
Children are Our Future

 Logan was surprised by Pam's question. "Kids huh, that's easy. Kids are the future of humanity. Our future. They are the reason I build up and protect this or any world. They come into this world clean and become a product of what they learn and experience." 


 "It has always boggled me that teaching isn't the ultimate job in this world. To shape the next generation is a powerful ability. Teaching should be the highest-paid job and the most regulated one. So much damage can be done by one person teaching the next generation falsehoods or abusing the trust of the position."


 "The only thing more important than our children is protecting those same children."


 "And your thoughts on say... Single mothers?"


 Logan gave Pam a look but didn't think too much into it. If it was her or someone else, she still deserved the truth from him. He took a deep breath and noticed that Pam had led them off the path and towards their tree.


 "That one is a bit tricky, no situation is the same so there is no blanket answer but me, as an individual, I have no problem with it. So long as the father is fully in the child's life or fully out of it, no halfway daddy's"


 "The first example would be if say you and I knew each other and I wanted to date you, but you thought you could do better than me and decided to go out and try to find a rich man to pamper you."


 "Years later after trying to find your pampered lifestyle you came back into my life and said 'Ok we can try a relationship now' but you have three kids. At that point, I would laugh in your face because I don't deserve to pick up after you when you thought I wasn't good enough in the beginning."


 "Another situation is if the father is sometimes in and out of their kid's life or if he is constantly trying to leverage the child to get back with you."


 "Then you have the situation I grew up in, My Father was in the picture as much as he could be and then my mother married again. He was my dad after we worked things out. There can only be one set of rules in a house, not rules from two fathers." 


 "Once again, there are a myriad of scenarios out there that would take individual evaluation to answer."


 "What it really comes down to is if you wanted me to be the father or not. That is how I would have to treat them. As our kids or yours." 


-(R18 Ahead)- 


 They had reached the tree by now and sat beside it, still holding hands. Logan looked over to see if there was a reaction from his answer to her question, but what met him as he turned his head were Pamela's lips.


 A passionate, deep, long kiss. The kind that involved exploring hands and a lot of breathing through the nose. He ran his hands along her back and the side of her body until she took a hand and placed it on her breast. 


 Logan kneaded her breast softly and only occasionally approached the nipple. She had practically climbed into his lap as they caressed each other. It suddenly grew dark around them and when Logan looked to see why, he noticed they were being surrounded by a wall of plants. A couple had bulbs that brought light to the dark room he found himself in. 


 Pamela broke the kiss, "No one can see or hear us in here." She then took off her tube top and he was presented with a wonderful pair of breasts that fit perfectly in his hands. He first ran his hands gently over her breasts, not being rough at this time, just using a feathery touch, his fingers just grazing her underboob. This sent shivers down her spine. 


 Logan leaned forward and started kissing her breasts softly, ignoring the nipples but getting very close to them. He looked at Pam and saw her head leaning back and her mouth slightly parted. Her breathing was deep and coming out in soft moans. 


 He finally slipped her left nipple in his mouth and gave a soft sensual bite to it, causing her to let out a long low moan. He then left his tongue on her skin as he slowly moved his head from one breast, down the valley to the other breast and approached her right nipple.


 A line of saliva left a trace of his path, finally, he reached her right nipple, placed it in his mouth, and sucked on it with more force than he had used on her breasts so far. She squealed in pleasure and drew his face deeper into her breast. 


 When he pulled his head back, he intentionally left excess saliva on her nipple. When he was separated by a few inches from the nipple he gently blew on it. 


 Pamela was in more pleasure than she had ever received during her lifetime of sex. The nipple Logan had just blown on felt like he had held an ice cube to it and made it harder than it had ever been in her life, it was almost painful.


 She started to reflexively grind her crotch on his leg without even noticing. Logan leaned forward and placed her back onto the soft leaf-covered ground and when he sat up, he made his shirt absorb into his chest. 


 Logan reached for the buttons on the front of Pamela's jeans, forcing the button through its loop and slowly unzipping them. As soon as he did this, the little room carried the smell of her arousal, and she embarrassingly brought her hands to her face. 


