
A… Island?

Ralf and I rush to Emma.

I shouted, “Take us to Merry!”

Emma tries to take us into the shadows but nothing happens.

“Oh no…” says Emma.

“What is it?” says Ralf frantically.

“I don’t know! I can’t use it!”

I look up at the floating island.

I try to fire a bolt of lightning but nothing happens.

“It’s the island!” I shouted. “It’s stopping us from using magic!”

“Which means,” says Ralf.

“That the Dark Lord has to be there!”

All three of us rush to find the others heroes.

“There!” says Emma pointing in the distance.

I look ahead to see that they managed to find them.

“I can’t teleport!” says Odin.

“Nobody can’t use magic right now!” I said as we ran up to them.“One only option is to fly up there!”

“Somebody needs a lift?” I heard above me.

Ladders of rope fall all around us as I look up to see the flying ship right above us. Captain Jack… I mean Uncle is holding onto a ladder.

“Get on!” he shouts.