
Am I The Villain?

[Disclaimer: A lot of chapters were removed and revised, starting on chapter 5] TP was your everyday average neet. Aside from working once a week, all he did was play games, eat chips, read manga, and occasionally write comments complaining about how bad a series he continues to watch is. But, he does have ONE particular hobby he picked up a few years back: To give as much hatred as he can to one particular novel. He didn't plan to stop unless his anger faded, or the author stopped writing. But, surprisingly, the undeserving author kept on writing despite having no readers aside from the occasional.. or daily hate comment and reviews from TP. Even TP had to give him credit for his unyielding spirit to write such a terrible novel. One day, after TP satisfyingly left another bad review and went to sleep, what he noticed was something quite unordinary. Something Uncommon. Or rather... impossible. He woke up to a body that wasn't his, and a written letter: Dear Toilet Paper, it has come to my notice that for the past 2 years you have not once missed to leave a single comment on every new chapter I have made. As a writer, I have much to learn; thank you for your criticisms. However, as much as I'd like to continue the story and keep you entertained, I have to put it to a stop. But, since you obviously like my story so much, I've gotten a perfect opportunity to keep you entertained. Hope you like it. Keep in touch, ~Xoxo, your lovely author, Janissa.] ____ COPYRIGHT THUMBNAIL, ALL CREDITS (ASIDE FROM TEXT) GO TO XRallenX ON DEVIANTART. LINK: https://www.deviantart.com/xrallenx/art/Evil-Smile-157230115

WORDEE · Fantasy
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7 Chs

A Nightly Endeavour

Hearing that ding, a flash of dopamine coursed through my body. I knew it was time for my nightly routine.

I sat back down, adjusted my chair, focused on the other monitor and clicked on the tab that had an obscure novel reading site.

After it loaded a page greeted me with a new chapter, just as the notification had said.

After 400 chapters of reading this novel, and even though I hated it, the sole reason I was even here was because of the satisfaction I got from it.

Since I was the only daily reader the author had, I felt a sort of close connection; in the sense that I knew he would see it, and that he would feel terrible thereafter.

I would of only done it once, had the author stopped - but it was odd, because he just kept writing and now I felt like we had a sense of rivalry.

It was an insignificant web novel about dungeons, demons, magic and all kinds of cliché stuff you can imagine.

It had a generically long title describing the theme of the novel, and worst of all were the horribly cliched characters.

Not only did it make the female characters pretty much useless, it felt like they were there to just exist as romantic interests for the protagonist.

Thinking back on my fair share of bitter romances, it made me despise romance in series in general, but the worst part of it was:

It was a love triangle.

Could you get anymore cliched?

I have absolute hatred for this abomination.

That's right, I feel more relaxed and sleep better when I can complete this nightly endeavor.

As expected, the new chapter, even though it had been 400 chapters, was still horrible.

Nothing new.

After writing my usual hate comment, I stood back up, pulled my hands together to the sky and stretched out my arms and spine.

Sighing after, I then adjusted my bedsheets comfortably, then walked out the room to get some milk.


After getting back, I turned off the lights and put the chair back into the desk, sat on my bed and opened up my phone, then tapped away to the clock app.

I set the alarm to 9 am then snuggled cozily into my blanket.

I only had 2 pillows, so I tucked one in-between my legs and hugged the other. Now, I was extra-comfortable.

Still feeling a little ecstatic, I was wondering what reaction the author would have. I made it extra hate-y, since it was my birthday after all.

Maybe tomorrow the author would finally give me what I was looking for, or maybe he'd give a little shout-out to me on his next chapter, or finally give a reply.

But, after thinking on all sorts of scenarios and reactions, as well as what I would be doing tomorrow, I slowly fell asleep without even noticing it.