
The Black Knight

We arrive at New Gripan to see it on fire and surrounded by the king's army. The walls I built are holding them back. I don't know for how long though.

Sulton rushes forward plowing through everybody creating a path for me and Glenn.

Glenn creates an ice pillar launching us over the walls. People cheer as soon as we land.

"What's the situation!" says Sulton quickly.

A guard rushes to him saying, "We are completely surrounded."

"How are the walls holding up?"

"People are strengthening the walls with their magic."

"Look out!" shouts someone.

I look up to see a hail of flaming arrows. Ralf quickly forms a barrier above us stopping the arrows.

Something begins ramming the front gate.

"What's the plan, Sulton?" I said as I took out my staff. I jump onto the walls and begin unhooking the hooks.

"I guess we have no choice," says Sulton as he equips his sword and shield. "Everyone! We shall hold them back here!" He stabs his sword down at the ground. "Protect your homes! Protect your loved ones!"

The front gate slams open releasing a wave of soldiers inside.

"New Gripan shall! NOT! FALL!" he roars, raising his sword into the air. Everyone roars with him as they rush the enemy. I can't help but watch as Sulton throws himself first into the enemy.

Glenn shakes me, "What are you doing!? We have to help!"

I shake my head, breaking out of my trance, "Ralf, keep those who can't fight safe!"

He gives me a thumbs-up and rushes away.

I turn back to Glenn, "Are you ready?"

She smiles, "Let's do this!"

We rush at the enemy. Glenn freezes a few while I knock out people with my staff. However, unlike the undead, they didn't go down as easily. I hold one end of my staff and slam it to the ground. The people around me drop to the ground.

The people of New Gripan stare at me in awe before going back to fighting.

"There's too many!" shouts Glenn as she freezes another soldier. "I can't freeze all of them!"

I grab Glenn and jump high in the air and right above the enemy.

"I've seen how strong you are," I said. We hold hands. Glenn stares at me confused. I begin to transfer magic as we stare at each other, "Don't hold back."

She looks at me shocked.

She slowly smiles, "I'll show you how strong I really am."

She lets go and rockets straight to the ground surrounded by blue light. She slams into the ground creating a large wave of ice freezing the enemy up to the front gate.

I land right next to her. She leans against me tired, "I think I overdid it."

"Rest," I said as I waved to someone to take her away.

I look up to see the enemy outside trying to rush the front gate again.

I jump and land right in front of the gate with my staff up. My yellow eyes are now shining brightly.

Sulton stands next to me, also ready to fight.

The soldiers backed up, hesitating if they could take us on.

"Make way!" shouts a familiar voice.

The enemy makes way for someone approaching. It's the king walking next to a large knight dressed in black armor with a huge double sided ax. He has a helmet on but I can see his red eyes glowing. I can feel a large amount of magic radiating off of him.

"I am the hero of Comid," says the black knight. "Submit to the King of Comid."

"Oh really," says Sulton, approaching him. "I am the hero of Gripan."

The black knight looks at Sulton as he towers over him, "You're the hero of Gripan?" He roars with laughter, "You're way too small and weak. You don't even have a lot of magic!"

"We'll see about that. I hereby challenge you to a duel!"

The black knight chuckles, "Fine. I'll accept."

The black knight charges at Sulton catching him off guard as he swings his ax. Sulton narrowly lifts his shield in time as he blocks it. Sulton shakes trying to hold back the shield.

"Interesting," says the black knight. He grabs Sulton and throws him away, "You stopped me at a quarter of my power."

"What!" I thought. "That's a quarter!"

Sulton stands up and readies his shield.

The black knight instantaneously rushes him and swings his ax down. Sulton just narrowly dodges the ax as it strikes the ground leaving a crack.

Sulton swings at the black knight. His sword bounces off of his armor.

"Too weak!" says the black knight. He kicks Sulton away away into the tree line "I thought you were going to give me a challenge?!"

The king celebrates jumping up and down, "See that Foster! My country's hero is stronger! Soon you'll be next!"

I run for the King, “I can end all this if I grab the King!”

Just before I reach the King, the dark knight is right on top of me ready with his ax.

Before I can dodge out of the way, Sulton rushes out of the forest at lightning speeds kicking the ax out of the way causing it to swing past me.

Sulton looks at me and winks as he spits blood, "Don't worry… I just needed time."

"Huh?" says the black knight confused.

The moment I blink, Sulton swings at the black knight’s torso. The black knight blocks it at the last second with the pole of the ax. Sulton pulls away and bashes him with his shield. The black knight staggers back in shock.

The black knight looks at Sulton, "So you’re finally going to give me a challenge."

"Do your worst," says Sulton.

They rush at each other at blinding speeds. I was just barely able to keep up with my eyes.

"The fight between heroes," I said in aw.

I rush ahead and tackle the king to the ground.

His soldiers come to his aid but I hold my staff against his neck, “Stop fighting if you value his life!”

The fight suddenly stops.

Everyone goes silent.

I turn to see Sulton and the black knight staring at each other breathing hard. The black knight’s ax was on fire.