
Ambitious Husband's Past Secret

For 21+ Justin De Groot, 27 years old, is the President Director of the De Groot Company, a giant company founded in Indonesia in the Dutch colonial era. Justin is descended from Lawrence De Groot, the eldest of 3 children. Lawrence's two younger siblings are Emanuel De Groot and Beatrice De Groot. Lawrence has 3 wives, namely Marlene De Groot, Caroline De Groot, and Villena De Groot. Justin was born to Caroline De Groot. Marlene has no children, but Villena has one child, Brian. When Lawrence was the President Director of De Groot Company, there was a betrayal by Emanuel and Beatrice, forcing Justin and Caroline to be taken away by Lawrence's personal assistant Markus to Markus' hometown in one of the villages on Mount Bromo. At the same time, Brian and Villena Beatrice were exiled to a village on the coast of the South Coast. Justin's life in the village was very miserable, apart from being a fugitive from Emanuel's men, he was also made fun of by the locals as the grandson of a cruel company. Then Justin met Rasti Kusumojoyo, the only granddaughter of Danu Kusumojoyo. The meeting was accidental, because at that time Justin almost wanted to be killed by one of Emanuel's men, and was saved by Rasti, who was with Aryo, Danu Kusumooyo's adopted son. Rasti and Aryo took Justin away after Aryo managed to stab the men who wanted to kill Justin. From there Justin could not forget Rasti. He promised in his heart that one day he would return to Jakarta, and become President Director of De Groot Company, that he would find Rasti and marry Rasti. Justin kept his promise. Justin doesn't care that he already has 4 wives, namely Carla, Minda, Sonya, and Ella. The 4 wives were Marlene's choice so that Marlene could control Justin. He went looking for Rasti who was 24 years old to the area around Mount Bromo, while dealing with the demonstrators mobilized by Emanuel who did not accept Justin's success in taking over the De Groot Company and the entire De Groot family fortune. Justin meets Rasti again when he almost wants to be killed by Emanuel's men and Caroline's husband Kastan. Rasti saves him, and Justin recognizes Rasti from the pendant attached to Rasti's neck. Unfortunately, Rasti has become attached to Aryo's heart, even giving her chastity to Aryo. But Justin doesn't give up, he tries to separate Rasti from Aryo by harming Aryo through Flast and Winto, two of his men who are good at Kung Fu and poison experts. Aryo almost died at that time, and to save Aryo, Rasti was forced to meet Justin in Jakarta. What happened next?

Sofia_Zelmira · Urban
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6 Chs


Caroline snuggled behind Markus back, looking terrified. They are currently being intercepted by Emanuel's men. They didn't expect to be intercepted on their way to find Justin. Caroline said that Justin and Alan had not yet returned from Karang Dewa village.

Unfortunately, Markus did not bring some of his men. Markus orders his men to find Justin.

Another thing, none of the residents came to help them. People even hide in their homes. It can be said that there are still many residents of Tumanggu Village who hate people of Dutch descent. During the Dutch colonial period, Tumanggu Village was controlled, and its residents were made slaves to work on the rice fields and plantations there. Then women, especially virgins, were made to satisfy the desires of the Dutch soldiers and their leaders.

Therefore, when they found out that Markus worked for the De Groot family, they hated Mark's family. Ignoring Mark's family. They were relieved when Markus took his family to Solo, the hometown of Mark's mother. But now, they are annoyed, because Markus brought Caroline and Justin, whom they feel are the De Groot family Dutch.

Their feeling was right, because one of the sellers in the market found Caroline's wallet, checked Caroline's identity, then reported it to Kelurahan. Sukmono Lurah, whose family is the victim of atrocities by the Dutch colonialists, verified that Caroline and Justin were their enemies. So don't go with it.

"Markus." Caroline spoke quietly to Markus, "Who are they? What are the people from Emanuel? Or Beatrice?" she had a feeling those people were sent by one of her in-laws.

