

Pam heard Logan call for her, she looked over to see him and Selina hovering over a crumpled air duct cover. When she got closer, she saw a Spoorling hiding in the duct, the poor thing was terrified and clutching at her knees.


 She saw Logan change his skin color to match the little girls and her heart felt warm, he had a way of knowing how to make a situation better for people.


**It's okay, you can come out now.** She told the little girl over The Green.


**Are the bad men still out there? Who are you?**


Pam stepped past Logan and Selina, then brought the little girl into her embrace, **The bad men will never bother you again. I'm Poison Ivy. And we are going to get you out of here.** 


 The little girl clung to Pam like she was a life preserver, and they were in deep water. Pam looked around the room and started to rage in her heart. 


 She handed the little girl to Logan, **Stay with him for a bit, he is a Very Good Man.**


 Logan gathered the child into his arms, but she kept her eyes on Pam the whole time. So, he made sure he moved around to stay within sight of her.


 Pam walked into the freezer she had only caught a glimpse of previously and was horrified. "You STOLE my research. To create your own Spoorlings."


 Her eyes sought out the little girl in Logan's arms, "You poor creature."


 She turned to look at the shelves upon shelves of embryos in glass tubes, failed births. Below them were again glass containers upon containers of twisted horrifying failures that made it past the embryo stage to small babies, only to die a cruel and inhumane death. The numbers easily surpassed the hundreds.


 Her teeth clenched, her face turning red in anger. "So many failures. So much DISREGARD for LIFE." She turned to Victor who was still on the ground. "You killed my MENTOR Luisa and threatened my CHILDREN! BASTARDS!!!"


 She raged in the room screaming out at the injustice, at the loss of life. Breaking everything she could get her hands on and crying to the heavens from this underground facility. And as if hearing her, the ground started to rumble, and the building shook. 


 Roots began to break through the walls, the plants from above answering the call of this enraged daughter of The Green. She stormed towards Victor who tried to use his hand to push himself away from the frightening figure before him. "HOW DARE YOU VICTOR?" 


 They all watched on as vines sprung up and encircled Victor's neck and arms, twisting the life from the one who so angered their mistress.


 "You will never kill or steal anyone's research again. I promise." She said as her plants strangled the life out of the man in front of her.


 Still not appeased, she looked up to the ceiling again. "I'm tearing it ALL down. This Lab. This Rotten Institution." The ground resumed its shaking as the plant roots grew larger yet again. Her arms stretched out; Pam stood at the center of it all. 


 Selina ran to Logan dodging some falling rubble. "You need to talk her down, Logan. Before we ALL die."


 Logan approached Pam still with the child in his arms. He used his free hand to brush away any debris that tried to harm the little girl.

 "Pam! You must stop now. You are bringing this building down on all of us. You don't want to hurt Selina or the child. Calm down and let's get what we came here for. We have our children to go home too. You need the answers only the research can provide. I promise we will make those responsible pay and pay dearly."


 They ran to the control room and Logan gave the child to Pam. "Pull all the hard drives and any storage devices you see, then bring them to me." He then changed into his Niffler shape and started to stuff all the paperwork and folders into his pouch. 


 He saw the women in the room looking at him, so he motioned impatiently with his hands for them to get busy. They continued until they had everything. Then he took his Battle Cat form and nudged Pam and Selina to climb on. 


 He raced to the door they came in and shook them off before changing to his human form and pulling the door off its frame.


 "You could have saved me all that trouble earlier," Selina complained.


 "I tried to tell you, but you were so insistent, and I didn't want to ruin your fun." 


 The group ran down the service way, seeing it had very little damage, Logan slowed them down so he could use his mind to look ahead and outside to see if it was clear. Once it was, he rushed them all out and back to the area where they had been overlooking the building earlier that night.


Logan walked over to Pam who was still holding the child. He took her from her arms and hugged the little girl with both arms and kissed the crown her head. He then looked at Pam again.


 "Now bring it down love, give all those children the dignity and peace in death they were denied in life. Let Victor stand as their object of wrath in the next world. Until we send them the rest who owe them as much retribution as Victor if not more."


 Without a word, Pam walked forward to get a better sight of the building and her eyes nearly glowed green as she tore it down as a tombstone for the mass grave of the children.

 The little girl in his arms was looking around at everything like it was her first time seeing the outside world. Knowing what he knew, it most likely was true. "Well, my little Thorn, what do you think of the outside world? Much better than the place you were in right."

 She looked up at the night sky with only a sliver moon to brighten the area. "Pre… Preattty." She spoke very softly, but there was wonder in her eyes. Her head was like it was on a swivel, she wanted to see everything.

 "Why did you call her that?" Pam asked me. She walked towards us after standing silently watching the rubble from the building settle.

 "Well, she has this vine with Thorn's wrapped around her, so it seemed appropriate." 

 Logan looked at the girl in his arms, "Is that ok with you? Do you like the name Thorn?"

 She just shrugged like she didn't care, then reached out for Pam with her arms. Her tiny hands grasping.

 Pam took her from Logan and held her close. Then looked at Logan, "I have to take responsibility for her. I will raise her with Rose and Hazel."

 "Sweetheart, WE don't do things like that out of responsibility, we do it because it's the right thing to do and because we want to."

 Selina walked over to us, "Well I hate to ruin this Hallmark moment, but we just brought down a significant part of the Gotham Botanical Garden Center. You know, one of Matt Wayne's mother's gifts to the city. I recommend we get out of here before more cop's show, or worse, the Devilbat himself."

 Logan didn't know if Pam knew the identity of the Devilbat but he was damn sure Selina knew. Logan imagined this would be a very embarrassing scene for him to catch her at.

 "No worries, I will give Devilbat copies of a majority of what we found. Pam's research stays off the radar though. Someone at the Wayne group had to know this was going on, so I am sure he will explain it to Mr. Wayne if it comes to that." 

"Well Ivy, don't take so long to call me next time. It would be nice to hang without some mission to attend to. I will part ways here, take care." She gave Pam a wink.

 Before she could disappear, "You do know that phones work both ways right kitty." Pam smiled at her friend as she disappeared into the night without responding.

 Pam and Logan slowly walked to where they had hidden the bikes, but once we got there, we ran into the issue of what to do with Thorn. 

 Pam wanted her to stay with her to ride back, but Logan pointed out that a crotch rocket wouldn't be very comfortable for Thorn to ride in front of Pam. When Pam tried to counter by making a backpack out of vines Logan just about laughed at her, but held back at the last minute. "She can ride in front of me, and I can use my telekinesis to keep the wind off her."

 That finally convinced Pam, but Thorn didn't seem too happy to be separated from her however with some convincing over The Green she nodded her head. 

 Logan put her on his bike in front of him and asked her, "Do you want to try and wrap your vine around my waist to make you feel more secure?" She just looked at me skeptically and shrugged her shoulders. He took it to mean she didn't know how to. 

 He used his manipulation over his clothes to create a helmet and a pair of glasses for her to wear and she didn't seem very happy about these strange things on her, but she didn't protest too much. Just frowned.

 Logan warned her "Loud noise will happen when I start it ok. We will be going slow until you get a little accustomed to it and then faster. I promise I will keep you safe so be a big girl and don't be afraid ok."

 She nodded but Logan still held on to her when he kicked the bike to life. She held on to his arm and had a worried look in her eyes. She even tucked her chin and panicked a little at first. But when we started moving that all changed. 

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