
Amalgamation Of Evil

There once was a knight, loyal and beloved. None knew of his birthright or even his past. Like a wind, he came and swept in its pace. However, still tarnishing his name, the king banished him unjustly. Endless was his anger as boundless his remorse. The kind knight loved by disappeared on this day and in place stood the spectre of death. The goddess feared his birth and soon sent heroes to this world. Will, Ainz, with his unyielding might overcome his trails or he face the same fate as those tyrants of the past?

Xshamee · Anime & Comics
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1 Chs

1. Nameless

His time was up. Once, a prosperous guild now in ruins. Its was his home as his life.

"Kneel" With a flickering command he sat. His throne, marking his final entrance. He sat, watching nostalgically, on his creation. But then, seeing none, the meaning to his actions, sighed the overlord in defeat.

For even this time, has come to its verdict. A finale, to its beginning.

And so, he closed his eyes, accepting his end, with a promise to recreate, what is lost, in its second reckoning.


His time was up, the server counted to zero but seeing the continuation of a beginning to this unfulfilling life filled him with worry.

'Oh, why was I not logged out' Then, the thought hit him, he, the overlord was not in his realm. Nazarick was lost to him.

A notion to a new beginning took sprout in his droughted mind.

"It seems I am in an unknown place" His first thought was of a place near civilization but again his dreams of starting a new life in an unknown world were soon dashed by a new revelation.

He was not an ordinary salaryman.

Not even a human, whose life ails for the benefit to his nation but an undead.

A monster, blight to humanity, itself. Playing games, other than Yggdrasil, taught him one thing, Monster= bad, human= good.

And so, a problem soon arose.

"I can't go on like this" Was his predicament.

Soon, the sun would set calling an end to this day but, his was a beginning.

Taking a form of his warrior self, he soon, made way to a small village. The village was quite ravaged, none lived or even breathed in its land.

"Somethings wrong, where are the residents?" Making himself invisible, he soon took march among these lands. In the corner of his eyes, he saw a woman get violated by three or four imperial knights as her child bawled in front of them.

It was a scene sprinkled with horror. However, this still was not even the cherry in the cake. Burning crosses soon filled his mind.

Then, men and all boys, including babies bound to it, they were alive. In this raging fire, they soon cried. The anguish in the father's eyes as he tried to shield his child by letting the fire consume him and the child seeing his father consumed in the blaze and now slowly taking his small pitiful life as well.

"Noo...." Moans of some mothers were heard. For, Ainz it felt that, in a way, they were trying to please these knights, in order to get their daughters safety.

The most horrifying aspect of this entire charade was not the mother's getting raped or the children's lifeless eyes but the sheer knowledge that none of these incidents was able to move him and so he was about to leave, disregarding their lives and their sacrifices even.

"Ahhhh..." a young man, wearing black clothes from top to bottom. His hair too was black which was surprising as most of these people had blonde hair.

There was a hint of insanity lurking deep within his eyes, they screamed in pain, sorrow and detest to its origin. The mad man soon punched the knights who were in the middle of violating some women.

Their heads burst apart. Next, taking one of their swords, he soon dashed on to the entire unit, slaughtering each and every knight.

With each slice, one lost a limb while another his torso but the madness still prevailed. It was one vs an entire army. Still, the guy never gave up, he fought and fought until his entire body from head to toe was covered in intestines and blood.

"D-demon, Its the demon king." Ainz, after seeing the carnage wrought by him, too, thought of it as well. This title fits this one, quite good.

The scent of sulphur, soon prevailed the surrounding, as most soldiers cowered in his might.

"Stop, right there. I, Beruis, Commander and Great Noble of Asterius Kingdom commands you"

"You!!!" The moment, the name was uttered, his fury rekindled itself, again.

"It seems we missed an animal among these elves" Unsheathing his sword Berius took his stand as a commander taking on a great evil. Momonga was torn, should he help or not?

The Knights were evil, however, sometimes looks could be deceiving. Again, his heart wept for this broken man. It seems that this one was no ordinary elf.

Now, spectating his final moments he felt a pit growing in his invisible stomach.

