
New Gripan

Construction of the town is going smoothly. The people soon began calling this place New Gripan. I mean… I don't mind. Mostly everyone here is from Gripan. As time went by people soon began to relax around me. Glenn and Ralf tell me it's because I smile more often now. A problem soon rose, however.

Who was going to be the one to rule over the town?

There were two choices in people's minds.

Me or Sulton.

As soon as I heard this I immediately put a stop to this saying that I had no interest in ruling over everyone which made Sulton the only choice.

Sulton and I are in his house.

"Wow," says Sulton. "I can't believe this…"

"It's all yours," I said grinning.

"This is going to be weird for me to rule over you. The Prince of Gripan."

"As I said, I'm not interested at all."

Sulton looks at me for a couple of seconds, "I want you to have something." He takes out a box, "Turner left this for me so that someday I can take over his position. I think you deserve this more than me now…"

He opens the box revealing the red cape that Turner wore in the portrait.

"I can't," I said. "Turner gave this to you…"

"I insist."

I stare at the cape. I slowly hold it up and put it on.

"It looks good on you," he says as he puts away the box.

I continue to look at the cape, "I've been wondering about this for a while. What was Turner's magic?"

"His magic?" says Sulton as he sits down. "Turner had the magic power to inspire people."

"That was it?" I said slowly. "No magic to help him fight?"

He shakes his head.

"So he managed to fight against people with magic…"

"And still win," says Sulton. "He's what inspired me to fight for Gripan. I hope to be like him someday."

"Woah," I said.

"So what about you?" says Sulton, intrigued. "Explain this magic of yours."

"Magic?" I laugh. "Oh, this isn't magic."

"What do you mean?" he says confused.

"My magic was stolen by the Dark Lord."

"Wait… If the Dark Lord stole your magic, how are you alive?"

"I don't know," I said. "I don't know… All I know is that now I can give and take magic."

"Have you ever drained it completely from someone?"

I stare into Sulton's eyes, "I haven't tried."

Sulton leans back in his seat, "I swear your ability is so similar to the Dark Lord's magic."

"Even if there are some similarities I don't intend to be the next Dark Lord."

"Don't worry. I hope that doesn't turn into that either."

I laugh, "I must say tho, your magic is straight-up overpowered! Being able to increase your magic forever?!"

He laughs as well, "I can only activate it when I'm in a fight though. I'm the hero remember."

We both laugh.

I exit the building to see Glenn being pulled by the town's children. For some reason, all the children have now gravitated toward her. On top of that, Glenn volunteered to plan out things that needed to be done around town.

Glenn looks up and spots me. She gasps, "Foster… You look magnificent in that cape."

All the children turn to me.

I spot Sofia pop her head out of the group shouting, "White Cloud!"

All the children rush towards me knocking me down. They all crowd me trying to play with me.

"That's enough everyone," says Glenn as she shoos them away.

"Thanks," I said.

Glenn lifts me back onto my feet. For some reason, Glenn has begun to shine brightly.

"Is there something on my face?" says Glenn.

"No," I said quickly. "Nothing."

Glenn narrows her eyes at me with suspicion.

"Anyways!" I said changing the topic. "What needs to be done today?"

"Oh yes!" She pulls out a list. "What we need to do is build a barrier around the town."

"Why?" I said.

"Ever since we've begun reconstruction, local robbers have begun watching us from afar."

"Have they done anything yet?"

She shakes her head, "No, but we can't take any chances. Worst case scenario they might pillage us or worse…" She looks up at the children playing in the distance, "Take one of the children."

I look ahead as well.

"Leave it to me," I said. "I'll get it done by tonight!"

"Really!?" says Glenn, her eyes sparkling.

"Yes!" I said with confidence.

"Thank you!" She looks down at her list, "I'll start on something else while you work on that. Thank you, Foster!"

We both wave goodbye.

As soon as she left Ralf suddenly says behind me, "Get it done by tonight?"

"Ralf!" I said, startled. "Yes. I'll get it done by tonight."

Ralf stares at me, "You do realize how big the town is right?"

"It shouldn't be that big," I said.

I look down at the outskirts of town with my mouth open.

"Shouldn't be that big right?" says Ralf.

"This would take three days to complete!" I shouted in dismay.

"Welp," says Ralf. "Good luck."

I grab onto his shirt, "You're going to help."

Ralf his head to me and points at himself, "Me?"

"Yep." I drag Ralf with me to the forest. "Let's go!”

Ralf and I begin working cutting down trees and creating a wall around the town. I look up to see the sun starting to set.

"We have to work faster!" I shouted.

"We're only halfway done!" shouts Ralf.

I roll up my sleeves, "Alright then, we'll just have to work twice as fast then."

We quicken our pace trying desperately to finish. We're only three-fourths of the way done as it turns dark.

Glenn approaches us and looks around, "Woah I'm impressed. You two were able to complete three-fourths of it."

"I'm sorry Glenn," I said, breathing hard as I lay down on the ground. "I couldn't complete the task like I said I would."

Glenn leans over me, "It's fine. It was ambitious, to begin with." She smiles, "That's why I brought helpers."

I look to see people carrying wood ready to finish the missing section.

"Next," says Glenn grinning. "Ask for help."

She pats my head and walks away.

I sit upright as I watch her walk away.

"Hey Ralf," I said slowly.

"Ya," he says.

"Has Glenn been glowing brightly for you recently or is it just me?"

"Nope, it's just you." Ralf suddenly grins, "You wanted to complete the barrier by tonight to impress her didn't you?"

"What?" I said, trying to sound confident. "Of course not! I just wanted to help."

"Of course you did," Ralf says as he stands up and yawns. "I'm going to sleep early. You put me to work too hard."

I watch as he walks away.

I suddenly feel a bit of warmth at the tip of my ears.

"Huh," I said.