
AMAGUMO: The Last Princess Arc

In the Meijin Kingdom of Amagumo, hidden within Kamuro City's eerie streets, a long-forgotten legacy stirs. Princess Kiyomi, the last heir of the Meijin Dynasty, possesses a mysterious power bound to her bloodline. As she conceals her true identity, she embarks on a perilous quest with Hikaru, the stoic shadowblade, and Akari, the wise spirit seer, to uncover her lineage's hidden truths. Their journey takes them into the heart of the forbidding Kami-Kai Forest, a place known to reject all who approach. The Kami-Kai's secrets are guarded by illusions, treacherous trials, and ancient spirits, but Kiyomi's resolve remains unyielding. As they navigate its ominous depths, a relentless pursuit by the Umbral Court, led by the power obsessed Yosei, shadows their every step. In a thrilling battle of destiny and darkness, Kiyomi's power awakens, setting the stage for a showdown that will shape the future of Amagumo. "The Last Princess Arc" weaves a tale of secrets, sacrifice, and the enduring power of hope in a kingdom shrouded in shadows.

MOONiE_ · Fantasy
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3 Chs

[ The Spirit Seer ]

The Crimson Moon Rebel, Kiyomi, and Hikaru himself were all taken aback. They exchanged bewildered glances, wondering where this newfound protection had come from. The atmosphere remained eerily silent.

Then, from the depths of the foggy road, a voice echoed—a voice that was both feminine and firm, carrying an undeniable air of authority. "That is enough, Zagitsu."

Zagitsu froze in his tracks, his chain blades mere inches from Hikaru's throat. He slowly turned his masked face toward the source of the voice, his eyes wide with disbelief.

A silhouette emerged from the depths of the surrounding fog, its form graceful yet noble. The figure remained cloaked in darkness, but a faint, spirited glow surrounded her. In that moment, she seemed like a spirit of the forest itself, a guardian of secrets long buried beneath layers of history.

Zagitsu's voice was laced with astonishment as he whispered, "You... You're not supposed to be here."


The mysterious figure stepped closer, revealing herself as a woman with an aura of ancient wisdom. Her voice held a soothing quality as she spoke, addressing Zagitsu. "Your actions may be driven by what you believe is right, but your path is covered in darkness, just as the Umbral Court's."

Zagitsu scoffed, his chain blades lowering slightly. "I thought Spirit Seers weren't allowed outside the forest… or were you just that bored, Akari?"

Akari remained calm, her gaze unyielding. "Considering how far you went, I don't think the rebellion knows what you did here… nor do I think you want them to."

Zagitsu seemed to struggle with conflicting emotions, torn between his loyalty to the rebellion and the weight of Akari's words. Finally, he withdrew, his retreat swift and silent. It was as if the forest itself had intervened, urging him to reconsider his actions.

Kiyomi watched him go, a mix of relief and uncertainty in her eyes. "Thank you, kind guardian"

Akari approached, her demeanor composed yet compassionate. "Anything that happens within and around the Kami-Kai is a part of my responsibilities, so I was merely doing my duties."

Hikaru, still recovering from his wounds, managed to speak, his voice laced with suspicion. "I thought the rebellion was against the same enemy? Can we really trust their intentions?"

Akari's response was measured. "The intentions of the rebellion are clouded in secrecy, but there may be truth in their words. However, I sense that there is more to the Meijin Dynasty than even they understand."

With the immediate threat dispelled, Akari turned her attention to Hikaru, who had been silent for most of the encounter. "Your friend requires rest and healing," she said. "Let us return to my home within the forest." Hikaru, his strength waning, reluctantly agreed.


The entrance to the Kami-Kai Forest was unlike anything Kiyomi had ever seen. Enormous trees, their trunks twisted and gnarled, created a natural archway leading into the deeper parts of the woodland. Vines and moss clung to the ancient bark, as though the forest itself had woven an intricate design to welcome or ward off those who dared to enter. It was said that many who sought passage into the forest had been denied, turned away by its presence reflecting the intentions of it's visitors.

Kiyomi couldn't help but feel a shiver of trepidation as she stepped beneath the natural arch. The air was different here, charged with a sense of mysticism. She exchanged a glance with Hikaru, who remained vigilant, and then with Akari, whose presence exuded an aura of familiarity with this mystical domain.

"As we enter the forest, remember that it has a life of its own," Akari whispered, her voice a soft breeze in the stillness. "The Kami-Kai Forest senses intentions and hearts. Be as true as the spirits who watch over it."

They ventured further into the forest, the towering trees creating a canopy that blocked out much of the fading twilight. It was as if they had entered a realm untouched by time, a place where the spirits of the past coexisted with the living.

As they walked, the forest seemed to come alive. Wisps of mist curled around the ancient trees, and soft, haunting melodies seemed to emanate from the very leaves, their voices filled with both sorrow and hope. It was a symphony of the supernatural, and Kiyomi found herself captivated by its eerie beauty.

Spirits, ethereal and translucent, drifted among the trees. They were not unlike the lost souls they had encountered in Kamuro City, yet these spirits held an air of ancient wisdom and grace. They recognized Akari instantly, their forms bowing slightly in respect as she passed. Their eyes, though devoid of physicality, held a certain curiosity for the newcomers.

