
Ambition's Companion

An Isekai/Reincarnation with a focus more on world building and exploration of the magic system. We have cool characters as well. Give it a shot, it's fun to read... I think, no promises.

Dearest_Violet · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

A Teacher

"Your results are as anomalous as you are Lucas."

"Ah, I'm sorry I did my best," I apologized.

I was sat, kneeling on the hard floor, staring at the strange, magic charged wooden flooring with a sense of dread.

Madame Velhiem was a rather beguiling woman, hiding her distain behind words of silver. Yet even I could tell she was rather irritated at the moment.

It has been around month since I was confined to the bedroom in order to recover my wounds, and time passed rather uneventfully during that time. It consisted mostly of staring at the ceiling and looking over the books I got Madam Velhiem, which read like a centuries outdated math textbook. The one on magic was rather interesting, but the history books got running circles around my head trying to make sense of everything.

I swear I like history, but when every two sentences reference some event I've never heard of like "Aleria's soul reckoning" or "The reclamation proclamation" and proceeds to act as if it was common knowledge, it gets a bit tiring to read.

Fortunately, Cecily showed up often to ease my distress and I learned that the people of this world also played connect four. She also showed me this game called Mazelight where one player tries to run out of the maze while another player tries to close the maze around them, in return I showed her chess, which she somehow got good enough to beat me in a week or two.

Truly decimating my self-esteem.

Speaking of decimating my self-esteem, I was about to receive another serving of depression if Madame Velhiem kept looking over my test.

"I distinctly recall educating you on the historical and spiritual significance of the Soul Tree to the fey civilization at least three times already."

"Yes ma'am."

"And yet still you astonish me with results that demonstrate your lack of understanding to an absurd degree. Truly a remarkable feat."

"Sorry ma'am," a fat zero on the history section stared holes into my nonexistent pride.

The Madame was a phenomenal teacher if I'm being honest, but in return she expects phenomenal results. Unfortunately, it would appear that her pupil is not as phenomenal as she is.

A moment of silence passed, for her it was to swallow her disappointment, and for me it was to promise myself to try harder next time.

"...Fortuitously, it would appear that not all hope is yet lost for you," I felt the stern gaze turn away from me and breathed a sigh of relief, "Your mathematical and analytical stills are very much worthy of praise, and, as you've studied for a mere two weeks, your quick uptake on the concepts of magic hints at a unique talent for arcane."

Oh thank gosh I wasn't a lost cause.

"I will return later today to provide another lecture on the history of the Fey, do pay attention this time," blonde hair shone like gold curtains as she left the room, "Cecily will be bringing your medicine shortly. Oh, and Lucas?"

"Yes ma'am?" my body and mind were gripped for a short scolding.

"I acknowledge that you've done your best and apologize for my lack of patience."

The wooden door clicked shut as she left, and I was overcome with the urge to cry. I didn't though and picked up the history book and began to review.

From what I've learned so far, it appears as though the species of Fey have a different origin from that of humans, generally stemming from insects instead of primates, explains why the fairies I've come across have insectoid like features, and a rather dismissive attitude towards human mortality.

"Part of the Hive huh? To die for the queen without a second thought," I mumbled, "that kind of thinking is beyond me."

"The Soul Tree of is the sacred end and beginning of all fairies in Ethyal, and the queen is the only one who can tend to it," a light fluttering could be heard from the door as Emerald entered, "their attitude is only logical."

"Hey Emmy, how's red and blue?" I waved.

Emmy has also come by a few times. The first time was to apologize for the actions of her friends, and the second was to bring some fairy treats she made as a gift. I was a bit hesitant at first, but honestly, she was quite nice, and it seemed petty of me to not accept her apology. Plus, the treats were quite tasty, which accounted for a major reason of us becoming friends.

"Saphy has been relocated elsewhere and Ruby is still in prison." she spoke plainly. I cringed at the word prison, the fact that I was indirectly responsible for putting someone in jail didn't sit right with me.

