
Ambition's Companion

An Isekai/Reincarnation with a focus more on world building and exploration of the magic system. We have cool characters as well. Give it a shot, it's fun to read... I think, no promises.

Dearest_Violet · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Fairy Circle


"Do you," the emerald fairy turned to look at me, "have a question?"

"Yeah uh, the madame wasn't too clear on how this whole awakening thing works, so I was wondering where we were going." I asked, "my leg isn't exactly in tip top shape so less walking would be appreciated."

As we made our way through the vine twined corridors, I could feel the surroundings getting dimmer by the step. The abundant luminescent moss that grew in the ceilings above me were now few and far between, casting an eerie glow on the oaken walls.

"Oh, she didn't?" Emmy looked surprised at my statement, "She must have high hopes for you then. We're almost there, it isn't too far now."

"I'm sorry what?"

"Don't worry too much about it, it will be fine." she suddenly snapped back, flying backwards while pointing her finger in the air, "Ah, but something I wish I would have known is to 'choose what feels right', though your situation is different in these respects."

"I'm sorry?" I tilted my head, "I don't quite understand, doesn't that usually apply to everything?"

"It's good that you think that way." she smiled while turning towards an opening in the wall, "we're here."

An intricately carved wooden frame led way into a dark room, illuminated solely by a complex circular carving in the middle of the chamber. It shone with glimmers of green and blue, and particles of that same light floated to the ceiling, disappearing above. An otherworldly sight, that filled me with awe.

"In you go." she gestured.

Awestruck, I took a step inward, a strange smell of pine and frost permeated throughout, and just as the scent hit my nostrils, so too did the freezing cold.

"Holy moly, why is it so dang cold in here?" I shuddered and stroked my arms to keep myself warm. As I turned around to question Emmy, however, I was hit by a sight of betrayal: numerous brown vines intertwined to cut off the doorway.

Not this sh*t again.

"Oh yeah, don't worry about dying by the way. Cecily is keeping a close eye on your condition, so there is no chance of death. Might be some pain though I don't remember." As the opening rapidly closed around me, she gave me a thumbs up and a bright smile, though it did nothing to reassure me.

"Best of luck!"

I was left stunned in the darkness.

"You know, I'm starting to get sick of this..." I shivered and turned my attention towards the circle on the floor, "Interface?"

[Fairy Circle/Very High Magical Properties]

"And can I get a self-assess?"

[Lucas Li/Level 12 Human/ Physical: 5 (-1) / Mana: 1 (+1) / Spiritual: 5/Adjustable]

"I'm guessing that minus one is from my condition?"

[State: Slightly Injured/Poisoned]

I was still poisoned, worrying.

"Okay but why the plus one on mana?"

[Unknown Environmental Effect]

"And the adjustable tag?"

[Activate Self Access: Yes/No]

"Uh, sure?"

[Error: Insufficient Attribute Points]

I raise my hands in disbelief, "What the hell was the point of that then?"

I get no response.

"Whatever, any useful miscellaneous information you can provide me here?" I palm my forehead in frustration.

[Fairy Circle: A channel in which the fairy race use to preform magic/Can hold vast amount of mana/Has a variety of uses]

"Any info on this one in particular?"

No response.

I raise my head towards the ceiling, and pleaded: "Madame Velhiem, if you're listening, I don't know if 'how to operate a fairy circle during awakening' was in one of your lessons, but I've honestly forgotten here."

"I'm sorry for being a bad student but can I get some hints please?"

Again, no response.

From what I have been taught about magic, there were a bunch of classes of magic, as well as a tier system on complexity and power of the spell being cast.

1st, 2nd, 3rd, Knight, Lord, Royal, King, Saint, Deity, and Divine if I remember correctly.

However, we didn't get far enough into the lessons to learn too much on magic circles, just the fundamental stuff on mana and its properties.

History lessons also didn't touch up on much in regard to awakening. Though I do remember that generally in the human societies, awakenings were primary done by the clergy through their aid of invocation magic.

Man, I should have paid more attention in history class.

We also had that tid bit of advice from Emmy.

"Do what feels right huh?"

After some moments of contemplation, I step into the circle and sit down.


"Okay, what am I supposed to-" as I was starting to get up, I was suddenly hit by an ineffable feeling of self-awareness. I could sense colors of mana swirling around in my heart, and the veins spreading outwards from my core was black and devoid.


