

Jane was woken up from a deep sleep by her mom,she was shocked cas everywhere was still dark, but she had to wake up becos of school , her brothers were already awake ... Jane is the 5th child out of 6 children,.ada, nkoye,adaga,ukume ,Jane,and iye.

Their parents were honest civil servants , so they lived a humble , comfortable life. Jane been the least loved at home always got into trouble at home ,in school everywhere, so she learnt to enjoy her own company, (alone time).,at an early age Jane noticed the way she was been maltreated by her family,she started asking if they were her real family.janes mom was disgusted with the sight of Jane for no reason that she called Ada to come take Jane to leave with her since she was married and needed help at home...Ada and her husband came and took Jane to their house ... Ada:s husband was doing okay had a job and was leaving a calm life .... Ada was a house wife so all the responsibilities fell on her husband ... Suddenly one fateful day.. Ada's husband said he was going out and needed Jane to go with him so she can help carry the supplies home ...Ada agreed that was how the husbamd started and Jane drove off,in the car he was telling Jane how he liked her so much and how pretty she was .. in the process he started touching her breasts , try to bring it out of the bra, she pushed his hands away .. he continued till they got to their destination... This abuse continued till she turned 14... Oneday he said Jane should follow him to to the market to buy food stuffs, in stead of the market he took her to hotel, told her that they are here to collect meat for the house ...that she shud go inside and wait for him.she innocenly went into the room..he followed and closed the door..started begging her for sex she fought her way...got the key opened the door and ran as fast as she cud...she ran to her mum... Getting home ,Jane told her mum all adas husband has been doing and wat he did to her...she mum slapped her called her prostitute , that she wants to destroy her adas family,that she's a witch a bad child..as this was going on adas husband walks in ...and he said Jane let's go home I have been waiting for u..Jane's mum pushed her out of the house...and ordered Jane to go with him.jane died that internally ...she looked at her mum in awe and the most painful tears ever felt in the history of man kind rolled down her chicks. Broken destroyed by her own Mum... memories from the past rushing back in, her heart cud not take the pain she passed out