Kiyomi felt an unusual connection with these spirits. It was as though they sensed something within her, an echo of her lineage. The spirits gathered around her, their presence both comforting and surreal. They whispered cryptic words of welcome, their voices like gentle breezes rustling through leaves.

Hikaru observed the spirits with a mix of fascination and vigilance, his senses sharpened by years of training as a guardian. He noted their attachment to Kiyomi and remained ever watchful, ready to protect her at a moment's notice.

Akari, who had always possessed the ability to communicate with spirits, spoke to them in soft, melodic tones. "We come seeking to treat the injuries of this warrior," she said, her voice a bridge between the worlds. "And there is no need to be concerned, these are friends and protectors of the forest's secrets."

The spirits seemed to acknowledge her words, their ethereal forms swirling like mist before resuming their watchful presence.

As the group continued on their journey through the forest, the spirits accompanied them, their graceful forms weaving through the trees. It was as though they had found kindred souls in Kiyomi and her companions, and their presence added an otherworldly charm to the already enchanting surroundings.

Kiyomi couldn't help but feel a profound sense of wonder. She exchanged glances with Hikaru, a silent acknowledgment passing between them. This forest, with its mysteries and guardians, was unlike anything they had ever encountered. It held the promise of answers and challenges that would test their resolve, but for now, it welcomed them with open arms.


The group soon arrived at Akari's hidden abode, a humble yet inviting cottage nestled beneath the towering canopy. As they entered, the air was infused with a soothing mix of earthy scents and the delicate fragrance of exotic herbs that hung from the rafters. Shafts of fading sunlight filtered through the canopy, casting dappled patterns on the wooden floor.

Akari helped Hikaru to a soft mat. Her fingers, slender and deft, moved with a healer's precision. She began by removing Hikaru's outer garments, revealing the extent of his injuries. Kiyomi watched with a mix of worry and fascination, her curiosity piqued by Akari's skillful abilities.

Hikaru, usually stoic and composed, couldn't help but feel a flicker of vulnerability as he lay there, exposed. "Don't worry, Hikaru," Kiyomi reassured him with a gentle smile. "You're in good hands."

Akari acknowledged her with a serene nod before turning her attention to her patient. She started by cleaning the wounds with a mixture of herbal infusions and warm water, her touch gentle yet thorough. Hikaru grimaced slightly at the sting but held his silence.

As she worked, Akari maintained a soothing, melodic hum. It seemed to be both a part of her healing process and a way to maintain her connection with the spirits that surrounded her. The spirits, drawn to her healing presence, flitted around the room, their presence both comforting and curiously a bit nosy.

Hikaru, ever the guardian, couldn't help but be on edge even in his injured state. "Is this necessary?" he muttered, his voice tied with unease.

Akari, her gaze unfaltering, met his eyes. "To heal not only the body but the spirit, we must be in harmony with the mind and the soul. The spirits aid in the mending process, guiding my hands."

Kiyomi, sitting nearby, observed the exchange with a hint of amusement. "It's like a symphony, Hikaru," she chimed in. "The spirits are the orchestra, and Akari is the conductor."

Hikaru's eyebrow twitched, and he shot Kiyomi a wry glance. "A symphony, you say? I've always preferred silence."

As Akari continued her ministrations, Hikaru couldn't help but be impressed by her skills. Her healing touch seemed to alleviate his pain, and the spirits' presence became a soothing backdrop to the experience.

But as the procedure went on, the sense of otherworldly connection and the hypnotic hum seemed to intensify. Hikaru's eyelids grew heavy, and the room around him began to blur. He heard Kiyomi's voice, distant yet clear, as if from a dream.

"You can rest now, Hikaru."

With a contented sigh, Hikaru succumbed to the healing energies around him and drifted into a deep slumber, his usually vigilant consciousness giving way to Akari's soothing lullaby.

While Akari tended to Hikaru, Kiyomi found herself deep in thought. She gazed out at the enchanting forest that surrounded them, its mysteries hidden behind every tree and within every shadow. Her eyes flickered to Hikaru, who was now resting peacefully.

She spoke softly, her voice carrying a hint of determination. "I need to get stronger, I can't let you be hurt again because of me Hikaru."

Kiyomi and Akari exchanged knowing glances, their unspoken communication a testament to their shared concern for their protector.

"He'll be alright," the healer assured Kiyomi. "In time, he will awaken stronger than before."

Kiyomi nodded, her gratitude evident in her eyes. "Thank you, Akari. You truly are a guardian of this forest and a savior to us."

With Hikaru resting peacefully, the surrounding spirits watched over him, their presence a silent promise of protection.


Hikaru awoke from a troubled dream, his memories of his previous encounter with Zagitsu still fresh. He found himself in unfamiliar surroundings, the scent of a hearty meal wafting through the air.

As he entered the room, he saw Kiyomi and Akari, both sitting at a simple wooden table. Spirits hovered nearby, their curiosity piqued by Hikaru's abrupt awakening.

Akari smiled warmly at him. "You're finally awake. Join us for a meal."