I suddenly understood what I was supposed to do and sat back down.

As I peered into myself further, I could discern the identities of these colors, they acted as various areas of magic I had potential with.

I could recognize the large yellow blotch almost instantly. I could feel a tingle of electric sparks dancing as the mana recognized me, and the energy within my heart struggled to get out.

I was tempted to let it run free but something inside made me second guess myself.

Interface, I don't suppose you have a gauge on my potential as a mage?

[Large talent for offensive lightning magic, and utility ice magic]

Is that why it was so dam cold in here?

[Small talent for defensive ice magic]

Wha- What about healing magic?

[Little to no talent for recovery magic]

Oh my gosh you've got to be kidding me. The one thing I wanted out of this whole debacle was for me to be able to heal myself. I mean, it would have also been nice to have stuff like summoning magic, or necromancy magic so I could make minions to tank damage for me. Being in pain was not exactly on the top of to do list. In fact, it was so far from that list that I will go above and beyond to make sure I'm far away from that possibility.

[Unable to cast summoning magic]

[Unable to cast necromancy]

But clearly my inner mana had other plans.

So, I guess I should try to understand how I should light up my mana veins.

I definitely should let the big balls of blue and yellow take most of it, but I was wondering how to distribute it properly.

"Let's try lightning to a hand."

As I let the yellow tendril of mana run free it immediately shot out of my heart and surged throughout, but I forcefully contained it to just my right arm and hand for the time being. I was sweating from the exertion despite the freezing temperatures and my arm felt numb with static.

"Ha...ha... okay, good start.... I think...."

I was about to let the ice magic take the other arm, but I stopped myself.

Something about it didn't feel right. It felt like it would be more effective elsewhere.

"Frost mana huh." I mutter as I decide to channel the energy into something rather stupid, "coat the mana veins on my arms why don't you."

The tendrils of frost obeyed and wrapped around my arm, it seemed to initially not agree with the yellow mana already in place, but it eventually followed my instructions and took a place surrounding the rampant lightning energy.

It didn't seem too pleased about it though, so I wondered if the mana inside my body is sentient. Nah, I'm being stupid, aren't I?

The effect of locking and concentrating the lightning in place was very apparent, I felt the power in my hands more than double and had a hard time controlling the sparks jumping from my fingertips. I also felt a noticeable strain on my arm now.

"Ha.... ha.... thanks for the advice, Emmy." the pressure on my arm was slowly building, "I can't take this much longer, interface how do I cast release lightning?"

No response.

"Useless. Sack. Of." I raised my arm against the wall, "SH*T!"

As I forcefully pressed the mana within me out of my hand, a bolt of lightning shot out of my fingertips with a loud crack. The glow of electricity momentarily flooded the room with light before it struck the far wall with a bang. The scent of singed vegetation met my nose as I dropped my hand, the pressure lifted from my arm with that spell cast.

[Mana Recharging at Increased Levels]

"Oh, now you decide to chime in."

However, I was only granted a brief retort before the pain from my hand had registered. I quickly lifted my right arm only to find my fingertips were scorched nearly black from the pressure of the spell I cast.

Don't play with electricity folks.

"Oh sh*t, oh %&*$, oh no what do I do." My fear was exacerbated by the fact that I couldn't feel my hand. Did I screw up? Were my fingertips about to fall off?

I heard a soft whisper from above before a familiar green glow softened the pain.

"Hurry. Treatment needed." the soft voice of Cecily urged me to continue with haste.

Yeah, I had definitely screwed up here.

"Okay, okay. I can do this."

I let the mana in my core run rampant and let instinct guide the direction of the flow. The mana of yellow curled its tendrils around my arms and legs lighting up the veins with the color of gold; the mana of blue spread itself evenly around my body, lowering my body temperature as it went. When the mana was exhausted, I had nearly highlighted all of the mana channels previously devoid of color.

However, it seems that there was still a fight in the core, as the primary mana I was talented in had left the heart, it seemed there was a brawl within about who would remain.

"Little to no talent huh?"

I expelled all but the faint green glow.

And then I fell over.

Right into the arms of Cecily. What in tarnation, when did she get in here?

As the vines closing off the exit unraveled, I heard familiar heavy footsteps running across the wooden floor.

Thump, thump, thump.