
Building a Home

After recovering from the King's attack, everyone went back to their usual tasks. Glenn, Ralf, and I are staring at where our homes used to be. We've been so busy helping everyone else that we forgot to rebuild our own houses.

"Should we rebuild them?" says Ralf.

"We can't anymore," says Glenn.

I nod, "Ya… We can always tear down those buildings."

They both look at me concerned.

"I'm kidding."

"So what now?" Ralf.

I look down the street. An idea flickers in my head.

"Follow me," I said. I led us down to the middle of the street. We face a plot of empty land.

"Here?" says Glenn.

"Why?" agrees Ralf.

I point out, "Since our old houses are on the same street, why not build our new house from an equal distance from our old ones?"

They ponder.

They nod in agreement.

"I like that," says Glenn.

"Let's do it!" says Ralf happily.

We spread out and begin collecting the resources for our new house. I cut down trees, Glenn uses her magic to slide the logs to the site, and Ralf cuts them down and begins building. As we're constructing, people nearby begin to watch from afar.

The sun begins to set. We step back and admire our process. We were only able to build the foundation and the outline.

"This is going to take a while," says Ralf.

"It's fine," says Glenn. "It's a start right Foster?"

"Ya," I said grinning. "We just have to continue working until it's finished."

The next day, we continued back to work. As I'm cutting down a tree, I suddenly hear a small voice saying, "White Cloud!"

I turn to see Sofia running up to me. The tree topples down towards her.

"Look out!" I shouted as I dived and grabbed Sofia away just as the tree almost landed on her.

Sofia laughs and hugs me.

"What are you doing here?" I said, confused.

"We're to help," I hear a female voice.

I look up to see Sofia's mom approach us with an ax in hand.

"You have to keep Sofia close to you," I said as I stood up. "It's fine, I don't need the help."

"I want to help," she says slowly. She grips the ax tightly, "You've saved Sofia so many times. All I ever did was misjudge you. So please let me help."

We stare at each other for a few seconds. Sofia interrupts the silence as she reaches for the ax saying, "Mine!" Sofia tugs on it trying to take it away from her mother. Her mother lets go, Sofia tries to lift it but it's too heavy for her. She falls on her back struggling.

I laugh a little, "Fine you two can help."

Sofia's mother smiles, "Thank you."

As we're cutting, Glenn walks up to us, "Woah you got two people helping you. I also brought a helper myself."

Sulton appears behind Glenn. I narrow my eyes.

Sulton raises his hand in surrender, "I'm only here to help not steal Glenn away from you."

I nod slowly.

I load up the logs onto Glenn's sled and watch as they hull the logs away.

As we're cutting away, Sofia's mother all of a sudden says, "I've always wondered this… Why didn't you abandon us back in the cavern?"

I cut down a tree and watched as it toppled over, "I promised Turner to keep you guys safe."

"No, I feel like there's more to it than that." She watches Sofia trying her best to cut down a small tree, "Before you came, we accepted that we were going to die sooner or later. However here you come like a shining beacon leading us away from danger."

I shrug, "Maybe it was destiny."

She chuckles, "I may not know much about destiny. I'm just saying it was a coincidence that our Prince is somehow alive and came back to rescue us."

I stop mid-swing, "Don't portray me as a hero. That's who Sulton is. I'm unfortunately not like that."

"Then why do you fight?"

I stop cutting. I look up at the blue sky, "I only fight for those close to me."

"If that's the case, then I think this town and its people are beginning to grow on you."

I feel the breeze on my face.

I shake my head, "Couldn't be."

Sofia suddenly shouts in excitement, "I did it!"

We turn to see Sofia has finally cut down her small tree squealing with joy.

I smile.

All four of us bring back the remaining wood with Sofia on top of it.

"We brought a lot of wood this time," says Glenn.

"You can thank these two," I said. I turned to Sulton, "Of course, Sulton helped a lot as well."

Sulton nods in silence.

We reach the construction site.

I look up. My mouth opens in shock. Our house was almost finished.

"Surprise!" shouts Ralf surrounded by people grinning.

"How?" I said. I turned to Sulton, "Did you…?"

Sulton shakes his head, "Nope. They volunteered to help."

Sofia's mother joins the volunteers with Sofia in hand.

"I…" I said slowly. "I don't know what to say."

"What he is trying to say," says Glenn smiling. "Is thank you. We appreciate the help."

Ralf nods shyly.

I also nod slowly.

They all nod their heads saying that they were glad to help and walk away.

"Welp," says Sulton. "I better be going now."

I place my hand on his shoulder, "Hey… Thank you."

Sulton nods and walks away.

I look back at the house, "Welp, let's finish the house before it gets too dark."

We work all night determined to finish the house. We place down the last piece of wood just as the sun rises.

We step back and admire our work.

"Hooray!" cheers Ralf. Glenn hugs us both laughing with joy.

“Hold on,” I said as I took out the legendary wand. I pick up a wooden box and place it in and close it.

“What are you doing with it?” says Glenn.

I begin digging a hole in the side of the house and place the box in it. I cover it up saying, “It’s too dangerous to have it on me the entire time. When the chosen one arrives, the legendary wand will be here.”

“Good thinking,” says Ralf.

We all hug each other smiling.