
Chapter 01 - I'm Sick

"Chen RuoYu.., I'm sick."

"Congratulations.., Dr Meng Gu."

"Come over and cook for me."

"Goodbye.., Dr Meng."

Chen RuoYu hung up her handphone quickly and was pleased with her confidence plus calm personality. She must not let that jerk Mongolian doctor think she'll come when he beckons and leave as he wishes by his ways.

Chen RuoYu put her phone into her handbag. In her heart, she wished she could also throw away her subtle feelings and relationship between her and Meng Gu.

The phone started to ring again and the caller ID showed Meng Gu's name. Chen RuoYu held her phone, looked at it again and hesitated to answer. But soon after the second ring, she could not help but picked up the call.

"Chen RuoYu.., come over immediately and cook for me, otherwise, you'll have to collect my corpse. Of course, you'll have a second choice.. that is, if unfortunately, I recovered from my illness, you just wait for me to collect your corpse."


With such a strong voice, it does not seem like he's going to die! This jerk who can live through a millennium will definitely be able to live long enough to collect her corpse.

Chen RuoYu was actually a little scared.

As to what, she's frightened, she herself wouldn't understand. Although he would not be able to change her into a corpse and also wouldn't use violence on her, but everytimes when he threatened her.. she would still frights and scare a little.

Chen RuoYu sighed... she's really the one who's sick. Of course, that guy Meng Gu is not normal either!

En.... that must be it! She's afraid of him because he's neurotic.


Chen RuoYu, carrying her groceries, frowned and pressed Meng Gu's house door bell. After waiting for sometimes, long times.. so long that she thought this time, she really had to collect Meng Gu's corpse, the door immediately opened.

Meng Gu came to answered the door without wearing any shirt, only a pair of briefs wored. Chen RuoYu could not stop herself from looking at his strongly muscled body. Meng Gu's face flushed, looking wan and sallow... he was really sick.

"How come you've such a high fever?" Chen RuoYu strode into the house and stretched out her hand to lay it on his forehead.

Meng Gu took the opportunity to lean over and hugged her waist, pressing his body onto hers while He breathlessly said.. "You thought I was lying to you?"

"Just now while on the phone, you were obviously alright."

"I used all my strength to speak on the phone. You'd better thank the Lord."

Chen RuoYu pushed him off and put down her groceries on the table. Then she pulled him with force towards his bedroom.

"You've such a high fever and you're not even dressed properly."

"Why should I dress properly when I don't even sweat when I'm sleeping? If it not because of you that I had to opened the door, I won't even wore my briefs.

Is he insinuating something indecent? Absolutely!

Chen RuoYu blushed and pushed him roughly on the bed and covered him with the quilt. Why don't he suffocated under the quilt and die?

"You're having exhilarating thoughts all because of me, is that right?" Meng Gu still had the strength to tease. "But I still have to say all these unpleasant things upfront." Don't harbor any thoughts towards me. Although today, I may have a sexy languid appearance which leads people into wishful thinking, my physical strength and spirits are really not in tiptop condition.

Chen RuoYu nearly could not breathe. She quickly withdraw her hands and took two steps backward. She really wanted to throw a pillow onto that wretched man.

"You don't have to feel disappointed."

Meng Gu waved his hand.. "Quick, go and cook. I'll take my medicine after a good meal and after a good sleep.. maybe, I'll be able to use to it later."

Able to used it later?

Chen RuoYu turned around and hurriedly rushed to the kitchen. She knew its was a mistake coming here. Then why's she still cooking porridge for him? By right, he should be left to die. Even if he doesn't die from illness, he would at least die from starvation and if he doesn't die of starvation, he would then died from anger.

The result? Now the reality is that she's being choked to death!

This's an ill-fated relationship!

Chen RuoYu picked up a stalk of scallions and diced it up madly on the chopping board.

How did she get involved with this jerk? She understood, realized the situation and should had stayed far away from him. But everytimes when she had made a firm decision about staying away from him.. why did she always go around in circles and end up getting entrangled with him in confusion.

And this is getting very confusing!

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