Cedric was a blacksmith before he married his wife Eleanor who also ended up as a blacksmith with Cedric. They lived happily for fifteen years without a child, and of course people talked about them all the time.Cedric's grandfather was the village sorcerer and he always told his grandson that one day he would have a child and the child would have a great destiny. Even though Cedric never believed in Sorcery he still believed his grandfather's words.Cedric was a poor humble man and he only ever wanted a happy family he was sad that he doesn't have a child to call his own but still he never lets his wife know of it and still shower her with love and care. One day while he was at work, his wife came to him crying and she said "dear are you sure nothing is wrong with me" "No dear why would you say such a thing" "doesn't it bother you that I can't give birth?" then Cedric looked back and said "is this what this is about? come on we can work this it's just not time!" "it's not time? really?" "come on we can talk about this later!" "oh-yeah we can always talk about this!" while cleaning her tears, she walked out meanwhile Cedric could no longer concentrate his head was full he felt like he couldn't breathe anymore. This was what he was running from for years, he was sad. "Eleanor I'm sorry things has to be this way" he said to himself "I never wanted this" saying it with a tear in his eyes "God please give me one child to call my own" he said shouting then he broke down in tears with no strength or enthusiasm to continue his work, he just sat and gazed at the clouds.


In the forest there seemed to be something like a pause of time, something glimmered and like the spark of light there was a portal in the forest shinning so bright no idea where it came from and where it leads to. A lady stepped out of the portal, she seemed weak,she wasn't sure where she was, she stepped out with caution and as soon as her full body was out the portal disappeared.Camala a young goddess she seemed like she had been fighting a tough battle for days. weak and staggering she ran like something or someone was after her she wasn't sure where she was but she continued to run until she faded out.


Back at Cedric's house camala seemed to have regained consciousness but little strength, she seemed to not know where she was with her back down, she asked "where am I?" just then Cedric brought a bowl of soup for her.While raising up from The ground to a sitting position he said "you are at my house you seem weak, hungry and tired please take this of soup it will fill you up and help you recover some strength.""thank you" she said and took it she took a sip and her eyes open wild in surprise she tried not to show it but she just couldn't resist Cedric noticed it but didn't say a word "what is this?, it tastes so delicious" she mumbled while she gobbled it down her throat.when she was done, Cedric told her "i found you in the woods on my way back home how did you end up there?" while asking Eleanor stepped in with Cedric's grandfather the village sorcerer and healer.