 Logan just grinned at this and bent down to place a few sensual kisses just under her belly button. Her deep intake of breath was followed by her hands slamming to the ground as she squirmed in a mini orgasm. He then hooked her waistband with his fingers and started to slide the pants off and down her long legs.


 Pamela lifted her butt off the ground so the pants could be removed. [Where are the demands to service him? The rough painful slaps to her breasts and the bites that left bruises everywhere. This isn't how this goes, is it? Just pleasure for me? Will he not like me this way?] 


 She tried to lift herself so she could work on him and give him pleasure. Logan heard this in his mind and gently held her to the ground shaking his head. He leaned in for another soft long kiss on her lips.


 "Let me." He then started over again, leaving a trail of kisses all down her neck and chest. The closer he got to her waist the more panicked her breath, when he removed her pants, the underwear had gone with them.


 Logan was glad to see that despite her love for plants, there was no bush between her legs to fight through. Just a thin trail of soft short hair he drug his nose down. He saw her clit bared to his eyes and mouth, but he only breathed hard on it a couple of times, causing Pam's hips to squirm and her breath to go ragged. 


 He brought his head lower and started kissing her inner thighs. When he used his teeth to put some pressure on her thigh muscles, she came for the second time. Or so she thought, these mini tremors she had were what she always thought the other girls called climaxes. 


 She had never had two in one session of sex; she began to wonder if Logan wouldn't like her climaxing so often. Lucky for her, Logan was too involved in what he was doing to hear this.


 As he did with her breasts, Logan left his tongue out as he slowly turned his head towards the other leg. Pam's clitoris felt a tongue on it for the first time ever and she immediately came, HARD, much harder than she ever had before. Covering Logan's face in her juices. 


 Her hips bucked under Logan's head, and he had to grab her thighs, so he didn't lose his place. He continued his advance toward the left leg muscle with a deliberate pace. Once he got there, he heard Pamela's breath pause as she waited for him to bite the muscle.


 When he did, he felt her shudder with another small climax. Once she recovered from this one, she reached down and using both hands, she took handfuls of his hair and pulled his head up to her face and kissed him with her climax still on his lips and chin. 


 She pulled him back so he could see her eyes, "Put your dick in me now, or I will tie you down with these plants and do it myself." 


 He answered her by making his pants disappear leaving them both naked to the world. He reached down and slid a finger into Pam's tight pussy and could tell that his full-sized penis would make this painful for her, so he reduced its size to be more pleasurable for her.


 He placed his hips just under hers and found her hole with the tip of his dick and slowly started to push in. Just because he reduced his size didn't mean he made his dick small. He felt Pam's legs wrap around his waist and he watched her face for any signs of discomfort before continuing to slide in. Pausing when he thought necessary.


 Once he had based out, he held still to let her get used to him being inside her. She was breathing so fast that one would think she was hyperventilating. Once she calmed down, he bucked his hips forward once and saw her eyes widen at the sensation. 


 Then he started to pull back slowly about a quarter of his length before moving forward until he again bucked her waist with his. This time he pulled all the way back until just before the head left her and then again, slowly moved forward. 


 Once he was fully in, he didn't buck her waist. Just pulled back about half his length and then at a faster pace he slammed back into her and bucked her waist again. This time she came so hard she started to drool, and Logan could feel her cum make it easier to move in and out of her pussy.


 He then proceeded at different paces and used different techniques until she came several more times. After this she started moaning incoherently and at different volumes, Logan started to feel his own climax build and he began to grunt in even more pleasure. Pam heard this and started to give out a full-voice moan that drove Logan wild. His last few thrusts were the full length he had, slamming it from head to base with more force than he had used in this whole session. 


 When Logan could hold back no longer, he erupted inside her and this triggered a full mind-blowing climax for Pamela. She lost her ability to control her skin color long ago but this time she lost her consciousness for what she hoped was only a few minutes. 


 She came to as Logan was holding her to his chest, running his hand along her arm as they lay in a sweaty tangled mess.

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