Normally the sentence for putting the guests of the Fairy Queen in mortal danger was death or exile, but since they were Velhiem's assistants at the time and inexperienced, they got off with a milder treatment. I know, crazy fairy laws.

"I see," I pretended to be distracted by my history book, "so, have you come to challenge the master of connect four? I'll have you know I don't take kindly to usurpers of my throne."

I soft chuckling could be heard.

"I believe that title belongs to Cecily after yesterday," she giggled.

"Listen yesterday was a fluke, okay? I wasn't feeling well."

"You must have been under heaven's eye to have lost 7 matches in a row."

Hey Interface.

[Heaven's Eye: a famous incurable disease, linked to madness]

"Well excuse you," I huffed.

"Games aside, I'm actually here for your awakening.

"OH SNAP, REALLY?" I shot up out of the bed only to crumple at a familiar leg pain, "ow ow ow."

An awakening was preformed to induct the magic out of a person's core and throughout their body. Generally speaking, human males are unable to use magic unless this is preformed because much of the energy produced by the core is simply converted to physical enhancement and survival.

How I managed to shove lightning out of my limbs was extremely dangerous and could have resulted in death. Kids don't try that at home.

"But before we proceed, I would like you to recite to me the section on the core fundamentals of magic from Argon's 'Those that would Wield Life' book, so I know you're ready." she pulled up a copy of the book I had poured weeks into, presumably to check my verbatim.

I puffed out my chest.


The flow of life energy, called mana, present in every living being can be wielded by those who are keen to it, this art is what is known as magic.

Yet one must always take care in how and why they wield their mana, for failure to do so could lead to mana corruption, your life channel being tainted and overpowered, or mana exhaustion, the over exertion of mana causing basic bodily functions to fail.

You who wish to become a mage should adhere to these basic principles.

1. To wield magic only for what you believe in:

Here at Argon's institute, we do not presume to know all the right and wrong in the world, for candles are lit during the darkest of nights and shadows are cast during the brightest of days. We only ask that you would wield magic only when your body, mind, and soul align with the tip of your wand.

2. To understand the weight of a spell:

Those that would cast, should understand that the fuel which would flow into their staves is derived from life itself, no matter where it comes from, and such an energy is limited. So, know that whatever the outcome, that which would power your wand will one day be there no longer. Make each spell count.

3. To know your limits:

There will come a time when a powerful spell would tempt you from across the chasm, and despite your best efforts, the person you are now is just short of reaching it. We would caution you, to disregard the urge to jump across, and to bide your time until you can safely bridge the gap, for many have fallen to temptation and should you try, your grave will be as shallow as theirs.

4. To respect the truth

The knowledge we hold now is thanks to the trials and errors of our forefathers, many who have lost their lives to spells gone awry. We mages sit at the table of life and death and are beholden to the truth more so than any other profession, for the slightest error can result in the card of the reaper being dealt. We ask that if your journey would lead you to one day lay down your staff, and pick up your ink, that you write with not the vanities of man carrying your hand.

5. To hold your magic as a last resort

Your path as a mage will inevitably curse you with the decision to weaponize your craft, regardless of your wishes. It a paradoxical tragedy when those that would wield life, use it to take another's. Thus, we only ask that you consider this option when both words and blades have failed you. For when anger clouds your eyes, even the brightest of mages will find it hard to discern whether if they are wielding magic, or the magic is wielding them."

The green fairy stared at me like I had grown a third arm, and I was left worrying whether or not I had said something wrong.

"I... uhh... was told by the Madam I just needed the summary, not the entire page."

"Oh sorry," I scratched my head, "must have been boring listening to me jabber huh."

"No, no, not at all, its nostalgic actually, reminds me of when I attended a magic institute," she whispered, barely audible.

"I thought fairies couldn't leave their soul tree more than a week's journey away?" I questioned.

"Haha," she laughed, "I wasn't always a fairy."

I couldn't quite process the implications of that sentence, so I just stared blankly.

"Anyway, you passed, come with me, there is much that needs to be done."