

"It is better to have ambition than to be able to speak meaninglessly." Kenzo Obelix Pancracio is ambitious regarding his passions, Technology, and Science. He even went crazy because of it when he was fourteen years old until his parents put restrictions on the relationship between Kenzo and Lily Obelix Casablanca, his younger sister. But, Ambition does make the mind unable to work clearly, right? Kenzo didn't understand who was at fault. He or his friends pushed Lily to the point where he couldn't refuse Lily's wishes. "What I do?"

afukuafuku · Sci-fi
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9 Chs

Ambitious! : Part 4 : I Don’t Want To Ruin You

The sound of police car sirens sounded so loud around the area where the residence of one of the ministers of State was located. Neighbors flocked out to see what disturbed their morning. Whispers were heard when they saw some police arrest a Minister of Technology and Research, Aguero Yon Tremereui.

Security officers forcibly put Aguero into a car for them to investigate further at the office. Meanwhile, other officers examined the entire Aguero residence for more evidence.

Aguero struggled to free himself from the complicated iron bonds even though he felt pain from the abrasions from the friction of the skin and the iron side surface.

"What are you doing?!"

They looked at each other through the reflection of the glass, "Just following the procedure."

"I am the Minister. Let go!"

One of them sighed, "You are guilty of embezzling research funds and neglecting research materials to the point of requiring them to pay for their treatment due to the failure of your research."

"Where is the proof?!"

Aguero asked loudly as if to react that he didn't, even though it was a fact.

Aguero's research is an identification of human DNA. The research materials are ensured to follow regular health checks for maximum results before slight modifications. It wouldn't be wrong if the research went as well as it could, but Aguero was embezzling the funds.

The laboratory that supports his research feels Aguero is unfair in the distribution of money that later use to buy new equipment. They will not use the same tools as other victims. It aims to reduce bacterial infection and possible transmission.

One of the laboratory workers had a meeting with Zidan, although it took a long time to take the time and go through the process of meeting Zidan's secretary first.

"We found a huge budget in and out of your account."

"That is my income and savings!"

He ignored Aguero's howl, "Based on the data on income and expenditure of the State treasury and the laboratory. There is an imbalance. We speculate that you embezzled funds, as evidenced by the items you just bought."

Helios Growl, the police officer, directed the data recording about the delivery service, where there was information that Aguero had purchased a new item.

Aguero growled in annoyance, "I have to have my lawyer."

"Go ahead, and you will just be wasting your money. We are fighting for justice."

Aguero clicked his tongue when he felt that Helios was mocking him. He couldn't win the trial he was about to do. Aguero occupied the entire news article. Gossip spread widely. Family members are reluctant to leave the house to continue activities such as school or other things. If they go out, there will only be calls to lower the self-esteem they get from the community.

The public cannot stop being surprised by the State. Now they are getting the talk that the Minister of Technology and Research seat is temporarily vacant. Yet someone has become a direct candidate to fill it.


"I don't know, maybe a professor from a famous university. At least whoever that person is, he will continue his research, right?"

"Whether it should be? Didn't the news say the victims had an infection?"

"We don't know if it's a severe or a mild infection."

"Still an infection."

"They must spend money and consider the victim before finding the right person to occupy it."

"That's true, but long-term vacancies in government seats can be dangerous."

Kenzo Obelix Pancracio's name is in the headlines of someone who replaced Aguero Yon Tremereui. Seeing the word Obelix that made up his name, many people speculated and created theories based on their thoughts by slightly equating the situation.

That's society.

Some have speculated that it is likely that Aguero is innocent and that Zidan is simply setting him up to put his son in that position. Aguero can use things like that to form a group that supports him in his innocence without knowing that he is guilty.

Other speculations say it's nothing new for family members to fill full circles that have been ruled. They are supportive but a little worried despite Kenzo's achievements being shown.

"Successful Young people sometimes seem to have big ambitions. Is it okay to hand it over?"

They doubt it.

"Elder Brother Kenzo, congratulations on becoming the Minister of Technology and Research!"

Kenzo snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Lily's call. He didn't know since when the girl had entered his room. The television screen showing his information was black, "Thank you, Lily."

Lily smiled, "What do you want something as a gift?"

"That is true."

Lily cleared her throat softly. She tilted her head, slightly confused by Kenzo's response.

"Try to catch up with me."


Lily was more confused with Kenzo, "Kenzo Sis, that's weird."

Kenzo looked at Lily gently, his hand caressing the top of Lily's head. Let Lily lean comfortably on him, let him feel that way, and take advantage of Zidan and Freya's busyness.

Slowly, the hand on top of her head moved down to Lily's arm. Kenzo slightly pushed Lily's body closer to him without realizing he was putting pressure on Lily's arm.

Lily hissed in pain. His younger sister stared blankly at their reflection on the television screen.

"Elder Brother Kenzo, is it that hard to continue research?"

Kenzo was silent, "I read the information about it. They put it on everything about the position of Minister."

"Depends on the performance. After Aguero's pending research is over, I resume new research."

Lily's eyes lit up with delight, "Research on what? I can find out, right? Can I see it?"

Lily was silent and enjoyed the touch of Kenzo's hand on her mane. Lily scowled in annoyance when she saw Kenzo's head shake. Her elder brother refused, "I don't want to ruin you, Lily."

"I just asked for an explanation of biology, chemistry, and physics. I entered the science olympiad. No one knows if Elder Brother Kenzo's research knowledge has little to do with the Olympic quiz questions, right?"

Kenzo pulled the bridge of Lily's nose, and his younger sister screamed in pain so loudly that the servants who were watching them both from behind closed doors were surprised and were about to open Kenzo's room, but Lily's laughter stopped them.

"Alright, in exchange, teach me the regulatory system!"

Kenzo's sigh made Lily roll her eyes lazily, "If you need me when you need me, I will help!"

Kenzo smirked.