"Madam calms down, I will protect you," Markus asked Caroline to calm down.

Markus is actually Caroline's ex-boyfriend. But Lawrence has the same feeling as Caroline, asking Caroline to his parents. Incidentally at that time, Peter's father Caroline wanted to set Lawrence up with Caroline, so that his company could merge with the De Groot Company. Another thing, Peter knows that Lawrence has no children at all from Marlene, so it is very likely that if Caroline can give the child to Lawrence, the De Groot Company will be passed on to the child.

Caroline heavily married Lawrence and gave Lawrence a son, Justin. Even though Markus is hurt, his deep love for Caroline keeps him loyal to Caroline's side. Although he also has the goal of controlling the De Groot Company with Justin's hands.

"Boss," whispered one of the men who had confronted them to their leadership, "Don't waste any more time, let's kill them so that Mr. Emanuel can calmly lead the De Groot Company."

"Don't be rash," sighed Ghotam, the leader of these men, "Mr. Markus has excellent martial arts. The proof was that he was able to escape the second Madame and Mr. Justin when Mr. Emanuel and Mrs. Beatrice were about to finish off Mr. Lawrence's family. Even being able to make Adrian safe from running Mrs. Marlene somewhere."

"Then do we let the two of them live? Master Emanuel will finish us off if we keep both of them alive."

Ghotam sighed. Emanuel will indeed kill those who fail to kill Marlene, Caroline, Justin, and Markus. Because Emanuel didn't want this action to be a disaster for him and Beatrice.

"Ghotam!" Markus called out. Markus recognized Ghotam. "It's better for you to leave, than for your lives to be lost in my hands! You know very well, I can do that!" he said firmly ultimatum Ghotam to leave him and Caroline.

Ghotam looked at Markus, then smiled sarcastically.

"Don't be arrogant, sir. You are currently only the two with second Madam. As for us, there are many." Ghotam pointed at all his men, then looked back at Markus, "You'd better give up, come with us to Mr. Emanuel. Let Mr. Emanuel and Mrs. Beatrice control the De Groot Company and all Mr Lawrence's wealth."

"Stop talking, Ghotam!" rebuked Markus annoyed to hear Ghotam telling him and Caroline to surrender themselves to Emanuel and Beatrice. "Until the apocalypse comes, we don't give up on the two of us! It's also taboo for us, they control the De Groot Company and the great Lord Lawrence's wealth!"

Caroline heard all of this and her guts grew even bigger. She was not as brave as Marlene, when faced with a situation like this. Her lips moved to say a prayer to God, to save her and Mark, to find Justin soon.

"Okay," Ghotam smiled again at Markus' rebuke, "You chose to die by our hands!" he said accepting Markus's decision against Emanuel and Beatrice. "You guys," he looked at his men, "Kill these two. Then we take it to Mr. Emanuel and Mrs. Beatrice. We must be highly paid by them."

It's just a hoax because Ghotam knows, apart from Ghotam, all of these men will be killed by Emanuel and Beatrice to eliminate the traces of the murders of Caroline, Justin, and Markus. So even if they succeeded or not, these two men must have killed the perverted humans.

Then, Ghotam's men advanced to attack Mark. Ghotam watched Caroline. Later when Markus focuses on fighting his men, he can catch Caroline.

Markus, who has very good kung fu skills, is not afraid to face Ghotam's men, while still protecting Caroline behind him.

"Ah!" Caroline screamed because one of Markus' upper arms was stabbed with a dagger, "Markus!" she screamed again. After all, Markus deftly pulled out the dagger, and stabbed the one that stabbed him, plus beat up another man who was attacking from the other side. Markus also nimbly grabbed Caroline's waist, then, with lightning skills, carried Caroline away. "Oh my gosh Markus!" she screamed because Markus ran away quickly.

Ghotam saw this quick caught up, somersaulted, and landed facing Markus and Caroline.

Meanwhile, his men are still screaming in pain on the corn block of the village street.

