
Amalgam reborn

This is my take on the amalgam comics from the 90’s and is a little inspirated by amalgamation of dc and marvel

Tae_Smith_9796 · Anime & Comics
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Loin deen

x-men Wolverine fights new villains after he leaves the x-men team to go on another journey as he is attacked by a new assassin group made up of former Hand member from marvel comics as they are similar to the league of shadows of dc comics in that they work to kill and cause chaos for their master.

Wolverine wakes up tied to chair with his mouth gagged and blindfolded as he hears someone walk into the room. "Good morning" says a man with a foreign accent as he removes the gag off of Wolverine my name Draven Lóngtóu-shu a former member of the Hand assassin group we've met before but you don't remember since you lost your memories you probably don't remember me but I remember you I was young back then a trainee in the assassin ways of living but that's the past I have evolved into something more better different but similar as I split off from the Hand and started my own organization made of former members of the hand.

I'm a mutant just like you my abilities allows me see any weakness in my opponent's ability or skills and I can teleport. Which allowed me to see where the weak points in your body are to knock your out for as long as I did which is surprisingly hard which I expected since your skeleton body is made out of adamantium the strongest metal on the planet but enough about me let's make a deal ow great Wolverine! You want to join my organization? We will be able to help each other." Draven laughs as he places a knife against wolverine's throat.

Wolverine gets mad as he takes his claws out of their sheaths. As he attacks Draven with strikes or slashes in this case of a skilled battle hardened warrior I mean he's after all the best there is at what He's does but what He does isn't very nice. But even though he attacks and lands some hit it doesn't matter as he is still weakened from being knocked out unconscious from Draven not to long age as it seems the area where he hit Wolverine at has some after effects still from that attack earlier.

Draven avoids Wolverines attack and strikes him in the head with a Palm strike one other ability Draven didn't tell Wolverine is he has a superhuman body which increases his physical and mental abilities to states that can destroy buildings in one blow or in in him mind calculate equations at light speed faster than a super computer. And He also has the ability to create illusions that are almost perfect replicas of people as seen when He created the illusion of Logan's family but they were all fake created from His power and skill. Draven takes out his blade and stabs Wolverine in the gut as he falls to the ground in pain.

He walks over to Wolverine and puts his foot on top of his head and begins to crush his skull. But stops as he knows it not going to work anyway since Wolverine healing factor which makes him near immortal but he also stops be he senes the arrival of the x-men mutant Storm a friend or as he has heard from his spies had following Wolverine the love of his life second to only Jean grey aka the Phoenix who has the powers of telepathy and telekinesis stronger than professor X the x-men's mentor who is already considered the worlds most powerful telepathy.

Dangerous people indeed so Draven retreats before this gets out of hand as he could possibly die since Storm like Jean is considered A omega-level mutant which means she has the potential to destroy the world and has no upper limits ever recorded to her power. Storm draws her power from the Earth's electromagnetic field, allowing her to generate lightning, tornados, blizzards, and massive maelstroms but in some cases she has shown not to be bound to the earth's electromagnetic field as it's been recorded she has used her powers in space and on different planets.

Which make her extremely dangerous and annoying to deal with in Draven opinion.

Storm sees what Draven is doing and walks over to Wolverine as he is bleeding from the wound in his stomach. She brings her hands together and creates a large vortex of wind around him and wraps it around him trapping him inside it with her. As Draven escapes while she is checking Wolverine as he vowed to himself to visit Wolverine again in the future as he teleports disappearing into the shadows. Storm looks at Wolverine and seeing the pain in his eyes as she knows how much he hates pain and not feeling well.

She goes over to a bag she found in the ex-hideout of Draven and takes out a medical kit and starts to treat him. Even though she knew he was going to heal soon like nothing happened but she could help herself as she loved Wolverine even if she still had feelings for T'Challa aka Black Panther ruler of Wakanda but her her feelings for Wolverine are different but similar to those that she feels for black but deeper more loving more primal creating a different experience for her all together and some she loved feeling after they have known each other since she first joined the x-men and from what she heard they even have a child in a alternate reality making her blush a little thinking about what you have to do to make a baby between a man and woman.

But she eventually snaps out that though as her thoughts shift to how a child between her and Wolverine would look as she sits there for a minute as she hears some groans.

As Wolverine has woken up and is fully healed fully alert as he pops his claws looking for Dracen sniffing the air for his scent not finding him anywhere as he sees storm sitting there as he sniffs her scent in having slow steamy fantasies of her and him popping a boner but quickly snaps out of it as storm beings to speak to him.

"What happened?" She asks as she sees his wounds have completely healed along with his memory of what has just happened thanks to the fact he has A healing factor. But she notices his mood and seems not so happy as she frowns. "I'm sorry I didn't make it in time they hurt you before I could make it and I'm sorry again." Storm says as she takes a seat next to him.