"Ahhhhh..." He powered up once again but now there was something different in his status.


A permanent status affliction which can be caused by his despair but here the man suffering his loss drowned on it.

Again, the battle continued the commander was strong, very strong in fact, compared to the soldiers that is. But to him, it would classify somewhere around the third tier mage with good sword skills.


The slaughter had its end...

Corpses of those soldiers lay on the ground as the man, finally walks to those women once violated but it seems his actions were futile, to its end.

The aftermath of his attacks caused shrapnel to pierce their stomach and chest bringing them to their deaths but still even till their death they never put their blame on this kind man.

The man wept in tears in front of Ainz for his lost friends and family. Ending his thoughts of whether he should approach him or not, Ainz took his human form utilizing the special GM function which he got at Yggdrasil's second anniversary.

He was broken as he was tired and soon too fell asleep.


'How dare you, monster!!'

'Coming to our place, because of you my children's are dead'

'You killed them'


'There is nothing to disagree, we never should have welcomed a demon such as you and so now we face the price'

'Are you happy taking everything from us?!!'

Soon, she started drowning, not in an endless ocean but in a bottomless sea of blood.

"Where am I?" The shock was enough to wake her from her nightmares. Still, the moment she looked at her hands there was blood.

She tried to clean it, again blinking her eyes, the blood soon disappeared.

"You're awake" Reika was on her guard.

She was known through many names. The daughter to the mischievous whore, the traitor to its kind and finally a new name she added to herself, a monster.

After her birth, her mother courted a nobleman. Soon, love blossomed between them. Then again, her mother was always a romanticist. She loved novels regarding a prince and a princess.

For her love, she disregarded her own daughter. She hated her to her core.

"Was Reika walking in this forest? The tainted girl has no place here" Soon rumours began to surround her, courtesy to her whorish mother.

She too was eyed with suspicion.

In the past, the elves survived through a long war against humanity. Humanity claimed themselves, to be superior and elves to be their slaves and so the long war ended with a reconciliation between the two.

Still, the hatred against them was present till now. A law forbidding, relation between a human and an elf soon was enacted, bringing misery to her life.

She then cut her hair and became boyish to relieve herself of some harassment. Again, there were still her family and friends who loved and treated her with kindness.

The goblin immigrant maintaining the common store, the priest who always looked out for her, the neighbourhood wife who always wanted her to marry her son.

Now, their blood marred her hands. She lost her reason, her hope, future...everything.

Was there even a point to go onwards when she failed to protect her own?

No, there was none. Losing the light in her eyes, she tried to leave disregarding the individual in front of her.

"Hey, where are you going?"

"...to kill, myself" The boy in front of her, nodded in understanding.

"You're not on your right mind. So, rest..." He touched her cheeks soothing. The sensation was like her mother did so, in her childhood.

Soon, sleep overtook her.

A few days passed. The stranger, no longer was like so. He cared for her, made food for her as well as cleaned the house.

At night he tried his hardest, to make her smile by sharing stories of his friends, conquering various dungeons around the world. Slaying world-ending monster, which sometimes she felt over the top.

Again, he never touched on her family matters. She was still hurting, even now, things around were quite jumbled.

Who was this man or even his face, was too tiresome for her to remember but still he was the only anchor against her nightmares.

Little by little, she regained light in her eyes. Sometimes she helped him to cook while others, both made beds. When she asked where he came from, the only answer she got was that he was a traveller, of faraway origins.

Until this time, there was one question bothering her,

"What is your name?" Something very stupid for her, she practically had no relation with this man. After nurturing her, he would once again leave on a journey. He was like a fickle cat, that would only stay to soothe her pain.

The moment that was accomplished like the wind, he too would eventually disappear. Still, she clung to it, her only means to sanity.

"Is it not common knowledge to introduce oneself before asking others?"

"Ah...forgot.My name is Reika"

"I am known as Ainz, just Ainz"

She smiled for the first time, a name in the past initially had no value to her but at this moment it felt good, the sensation felt warm. Happiness clung to her in this despair.

And so finally she wrought her eyes to look at him...


What do you guys, think? Should I continue to write it?