Hikaru hesitated for a moment, still grappling with his sense of responsibility. He kneeled before Kiyomi, his expression earnest. "I apologize, Princess, for failing to protect you."

Kiyomi's brow furrowed with concern as she shook her head. "Hikaru, there's no need for apologies. I was… partly to blame for my weakness as well."

Hikaru, however, refused to accept any notion of shared blame. He looked up at Kiyomi, his eyes filled with painful regret. "Princess, it is my sole duty to protect you. I failed in that duty, and for that, I am deeply sorry. You should not blame yourself for my shortcomings."

Kiyomi sighed softly, her concern evident in her eyes. "Hikaru, you've always been there for me, and you've saved my life countless times. We're not infallible, none of us are."

Hikaru's expression softened, and he nodded in reluctant agreement. "Very well, Princess. I shall redouble my efforts to ensure your safety."

With an understanding nod, Kiyomi reached out and gently placed her hand on Hikaru's shoulder. "And I will do my part to become stronger, not just for my sake but for all those who are counting on us."

Akari, her presence a soothing balm, added her wisdom to the conversation. "In times of uncertainty, doubt can cloud our judgment. But it's through our actions that we define our paths."

With her guidance, Hikaru finally relented, and the trio enjoyed their meal together, their spirits lightened by the camaraderie that had begun to take root.


As the night deepened, they prepared to rest once more, their shared purpose and the mysteries of the Kami-Kai Forest binding them together. It was a fleeting moment of peace in the midst of their perilous journey.

Hikaru, noticing Kiyomi's concern, inquired gently, "You seem worried. What's on your mind?"

Kiyomi hesitated for a moment, her gaze returning to the forest outside. "We have a map of the forest, but it only shows the outlines. I fear that we don't truly know what to expect."

Akari stood out from her seat as if she's been waiting for this exact moment. "then let me reintroduce myself and offer insight," She started with a gentle smile. "My name is Akari Kinaki, as you may know by now I am a Spirit Seer for the Kami-Kai Forest. Aside from my purpose of maintaining the safety of the forest, I was also assigned to help as well as guide the visitors of this domain. But since no other living being have stepped inside except myself, I never understood the second part of that duty until now."

Akari bowed graciously before Kiyomi, "Which means that I am granted the honorable duty of guiding you. The long awaited—last heir of the Meijin Dynasty, her Royal Highness Princess Kiyomi Tsukinoma of the Tsukinoma Clan."

Kiyomi's eyes welled up with emotion, a tear trickling down her cheek. "From the moment we set foot outside the hidden palace, I've only thought of the challenges along the way but never another hand waiting to help... so I'm profoundly grateful, Akari."

The weight of her destiny, carried only with Hikaru for so long, now felt a little lighter with Akari's presence, and her hope burned brighter than ever.

With the promise of Akari's guidance, the three of them settled in for the night, a sense of anticipation filled the air. Tomorrow, they would continue their quest, venturing deeper into the heart of the Kami-Kai Forest.


"First, we find ourselves in the Outer Canopy," she explained as they ventured through the vines. "This is where most of the spirits linger, where I reside. Beyond lies the Whispering Willows Gate, guarded by spirited sentinels. They are the keepers of the forest's memories and the gatekeepers of the Forbidden Scrolls."

Kiyomi and Hikaru exchanged glances, a shared understanding of the gravity of their quest passing between them.

Akari's gaze turned inward as she spoke of the Whispering Willows. "The gate holds more than just scrolls. It houses prophecies and visions, glimpses of the past and the future. The willows will test your worthiness, and their revelations may be cryptic. But heed them well, for they are the forest's wisdom."

As they walked, Kiyomi couldn't help but ask, "What lies beyond the Whispering Willows Gate?"

Akari's eyes held a spark of mystery. "The Fatui Labyrinth. A place untouched by time, shrouded in illusions and riddles. No one has ventured through it; the challenge is unlike any other. Be vigilant, for it can be a maze of both the mind and the senses."

Hikaru's grip on his katana tightened, his spirit resolute. "We'll face whatever lies ahead," he vowed.

Akari nodded. "But remember, the labyrinth may test more than your strength. It may challenge your resolve and your understanding of the world. It is a place where illusions can blur reality, where the very forest conspires to protect its secrets."

Kiyomi glanced at the hidden entrance to the labyrinth ahead. "Then we'll tread carefully, for the sake of the kingdom and our destiny."

As they approached the Whispering Willows Gate, the spirits accompanying them bowed in reverence to the guardians. The colossal trees swayed gently, as if acknowledging their presence. The gate opened silently, granting them passage into a realm few had ever entered.

Beyond the Whispering Willows Gate, another portal awaited, concealed by the dense foliage. Akari paused, her expression solemn. "This is the portal of Kaguyanoshi, the final threshold before the labyrinth. Once we pass through here, there is no turning back. Are you both prepared?"

Kiyomi and Hikaru exchanged determined glances. "We're ready," they said in unison.

Akari smiled faintly, and the gate before them swung open, revealing the foreboding entrance to the Fatui Labyrinth, where untold challenges and revelations awaited.