Wolverine nods not knowing how to reply or even really talk right now as he tries to think of something to say. After all it's not her fault it Draven as he's still trying to remember where they met before but he can't remember since most of his memories were wiped clean long ago one of the main reasons for his journey.

As he speaks to Storm "It's fine it's not your fault you didn't know I didn't even know And I'm the best tracker in the world thanks to my increased senes I didn't pick up his scent before it was already to late but it doesn't matter now since now that I know his scent I will know I'm near him or he's close by since I never forgot a scent of something or someone once I got there scent" said Wolverine to storm trying to comfort her in his own way to ease her guilt which she had no reason for since she didn't know what was going to happen speaking of which how did she know where to find him.

Most likely Professor X probably found him through telepathy with Cerebro a machine used by Professor X to amplify his telepathic ability in order to observe all the mutants and humans throughout the world and to track them. It can detect mutants as well as anyone else it detects that person because they emit a unique signature like a fingerprint that is detectable by the device. Because of it's powerful capabilities and it's ability to locate just about anybody at anytime it is considered a weapon of mass destruction.

Yup that probably who found him Professor X aka Charles Francis Xavier he probably found him through Cerebro and told storm to come help him.

As he sits there as he noticed storm being really silent as he turns around to notice her sleeping as she was tired which can understand as there in the middle of nowhere since Draven ex-hideout was supposed to be secret and impossible to find but here they are find and well with Draven running away with his tail tucked between his legs.

Wolverine aka Logan sits there just staring at the sleeping storm with love and affection in his eyes as he kisses her forehead lovingly. Storm awakens with a start as she notices Wolverine touching her and kissing her on the forehead. She blushes a bit but that's not what wakes her up but rather his voice.

"You're beautiful just like always." He says as he gets up and walks over to some suitcases on the table getting dressed. "Where are we going?" She asks as she sits up noticing he was done changing and is putting on his suit coat.

"We are heading to North Korea." He says as he puts on his hat. "Why?" She asks curiously.

"Well I think it's about time I cash in on a favor long overdue." He says as he grabs the suitcase and stands up holding it. "As for why North Korea?"

"Because I think someone there that I know might be able to help us find Draven that damn bastard." He says as he put on his gloves and puts on his boots. "Do you think we'll get there safe?" Said Storm worried a little since mutants aren't really welcome in North Korea or really liked at all there with the having death level laws set against mutants.

"Don't worry we won't be stopped since I know a few people there myself thanks to my training under the North Korean government. But don't expect me to tell you their names and faces since it's classified and I can't break the rules." Said Wolverine as he opens the door and walks outside.

Storm follows behind him as they go down the road towards another place in the middle of nowhere and just before he reached it he stops suddenly and turns around to face her with a smirk on his face as she sees the motorcycle behind him and smiles as she knows what is about to happen plus the fact that she knows he loves motorcycles. As they walk up to the twin pair Ducati Diavel Cromo motorcycle as storm says to Wolverine "So which type of motorcycle is this it's really nice" Storm said as she looks at it admiringly as it has a sexy and sleek design that looks powerful and fast and strong as well.

"This is the Diavel a new model from Ducati the company that's was owned by my friend and partner in crime a long time ago." Said Wolverine as he pats it on the back.

"It's really nice and I've never seen one of these before it's really cool and sexy." Said Storm as she looks at it.

"Yeah I'm surprise he made it before he died a while back didn't think he would since he was always a car enthusiast while I was always more of a motorcycle guy myself self but I'm happy to know he remember me and cared about me enough to make this" Wolverine said proud and happy to know his friend still remembered him even though he was dead.

"Wait you two know each other? How?" Storm asked surprised. "We were friends and partners in crime back in the day during our mercenary days." Said Wolverine as he smiles remembering his friend.

Storm looks at him confused and asks "Mercenaries?"

"Yes mercenaries were people hired to kill others without any emotion or remorse and sometimes their employers might force them to kill people. I'm not proud of it but it is what it is plus it's the past now so nothing to worry about" said Wolverine in a gruff and sad but fond voice as he thinks about his old friend whom he misses a lot.

"Wait so how did you two meet?" Storm asks with curiosity.

"Well a long time ago I was a young man living in Boston when a small group of four men kidnapped me and forced me to join them with the threat of killing my family if I refused. I did refuse and one of the members of the group killed my kid and wife with a knife before I got the chance to strike back so I took out my anger on them killing all of them brutally and very easily as I was trained in combat by the military and was an expert assassin." He said as he sighs sadly.

Storm felt bad for him as she saw a tear roll down his cheek and wipe it off with her finger. "Hey hey don't cry I'm sorry about that." Storm said sympathetically.

"No it's ok it's been a long time since then. Now let's see if we can get this baby out of here." Wolverine said as he walks over to the bike and puts his hand on the handlebars. "Now hold on tight and watch your head cause this thing has some big ass pipes coming out of it." Said Wolverine as he revs the engine giving it a loud and angry roar.