

The first thing I see is Aamon sucking the magic out of Rose, Odin, Sulton, and Glenn.

I clench my fist as I roar, “AAMON!”

I slam right into him and crash into the ground. I hold him by the collar as I punch him in the face repeatedly. He grins and sends me flying across the room. The impact sends chills down my body.

I stand up as he says, “It’s too late Foster!” He raises his hands to the air cackling, “I’m now the most powerful being in this world!”

I look at his magic source to see that he is right. Black magic was leaking out of him.

“What caused this?” I thought. “Wait! Where’s Merry!” I quickly look around to spot her on the ground motionless.

“It can’t be,” I said slowly.

I’m suddenly wrapped in chains and pulled right up to Aamon.

He smirks at me, “I now have the magic of the chosen one. There is nothing you can do to stop me.”

“You what!” I shouted.