

"F*** what is wrong with these little gods, they just think they can cheat there way into this world also."

As the mysterious voice said the hand stretched into the void I'm grabbed onto the soul of Lawrence.

as Lawrence revision became clear he saw an old man sitting on throne reading a book in a gigantic room filled with mostly books and other stuff.

"What did they offer you?"

"wow seriously another kidnapping."

"Just answer the question what did they offer you."


"Hahaha seriously they think they can make a god. ok then let me make another offer I'll give this world to you if you come kill all the demons and their worshipers and the other religions of the gods. You only have 300 years to be the only god who has the most power in this world and I'll give it to you."

"I think your offer is better and I will take it. so when do I get the powers and everything at least I need to show something over there in order to get believers"

the mysterious man giving a strange look and thought to himself -Why did you guys take this offer so easily didn't even think about it-

then he said "Relax let me finish speaking speaking

the world you are going into the Free world which belongs to no one so other gods are required to send in a servant to start a religion and at the end of every thousand years the strongest religion takes the world. But this world is very special so even the demons want a hand in it so I'm giving it to you better than to give it to them. I don't like them because they are like spoilt brats who is good for something they can have it they rather destroy it than someone to have it and I will not allow them to destroy all my things precious last world"

"yeah yeah yeah I don't care about the details just give me the power because from where I stand I have no choice. if I don't accept your offer I will become a puppet for someone who doesn't want to fulfill his end of the deal"

"I can see why he chose you. You are very decisive alright then and explain certain things to you split into power levels depending on their level of divinity low-level gods, mid-level gods, high-level gods, advanced gods, and then the Almighty. This is the almighty's special space and I am his last for servant so I'll give you his legacy"

"Ok fine by the way he did something to me as I requested for something so I don't know if it's going to be a problem or not so can you check it out for me"

"Go and lie on that table over there." he pointed at a table nearby

Lawrence laid on the table and the man waved his hands and his face changed.

"What did you ask for again?"

"I requested for a knowledge library from him on the way to learn faster"

"Well you nearly got f***** up. Ok let me help you then I'll give you access to this place so you can learn anything you want here and that should cover your knowledge library that you want and I will make some modification to your soul which will help you learn faster and then you are done"

he didn't wait for Lawrence to respond and he started weaving his hands and Lawrence blacked out