"Sir," Ghotam spoke to Markus who was still hugging Caroline's waist, "I'll tell you what, looking at you who taught me in kung fu, then you just leave the second big madam to me. I let you go. I will also ask Mr. Emanuel to forgive you, and make you his assistant."

"Do you remember what I did?" Markus smiled sarcastically because it was Ghotam before he defected to Emanuel, one of his protégés in kung fu. "Sorry Ghotam, step over my corpse first, then you can take the second big madam!" he didn't accept Ghotam's offer.

"So great is your love for the secand big madam, that you are willing to sacrifice your own life." Ghotam feels admiration for Markus who protects Caroline. He knows Markus is Caroline's ex-girlfriend and is still single to take care of Caroline and Justin.

"Ahhh!" Caroline screamed because someone suddenly grabbed the woman from behind, so that she could escape from Mark, "Justin?" she was surprised because when she was behind, she saw the person who pulled her with Justin. "Who are you with? Where's Uncle Alan?" she didn't recognize Danu who was with Justin.

Markus and Ghotam simultaneously looked at Caroline, Danu, and Justin.

"Mr. Justin is still alive?" Ghotam is shocked to see Justin is still alive, while he gets a report that Justin and Alan have been killed. There were even the bodies of Justin and Alan brought by the person who reported to him. Although then he killed the person to eliminate the traces of Emanuel and Beatrice's crimes. "How could that be? Then who is that man?" he was surprised to see Danu.

"Danu Kusumojoyo?" Markus spoke quietly, recognizing who Danu was, "Why is Young Master Justin with him? Had Ghotam's men stopped young masters Justin and Alan, and Danu Kusumojoyo saved them both? But where's Alan?"

Danu recognized Mark, and quickly gestured with his finger so that Markus wouldn't say his name so that Ghotam wouldn't recognize his identity. Markus caught the hint, slowly nodding his head.

"Justin." Danu reprimanded Justin, "Take your mother to my car. You guys wait in the car." He quickly took out his car key from the front pocket of his trousers, and handed it to Justin, "Hurry up, son."

"But what if someone attacks us, Grandpa?" Justin asked hesitantly following Danu's instructions.

"Don't worry, my car is parked in a very safe place." Danu persuaded Justin, because when he saw the fight between Markus and Ghotam's men, he quickly parked the car in a safe place, in the yard of the mosque. Then with lightning skills, Justin brought him here, and quickly pulled Caroline away from Mark, so she could help Markus face Ghotam. "Hurry up, son." He ordered again.

"But what about Uncle Markus? He's injured, Grandpa!" Justin pointed at Markus who slowly walked toward the three of them. Justin saw Markus being stabbed by a dagger. Justin did not take the car keys that Danu handed him.

Then Ghotam's men also appeared to gather with Ghotam.

"Mr. Markus." Danu rebuked Markus quietly, "Please take Justin and madam to my car in the courtyard of the mosque, and go back to your house. Justin knows the place. Let me take care of these people."

"But you are alone, sir." Markus was worried about Danu because he saw that Ghotam was already with his men, even though his men were holding back the pain of his kung fu.

Caroline and Justin looked surprised to see Danu and Mark know each other. They wanted to ask, but seeing Danu's hand raised meant that they shouldn't ask yet. They were silent, just watching.

"Don't worry, I can take care of them." Danu spoke again to Markus, and handed Mark his car keys, "Hurry up, sir. Remember, Mr. Lawrence is entrusting you with taking care of Justin and madam."

Markus sighed, then took the key,

"Be careful. I'm waiting at my house. It's in the south of this village, a house painted white and gray, number seventy."

"Well." Danu remembers Markus' words, "I will be careful."

Markus nodded his head slightly, then took Justin and Caroline's hands, rushing them away.

"Chase them!" Ghotam calls out not to let Markus run away with Justin and Caroline.

His men immediately moved, but a whip stopped them, even making them bounce everywhere.